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Population Registers in Germany: Data Source for the 2011 Census

Learn about the employment and population registers used in the 2011 Census in Germany, including data acquisition and integration, quality assurance, and challenges.

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Population Registers in Germany: Data Source for the 2011 Census

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  1. Session 3The population registers in Germany – the main data source in the 2011 Census UNECE-Eurostat Expert Group Meeting on Censuses Using Registers Stephanie Hirner, Census DivisionFederal Statistical Office of Germany

  2. Employment registers 35 million data records Population registers 88 million data records • Household generating procedure38.5 million households • Correction of register errors • Overcoverage/undercoverage • Variableintegration Clarificationof implausiblecases Result: data recordstypical of the census Census model in Germany Steering file – Register of addresses and buildings Census of buildings and housing 17.5 million owners ofbuildings/dwellings Data collection for special facilities 2 million persons Linking andchecks for multipleregistration Supplementarysample survey max. 10% of thepopulation Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  3. Population registers in the 2011 CensusFunction • One of the data sources for the build-up of the register of addresses and buildings • Supporting of primary data surveys • Main data source to cover the demographic and geographical census variables Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  4. Population registers in the 2011 CensusData acquisition and integration • Data acquisition • Decentralised via the statistical offices of the Länder • Two supplies around the census reference date • Integration • Linking of the information on addresses • Adding personal data records via the address-ID • Build-up of a temporary centralised population register for Germany Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  5. Population registers in the 2011 CensusQuality assurance • Correction of the data stock • Check for incorrect registration • Correction via questionnaire and an automatic process • Correction via the sample survey • Identification of overcoverage and undercoverage • Extrapolation of the results and statistical correction • Correction only for statistical purposes Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  6. Reference data stock • Combination of data sets on addresses and on population • Steering function in the 2011 Census • Completion of variables • Correction of data sets • Consolidation of the different data sources • Coordination of information Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  7. Conclusion • Benefits of using registers • Area-wide information • Access and availability • Challenges of using registers • Decentralised keeping of data • Differences in data quality between registers • No uniform identifier for persons or dwellings  Federal data stock for coordination and consolidation is necessary! Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  8. Federal Statistical Office, Germany

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