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Crown Him With Many Crowns

Crown Him With Many Crowns . Text: Matthew Bridges & Godfrey Thring; alt. Music: George J. Elvey . Page 188. Crown Him with man-y crowns, the Lamb up-on His throne. Verse 1 of 3. Hark! How the heav’n-ly an-them drowns all mu-sic but its own!. Verse 1 of 3.

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Crown Him With Many Crowns

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  1. Crown Him With Many Crowns Text: Matthew Bridges & Godfrey Thring; alt. Music: George J. Elvey Page 188

  2. Crown Him with man-y crowns,the Lamb up-on His throne. • Verse 1 of 3

  3. Hark! How the heav’n-ly an-them drowns all mu-sic but its own! • Verse 1 of 3

  4. A-wake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, • Verse 1 of 3

  5. And hail Him as thy match-less King through all e-ter-ni-ty. • Verse 1 of 3

  6. Crown Him the Lord of life;who tri-umphed o’er the grave; • Verse 2 of 3

  7. Who rose vic-to-rious to the strife for those He came to save. • Verse 2 of 3

  8. His glo-ries now we sing,who died and rose on high, • Verse 2 of 3

  9. Who died, e-ter-nal life to bring, and lives that death may die. • Verse 2 of 3

  10. Crown Him the Lord of Lords,to Him our voic-es raise. • Verse 3 of 3

  11. Crown Him the Lord of peace and love, who o-ver all doth reign. • Verse 3 of 3

  12. To Thee be end-less praise,for Thou for us hast died; • Verse 3 of 3

  13. Be Thou, O Lord, through end-less days a-dored and mag-ni-fied. • Verse 3 of 3

  14. In Days of Old Text: Mark Graham alt. Music: Mark Graham Page 146

  15. In days of old the proph-ets told Mes-si-ah would ap-pear, • Verse 1 of 4

  16. From Jes-se's root a Branch would grow, God's King-dom it would bear. • Verse 1 of 4

  17. A might-y King would come and free His peo-ple from cap-tiv-i-ty, • Verse 1 of 4

  18. And rule the na-tions with a rod of i-ron and of fear. • Verse 1 of 4

  19. So no one knew un-til the shep-herds heard the an-gels sing, • Verse 2 of 4

  20. A ba-by born that au-tumn day was Is-rael's prom-ised king. • Verse 2 of 4

  21. He grew in-to His min-is-try, He taught with great au-thor-i-ty, • Verse 2 of 4

  22. And gave His life to pay the price of man-kind's wan-der-ing. • Verse 2 of 4

  23. Was this the great Mes-si-ah then, was this the Son of Man? • Verse 3 of 4

  24. In-stead of Ju-dah's li-on God had sent a hum-ble lamb, • Verse 3 of 4

  25. From sin He set all peo-ple free, from death He rose tri-um-phant-ly, • Verse 3 of 4

  26. And then as-cend-ed in-to heav'n to sit at God's right hand. • Verse 3 of 4

  27. Oh, come a-gain, Lord Je-sus, but this time with pow'r and might, • Verse 4 of 4

  28. For dark-ness o-ver-whelms the earth, now come and bring Your light, • Verse 4 of 4

  29. Oh, come to us, Im-man-u-el, oh, come and with Your peo-ple dwell, • Verse 4 of 4

  30. And rule the world with eq-ui-ty, with love and truth and right. • Verse 4 of 4

  31. We Will Glorify Text: Twila Paris; alt. Music: Twila Paris Page 127

  32. We will glo-ri-fy the King of Kings; we will glo-ri-fy the Lamb. • Verse 1 of 4

  33. We will glo-ri-fy the Lord of Lords, who is the great I AM. • Verse 1 of 4

  34. The E-ter-nal reigns in maj-es-ty; we will bow be-fore His throne. • Verse 2 of 4

  35. We will wor-ship Him in rig-hteous-ness, we will wor-ship Him a-lone. • Verse 2 of 4

  36. He is Lord of heav-en, Lord of earth; He is Lord of all who live. • Verse 3 of 4

  37. He is Lord a-bove the u-ni-verse; all praise to Him we give. • Verse 3 of 4

  38. Hal-le-lu-jah to the King of Kings; hal-le-lu-jah to the Lamb. • Verse 4 of 4

  39. Hal-le-lu-jah to the Lord of Lords,who is the great I AM. • Verse 4 of 4

  40. Worthy of Worship Text: Psalm 87; The Psalter, 1912 Music: BRYNTIRION; H, Roth Page 186

  41. Wor-thy of wor-ship, wor-thy of praise, Wor-thy of hon-or and glo-ry; • Verse 1 of 3

  42. Wor-thy of all the glad songs we can sing, Wor-thy of all of the off-’rings we bring. • Verse 1 of 3

  43. You are wor-thy, Fa-ther, Cre-a-tor.You are wor-thy, Sav-ior, Sus-tain-er. • Verse 1 of 3

  44. You are wor-thy, wor-thy and won-der-ful, Wor-thy of wor-ship and praise. • Verse 1 of 3

  45. Wor-thy of rev-’rence, wor-thy of fear,Wor-thy of love and de-vo-tion; • Verse 2 of 3

  46. Wor-thy of bow-ing and bend-ing of knees, Wor-thy of all this and add-ed to these. • Verse 2 of 3

  47. You are wor-thy, Fa-ther, Cre-a-tor.You are wor-thy, Sav-ior, Sus-tain-er. • Verse 2 of 3

  48. You are wor-thy, wor-thy and won-der-ful, Wor-thy of wor-ship and praise. • Verse 2 of 3

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