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Today Tamil Current Affairs 05.02.2019

Today Tamil Current Affairs 05.02.2019

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Today Tamil Current Affairs 05.02.2019

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  2. We Shine Study Circle TNPSC elg;G epfo;Tfs; (CURRENT AFFAIRS) gpg;uthp gpg;uthp - - 0 05 5. .0 02 2.2019 Main Office @ Weshine Study Circle Chromepet, Chennai Phone: 8939144344, 8939244344 Branch Office @ Weshine Study Circle .2019 Plot No: 47/60, “AK” Block, 7th Main Road, Anna Nagar Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 040. 3rd Floor, West Wing, Gokul Arcarde, No.2, Sardar Patel Road, Adyar Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 020. https://weshineacademy.com 2

  3. nghUslf;fk; nghUslf;fk;   jkpof epfo;Tfs; jkpof epfo;Tfs;   ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs; ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs;   tpisahl;L epfo;Tfs; tpisahl;L epfo;Tfs;   mwptpay; mwptpay; & njhopy;El;gk; njhopy;El;gk;   t tppU UJ Jf fs s;;   epakdq;fs; epakdq;fs;   K Kf f;;f fppa a j jppd dq q;;f fs s;; 3

  4. jkpof epfo;Tfs; jkpof epfo;Tfs; rhiy ghJfhg;G thu tpoh ( (2019 week 2019 4 to 10 February 2019) onghJkf;fspilNa rhiy ghJfhg;G Fwpj;j nghJkf;fspilNa rhiy ghJfhg;G Fwpj;j tpopg;Gzh;it tpopg;Gzh;it Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhf jkpof muR rhh;gpy; xt;nthU Mz;Lk; “rhiy ghJfhg;G thuk;” filgpbf;fg;gLfpwJ. o2019k; Mz;L> 30tJ rhiy ghJfhg;G thu tpoh 04.02.2019 Kjy; 10.02.2019 tiu “rhiy ghJfhg;G caph; ghJfhg;G” vd;w fUg;nghUis ikag;gLj;jp filgpbf;fg;gLfpwJ. jkpo;ehl;by; nray;gLk; gy;ytd; gy;ytd; - - ghz;bad; fpuhk tq;fpfs; ,izf;fg;gl;L> ,izf;fg;gl;L> “jkpo;ehL jkpo;ehL fpuhk tq;fp fpuhk tq;fp” vd;w ngahpy; Gjpa tq;fp cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. o,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; fl;Lg;ghl;bd; fPo;> ,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; rhh;G tq;fpahf ,aq;f cs;sJ. ojiyikafk; Nryj;jpy; cs;sJ. ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs; ,e;jpa epfo;Tfs; [k;K fh [k;K fh\ \;kPhpy; va;k;]; kUj;Jtf; fy;Y}hpahdJ tp[a;g;G+h; ;kPhpy; va;k;]; kUj;Jtf; fy;Y}hpahdJ tp[a;g;G+h; vd;Dk; ,lj;jpy; mikaTs;sJ mikaTs;sJ. mjw;fhd mbf;fy; ehl;L tpoh gpujkh; Nkhb jiyikapy; eilngw;wJ. oNkYk; mk;khepyj;jpd; nrdhg; ejpapy; fU ePh;kpd; jpl;lj;jpw;fhfTk; (624 nkfh thl; jpwd;)> uhl;Ny (Ratle) ePh;kpd; jpl;lj;jpw;fhfTk; (850 nkfhthl; jpwd;) mbf;fy; ehl;L tpoh eilngw;wJ. tpisahl;L epfo;Tfs; tpisahl;L epfo;Tfs; 2019 jha;yhe;J Xgd; nl 2019 jha;yhe;J Xgd; nld;dp]; d;dp]; (2019 Thailand Open Tennis) Nghl;bapd;> kfsph; xw;iwah; gphptpy; cf;iud; tPuhq;fid> kfsph; xw;iwah; gphptpy; cf;iud; tPuhq;fid> ladh ah];l;hpk;];fh ladh ah];l;hpk;];fh (Dayana Yastremska) rhk;gpad; gl;lj;ij ntd;Ws;shh;. rhiy ghJfhg;G thu tpoh 2019) )> > gpg;uthp 04 gpg;uthp 04–10 10 (Road Safety ghz;bad; fpuhk tq;fpfs; rhk;gpad; 4

  5. If;fpa muG mkPufj;jpy; eilngw;w 17tJ Mrpa Nfhg;ig fhy;ge;J Nghl;bapy; fj; fhy;ge;J Nghl;bapy; fj;jhh; mzpahdJ jhh; mzpahdJ> Kd;dhs; rhk;gpadhd [g;ghd; mzpia tPo;j;jp Kjd; Kiwahf rhk;gpad; gl;lj;ij rhk;gpad; gl;lj;ij ntd;Ws;sJ. o2019 Mrpa Nfhg;ig fhy;ge;J njhlhpy; kjpg;Gkpf;f tPuuhf “my;Nkh]; myp” (fj;jhh;) Njh;T nra;ag;gl;Ls;shh;. mwptpay; mwptpay; & njhopy;El;gk; njhopy;El;gk; ,e;jpa tpz;ntsp Muha;r;rp mikg;G (ISRO) cUthf;fp cs;s 40tJ jfty; njhlh;G nraw;if Nfhshd 40tJ jfty; njhlh;G nraw;if Nfhshd (GSAT – 31) “[prhl; - 31” INuhg;gpa uhf;nfl;lhd “Vhpad; 5, VA247) %yk; tpz;zpy; nrYj;jg;gl %yk; tpz;zpy; nrYj;jg;gl cs;sJ. o,e;j nraw;ifNfhs; gpg;uthp 6k; Njjp gpnuQ;R fahdhtpypUe;J Vtg;gLfpwJ. tpUJfs; tpUJfs; M];jpNuypah ehl;bd; ,yf;fpaj;jpw;fhd cah;e;j tpUjhd ,yf;fpaj;jpw;fhd cah;e;j tpUjhd tpf;Nlhhpah tpUJ tpf;Nlhhpah tpUJ – 2019 2019 (2019 Victorian Prize for Literature)> ng`;U ng`;U]; G+ ]; G+r rh hdp dp (Behrouz Boochani) vd;w <uhdpa mfjp ngw;Ws;shh;. o,tUf;F “No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison” vd;w gilg;gpw;F ,t;tpUJ toq;fg;gl;lJ. epakdq epakdq;fs; NCC (National Cadet Corps) apd; epHthf ,af;Feuhf General Of NCC) ,uh[pt; Nrhg;uh ,uh[pt; Nrhg;uh vd;gth; epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. oNCC mikg;ghdJ 16 Vg;uy; 1948y; cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. Kf;fpa jpdq;fs; Kf;fpa jpdq;fs; 17tJ Mrpa Nfhg;ig Vhpad; - - 5 5”(Ariane – <uhdpa mfjp ;fs; epHthf ,af;Feuhf (Director 5

  6. cyf <u epyq;fs; cyf <u epyq;fs; jpdk; oAnd];Nfh mikg;ghdJ> <u epyq;fspd; gad;ghL Fwpj;J mwptjw;fhf gpg;uthp 2k; ehis <u epy ehs; vd mwptpj;Js;sJ. o2019 ikaf;fUj;J : “<uepyq;fs; kw;Wk; fhyepiy <uepyq;fs; kw;Wk; fhyepiy khw;wk; khw;wk;”(Wetlands and Climate Change) o<u epyq;fs; Rdhkp miyfis jLf;fTk;> fly; ePh; cl;Gfhky; jLf;fTk;> gy;Yaph; ngUf;fj;jpw;fhfTk; gad;gLfpwJ. jpdk; - - gpg;uthp 2 gpg;uthp 2 (World Wetlands Day) 6

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