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Why you want to know the cost of plywood

Roof inspections prior to the estimate help to locate any areas of the roof that have been damaged so the repair costs can be added to the estimate. Sometimes, though, damage is not discovered until tear-off, knowing the on-site price for extra pieces of plywood could save you hundreds of dollars.

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Why you want to know the cost of plywood

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  1. Why you want to know the cost of plywood As you may know by now, a full inspection of your roof is a must before you accept an ​estimate from any roofing contractor​. This will help to locate any damage to the roof deck that the crew will need to repair. Discovering it before the estimate is written means the repair costs can be included in the negotiations. Even with a full inspection, it is possible to miss some areas that need repair. Only to discover severe water damage or rot when the project has begun, and the old roof has been removed. This is when most homeowners learn the importance of knowing the cost of plywood. WHAT DOES THE COST OF PLYWOOD MATTER? Most roofing experts will arrive on installation day with a bundle of 1/2 inch plywood in addition to what they know is needed for the roof. That way if they find previously unknown repairs during tear-off they won't have to make a trip to Home Depot or Lowes. Sounds perfect right? That is until you find out they will be billing you nearly triple the cost they paid for that plywood!

  2. HOW TO AVOID GETTING BURNT Set the Price At Contract Signing When negotiating over the price of the estimate, you can be sure that they include the cost. You can usually get a sheet of 1/2 inch from Home Depot for $16. Many roofers will charge upward of $50 per sheet of extra plywood needed. Purchase Your Own Maybe you have already signed, and you are reading this after the negotiation phase. That doesn't mean you have to accept whatever they offer on installation day! You can easily go out and buy your own 1/2 inch plywood. That way you know what it costs, and you can always find someone willing to take it off your hands if it ends not being used. Originally Posted At: https://livoniaroofingcontractor.blogspot.com/2018/06/why-you-want-to-know-cost-of-plywood.ht ml

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