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2012-2013 Wrap-up

2012-2013 Wrap-up.

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2012-2013 Wrap-up

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  1. 2012-2013Wrap-up “Art@SMOSis a program of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish School that mobilizes the vibrant resources of school and Shaw neighborhood communities’ to fill a need. This parent-led, volunteer/faculty collaboration increases art exposure for K – 8th grade students at St. Margaret of Scotland School in lieu of dedicated art faculty.” ~ From SNIA Helping Hands Grant application, deadline June 1, 2013

  2. “There is a dragon in each of us. It waits within consciousness like a dragon sleeping beneath the surface of a pool. A whispered prayer, a cry, a breeze can rouse it from the depths. The dragon comes in dreams; it comes in the waking day.” ~ Lawrence Yap, American Dragons

  3. In the end… Library display, May 2013: 4thGrade Shadow Boxes

  4. What is Art@SMOS? Parent-ledVisual Arts program forK – 8th * volunteer/faculty collaboration * * Community-building, community-dependent, community-responsive* Innovative * growing* Creative * Skills-building * REACHING…inward, outward, upward *

  5. …it’s the beginning that counts… Historic Shaw Art Fair, October 2012: 39 entries representing all grades, PreK-8

  6. EVERY SMOS CHILD reached THROUGH peace crane project

  7. Over 40 volunteers maDe this happen… * 17 classroom teachers in 9 homerooms* 6 mount & hang regulars + special teams* Grant specialists, internet trollers, library cataloguers, gallery curators, brochure designer, field trip researchers, faculty/staff mentors/helpers, materials donors, artists, educators, guest speakers, coordinator, photographers, advocates… THE LIST GOES ON … Clockwise from above: Hanging art at Shaw; teaching crane making; telling the story of the Peace Crane; Andy Goldsworthy-inspired sculpture…on a tree branch!

  8. volunteers make Art@SMOS happen… * 17 classroom teachers in 9 homerooms* 6 mount & hang regulars + special teams* Grant specialists, internet trollers, library cataloguers, gallery curators, brochure designer, field trip researchers, faculty/staff mentors/helpers, materials donors, artists, educators, guest speakers, coordinator, photographers, advocates… HOW CAN YOU HELP? Clockwise from above: Hanging art at Shaw; teaching crane making; telling the story of the Peace Crane; Andy Goldsworthy-inspired sculpture…on a tree branch!

  9. Dragons will constantly amaze you……& our students are amazing!!! A look at Art@SMOS classroom work, K-4th “My personal best was paper cranes because I like it so much and I made it with my buddy.” “My favorite was stained glass window with pencils because we went up the stairs to be higher up in church.” “Bugs was my personal best because we got to rip paper & I’m the best person at ripping paper.” “Portfolio was my personal best because I had to scribble and make it explode. There’s a little thing that exploded.” “Colored pencils of stained glass was my favorite because my family is holy and this is very holy.” “My least favorite was Starry Night because I tried to make these perfect circles but I didn’t do it well & tried to mix colors but it didn’t really work.” “Mondrian was my least favorite because it didn’t really make any sense.” Self-portraits, Kindergarten

  10. More kindergarten Mount & Hang teams regularly adorned school walls with every participating student’s work & in the cafeteria Gallery

  11. 1st grade… art of stained glass field trip & marker artWith special guests Fr. O’Toole, artist/historian & kathleenfischer of emilfrei stained glass studios 1st grade stained glass inspired art in marker

  12. 1st grade “I wish we made masks you could wear.” “I never knew masks could be flat on paper!” “My favorite was Andy Goldsworthy. It just put this thing, this energy inside me and it went everywhere inside my body! I don’t how that happened…” “I never drew something like overlapping leaves before. I never thought to draw two things touching; I always drew them right next to each other.”

  13. 2nd grade… complementing the awesome art teaching of faculty Mrs. Hoffman “Anything else about your year in art? Not really. I noticed you were the only one to use Chinese characters in your Miro. Why? Oh, my sister and I were looking on the internet and found them. Did you copy them and bring them in? Yes. (Pause). They all mean something… love, joy, and numbers…that one means “8” for my age, and “2005,” the year I was born…”

  14. 3rd grade (mrs. Finnegan’s class) Self-portraits (paint, tissue paper), Hung above west stairwell to 2nd floor, old building

  15. MORE 3rd “Well, ok, you can take a picture. But I’LL hold it. You have to be very careful with it; it’s fragile.”

  16. 4th grade: always off-the page & outstanding • Practiced curriculum integration…With focus on Missouri artists ahead of 4th grade trip to Jefferson City capitol with murals • Enhanced Open House “Raising the standards” wall with ink church drawings • Replicated the Missouri map, student-by-student, inspired by Annie’s aunt-artist

  17. All-school youth art month celebration:Peace Cranes “I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world.” ~ Sadako Sasaki, Age 12 Special thank you to Tina Bailey & Mary Beth Bussen who led us through this adventure!

  18. 2012-13 Accomplishments • New tools… Portfolios, End-of-Year Portfolio Reviews • More space: a bigger cabinet (that we’ve outgrown…) • Fewer general meetings more frequent, focused subcommittee meetings(e.g. grade level planning meetings, Grants and YAM planning cmtes) • 100% increase in showing at Historic Shaw Art Fair! • New school-wide event: Youth Art Month’s Peace Cranes Project involved all students…to “wows” & “whoas” • Fundraising for Art Coordinator underway! Will submit 1st grant by June 1st + contest submission by May 31st (Jen Kav & 5th grade), with supportive match from school by 2014-15 • Other???? YOU are the change we wish to see…it is happening… THANK YOU so very much!!!!

  19. Join art@SMOS today! Art@SMOS needs volunteers now who can: ___Share their appreciation & enthusiasm for visual art with students & community! ___Help display & photograph student artwork (very flexible!) ___Team-teach/assist with art lessons – art or teaching backgrd. helpful ___Assist withspecial school art events ___Grant writing/Fundraising for visual arts For more info: art@smos-school.org

  20. Your turn, mama & papa dragons……….. • What did we do well? • How can we improve? • Do it again next year???

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