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Meta-Analysis of population studies on the prevalence of chronic pain in UK – Pubrica

Chronic pain, which includes illnesses like low back pain and osteoarthritis, was recently highlighted as one of the most common causes of disability worldwide by the Global Burden of disease studies in a meta-analysis study.<br>Reference : https://bit.ly/3Ki4o96<br>Our services : https://pubrica.com/services/research-services/meta-analysis/<br>

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Meta-Analysis of population studies on the prevalence of chronic pain in UK – Pubrica

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  1. AMeta-AnalysisofPopulation Studies on the Prevalence of ChronicPaininUK AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.Nancy Agnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. TODAY'SDISCUSSION Outline Factorsassociatedwithchronicpain Limitations Conclusions

  3. Chronic pain, which includes illnesses like low back pain and osteoarthritis, was recently highlighted as oneofthemostcommoncausesofdisability worldwide by the Global Burden of Disease studies in ameta-analysis study. Nationalgovernmentshavebeguntoacknowledge chronic pain as a key concern and challenge for their publichealthandhealthcaresystems,resultingin national plans and the convening of Pain Summits in countriessuchastheUK, USandEurope. Contd...

  4. As with other long-term conditions like cancer and cardiovascular disease, such initiatives emphasize the importance of accurate population-based estimatesofchronicpain inhelping todriveandinformpoliciesof prevention and care, needs assessments, and surveillance of the impact of interventions. Despitemultiplehigh-profilenationalpublicationsemphasizingthe importanceofchronicpain intheUK,there islittleagreementonthe country'spain burden. According to one estimate, up to 8 million people in the UK suffer from chronic pain, which corresponds to a telephone poll of European citizens in which13%oftheUKpopulationreportedpainofmoderate-to-severe intensitythat lasted for more than 6 months.

  5. Estimatesbasedondefinitionsmorecloselyalignedwith thoseoftheInternationalAssociationfortheStudyof Pain: "pain that persists beyond normal tissue healing time, which is believed to be 3 months" was significantly higher thanthose cited in the Europeantelephone survey. The goal of this clinical meta-analysis study was to compile availabledataontheprevalenceofvariouschronicpain classifications in the general population to generate much- needed,reliable, and current national estimates.

  6. FACTORSASSOCIATEDWITH CHRONICPAIN Numerous physical, psychological, and social variables contributeto chronic pain. Riskfactorshavetraditionallybeencategorizedas "modifiable"or"non-modifiable,"however,thisbio- medico-centricapproachtoepidemiologydoesnot alwaysaccountfortheintricateinterplaybetween modifiableandnon-modifiablepartsofeachriskfactor. The individual's explanation of these events and their impact on their life and health, on the other hand, is constantlychanging,andthiswillaffecttheirfuture healthand life.

  7. In addition, interventions that strengthen the biopsychosocial determinants of health can help to prevent or reduce future population exposure to risk factors linked to chronic pain. Age,gender,ethnicityandculturalbackground,socioeconomic status, and lifestyle and behaviour areall considered factors. Identifying and managing modifiable risk factors and elements of risk factors may help avoid chronic pain or reduce its duration and severity. Meta analysis research factors that cannot be treated with medicine arerelevant to discuss ina clinical setting. Contd...

  8. Manyofthesearepertinent tochronicpain predictions,evaluations,treatment,andprognoses, whileotherswillbecrucial insearchingfornew therapeutictargets. Chronic pain multidisciplinary, management epidemiologically requires a informed, and patient-centeredapproach. The prevalence of chronic pain in the UK is estimated to be 43% based on the highest quality research of generalpopulation samples.

  9. Meta-analysisinresearchofchronicpainprevalenceincreasessteadilywithage,affectingupto62% ofthepopulationovertheageof75,implyingthattheburdenofchronicpainmayriseevenmoreas thepopulationagesiftheincidenceremainsunchanged. According toweighted averages, widespread chronic painaffects 14.2% ofthepopulation. Between 10.4% and 14.3% of the population suffers from either moderately or severely restricting chronicpain,resultingin anestimated7.9million personsintheUK withthiscondition.

  10. LIMITATIONS Giventhemeta-analysisheterogeneityinthis field, which stems from differences in how chronic painischaracterizedineachstudyandthe populations analyzed, chronic pain epidemiology waschosen. Thelattermayimpactthestudy'sgeneralizability tootherpeople,regions,or countries. Differencesinstudydesignalsolimitindividual researchfindings.

  11. Becauseofthesedistinctions,rigorousdatasynthesis,includingmeta-analysis,is complicatedin this subject. Cross-sectionalstudies,inparticular,makeitchallengingtodemonstratecausation and,asa result, to separate risk factors from chronic painoutcomes.

  12. CONCLUSION Pubrica offers the best Clinical Meta-analysis servicesforclinicalindustriesforyounger researchers. We examine the best available statistics to show that chronic pain affects one-third to halfofthepopulation intheUK. Contd...

  13. Although prevalence data alone does not establish the need for care or prevention goals, reliable data on prevalence will aidpublichealth,andhealthcareofficialsprioritizethis fundamental cause of distress and disability in the general population. Chronicpain'senormousglobalillnessburdenmustbe addressed by addressing the causes and effects of chronic painat both the individual and population levels. Modifiableriskfactors(e.g.acutepain,lifestyle,and behaviour)mustbeaddressed toavoidandlessenthe burden of chronic pain, with the patient at the center of the care.

  14. ContactUs UNITEDKINGDOM +441618186353 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL sales@pubrica.com

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