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Online Safety Tips

Online Safety Tips. By Carter Nelson. Stranger Danger. *Never tell a stranger personal information like were You live or your phone number *Don’t talk to just any body because you don’t know who they really are. Cyber Bullying. *Cyber bullying is mean

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Online Safety Tips

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Online Safety Tips By Carter Nelson

  2. Stranger Danger *Never tell a stranger personal informationlike were You live or your phone number *Don’t talk to just any body because you don’t know who they really are.

  3. Cyber Bullying *Cyber bullying is mean *If you are being cyber bullied, ignore it. *If it keeps happening tell a trusted adult. *If it gets serious like threats then tell a police department. *NEVER CYBER BULLY!!!!!

  4. Username And Passwords *Don’t make your password something easy like 12345. *Don’t make you username something that tells your name, where you live, or your age. *Don’t tell anyone your passwords.

  5. Digital Footprints *Don’t do or say things inappropriate *Don’t do stuff that could affect your future *Don’t cyber bully because they could end up being your boss later on

  6. Social Networking *Don’t post stuff that will get you In trouble or make you have a bad reputation *Be careful about who you talk to *don’t tell any one your personal information *Don’t try to start fights/flame wars on purpose

  7. Digital Citizenship *Treat people like you Want to be treated *don’t do things that are against the rules *Respect other peoples work *Be nice to people

  8. Bibliography • www.pwpl.org, 10/15/13 • info.uknowkids.com ,10/15/13 • www.vistax64.com,10/17/13 • tarabradford.net,10/17/13 • www.agendatotal.org10/23/13 • edsome.com10/24/13 • www.maximumpc.com,10/25/13

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