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Cells & Cell Organelles

Cells & Cell Organelles. The Building Blocks of Life. Big Questions. What is the relationship between matter and energy Why does life require matter? Why does life require energy? How do the interactions of cellular components allow the cell to process matter and energy?.

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Cells & Cell Organelles

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  1. Cells & Cell Organelles The Building Blocksof Life

  2. Big Questions • What is the relationship between matter and energy • Why does life require matter? • Why does life require energy? • How do the interactions of cellular components allow the cell to process matter and energy?

  3. Life of the Cell must do to stay alive • Process matter: molecules need to be acquired, synthesized and digest • Process energy: in order to process matter, energy must be provided • Process information: instructions that enable the cell to process matter and energy must be interpreted by cellular system. Signals from the environment must also be interpreted

  4. Many cell will also • Reproduce: the information that runs the cell must be passed onto new generation of cells • Communicate: cells respond to/direct other cells • CELLS HAVE SYSTEMS TO DO ALL OF THESE THINGS

  5. Organelles • Organelles do the work of cells • each structure has a job to do • keeps the cell alive; keeps you alive Model Animal Cell

  6. Energy Processing, cells need power! • Energy - ability to do work. Stored in chemical bonds. • Means: ability to move matter around • Examples that required matter movement • take in nutrients (food and O2) • make ATP • Breaking molecules down • remove waste • Reproduction • Regulation • All life processes ATP

  7. Energy is processed NOT Made.. • Where do cells get energy? • Food and sun (few exceptions) • organelles that do this work… • lysosomes • Vacuoles • Mitochondria • Chloroplast (plants) ATP

  8. endoplasmic reticulum processes proteins makes membranes nucleus control cell protects DNA ribosomes make proteins cytoplasm central vacuole storage: food, water or waste Golgi apparatus finish & ship proteins cell wall support mitochondria make ATP in cellular respiration chloroplast make ATP & sugars in photosynthesis cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals lysosome digestion & clean up

  9. Cells convert incoming energy to forms used using 2 major organelles Mitochondria Energy process: Respiration From food (glucose) to ATP • Chloroplast and Mitochondria & O2 Heat Chloroplast Energy process: photosynthesis From sunlight to carbohydrates & ATP ATP= contains easily broken bonds (quick energy usage) Adenosine Triphosphate

  10. 1 µm Nucleus Lysosome Hydrolytic enzymes digest food particles Food vacuole fuses with lysosome Lysosome contains active hydrolytic enzymes Digestive enzymes Lysosome Plasma membrane Digestion Food vacuole (a) Phagocytosis: lysosome digesting food LYSOSOMES STRUCTURE • Sac of hydrolytic digestive enzymes • low pH 5 (cytosol pH 7) FUNCTION (JOB) • Break down food & bacteria • Digestion of damaged cell parts • Apoptosis (Programmed cell death • (Think= “Lysol” cleaner

  11. Some types of cell can engulf another cell by phagocytosis (cells ingest materials); this forms a food vacuole • A lysosome fuses with the food vacuole and digests the molecules • Lysosomes also use enzymes to recycle the cell’s own organelles and macromolecules,a process called autophagy

  12. Can you guess which of these two white blood cells has bone apoptopic? Hint: an apoptopic cell breaks apart into vesicles called “blebs”. The blebs are absorbed by neighboring cells

  13. Apoptosis is responsible for the space between your fingers, nostrils, eyelids, mouth and generally every hole in your body (that’s supposed to be there)

  14. A Job for Lysosomes 6 weeks 15 weeks

  15. Lysosomes lysosomes digesting brokenorganelles small foodparticle vacuole digesting food

  16. Lysosomal Diseases • Often fatal • Digestive enzyme don’t work • Lysosomal “Storage” disease • Lysosome picks up molecules but can’t digest them • Lysosomes fill up, grow larger & larger until disrupts cell & organ function • More than 40 known diseases

  17. Tay-Sachs Disease • A recessive genetic disease • Undigested fat builds up in brain cells • Mental retardation and death at an early at (by 4)

  18. Peroxisomes: Oxidation • Structure: specialized metabolic compartments bounded by a single membrane • Functions: • produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 dangerous molecule) • Detoxifies cell, alcohol & other poisons • Breakdown fatty acids to sugars

  19. food vacuoles central vacuole contractilevacuole VACUOLES- Food & water storage plant cells PROTIST animal cells

  20. Food Vacuoles (animals) • Structure • membrane sac • Small • Formed by phagocytosis • Function • Food vacuoles: contain undigested food. • Fuse with lysosomes. small foodparticle vacuole digesting food inside cell

  21. CONTRACTILE VACUOLE STRUCTURE • Usually spherical found in FRESHWATER protist Ex: paramecia FUNCTION (JOB) • Pump excess water out of the cell • Regulate water (homeostasis) • Keeps the cell from lysing (bursting)

  22. Central VACUOLESPlant cells STRUCTURE • Fluid filled sacks for storage • large Central Vacuole • Surrounded by a membrane called a TONOPLAST • No vacuoles in bacterial cells

  23. Central VACUOLES (CON’T) FUNCTION (JOB) • In plants, vacuoles store Cell Sap • Includes storage of sugars, proteins, minerals, lipids, wastes, salts, water, and enzymes

  24. Mitochondria (produce independently of the cell) • Structure • Bean shape • double membrane • Cristae-folded inner membrane Membrane- contain copies of enzymes needed to produce ATP, with maximized surface area • Matrix- fluid filled inner cavity • Contains DNA, free ribosomes& enzymes ATP in both animal & plant cells

  25. MITOCHONDRION (CON’T) Function • Aerobic Cellular Respiration • Digestion (catabolism) of macromolecules to produce ATP, CO2, and H2O • Sugar +O2  ATP • Fuels the work of life • “Powerhouse” of cell • More active cells like muscle cells have MORE mitochondria

  26. Membrane bound enzymes

  27. CHLOROPLASTS (plants) STRUCTURE • DOUBLE membrane • Thylakoid membrane-contains many copies of enzymes and chlorophyll needed to produce chemical energy from solar radiation • Stroma- internal fluid. Contains DNA, ribosomes& enzymes. Sugar is made • Thylakoids- sacs (“coins”) inside inner membrane. ATP is made. • Granum -Thylakoids stack (pl. =grana) FUNCTION: • Photosynthesis • Building (anabolism) of sugar from ATP, CO2,& light. • Produces O2 as waste

  28. Membrane bound enzymes

  29. Chlorophyll • Is a light absorbing pigment molecule that drives photosynthesis and give plants their green color • Chlorophyll needed to produce chemical energy from solar radiation located in thylakoid membrane.

  30. Plants make energy two ways! Mitochondria Chloroplast autotrophs only make energy + sugar from sunlight Photosynthesis sunlight + H2O+ CO2 ATP + glucose + O2 ATP = active energy glucose = stored energy build leaves & roots & fruit out of the sugars Chlorophyll-green pigment that traps light • autotrophs & heterotrophs • make energy from sugar + O2 • Cellular respiration • sugar + O2 ATP + CO2 + H2O

  31. Mitochondria and Chloroplast contain their own circular DNA and their own ribosomes

  32. Mitochondria and Chloroplast, both: Transform energy generate ATP have double membranes Are semi-autonomous organelles Move, change shape, divide on their own Have small internal ribosomes, circular DNA and make their own protein enzymes How can we explain these facts?

  33. The chloroplast is a plastids(class of plant structures) • All plastids are the products of endosymbiosis (DNA sequence analysis puts plastid ancestors near modern cyanobacteria • Plastid is a pigment producing organelle in cells (chloroplast- store chlorophyll, amyloplast- stores starch in roots and chromoplasts- stores pigments for fruits and flowers)

  34. Similar patterns of plastid evolution and diversification are seen in algae tooProtists birth of eukaryotes?Primary vs secondary endosymbiosis

  35. The endosymbiont theory suggests that an early ancestor of eukaryotes engulfed an oxygen-using non photosynthetic prokaryotic cell • The engulfed cell formed a relationship with the host cell, becoming an endosymbiont • The endosymbionts evolved into mitochondria • At least one of these cells may have then taken up a photosynthetic prokaryote, which evolved into a chloroplast

  36. Endosymbiosis Theory • Mitochondria and chloroplasts were once free living bacteria • Engulfed by ancestral eukaryote • Endosymbiont • Cell that lives within another cell (host) • Partnership • Evolutionary advantage for both • Supplies energy, raw material protection

  37. Endosymbiosis Theory • Endo means within, Symbiosis- relationship • How does endosymbiosis play a role in evolution of prokaryotes to eukaryotes and how is mitochondria impt to evolution?

  38. Endosymbiosis Theory • Endo means within, Symbiosis- relationship • How does endosymbiosis play a role in evolution of prokaryotes to eukaryotes and how is mitochondria impt to evolution? Scientist believe that long ago two separate bacteria (prokaryotes evolved to become eukaryotes. There were free living bacteria that are similar to today’s mitochonderion. Another prokaryote bacteria digested or engulfed the mitochondrion like bacteria and instead of destroying it, it stayed within the bacteria and helped it get energy. After a long time, the two evolved into one leading to the eukaryotic cell.

  39. Endosymbiosis Theory • Endo means within, Symbiosis- relationship • What is the evidenCE scientist have to support endosymbiosis and the evolution of prokaryotes to eukaryotes?

  40. Endosymbiosis Theory • Endo means within, Symbiosis- relationship • What is the evident scientist have to support endosymbiosis and the evoluton of prokaryotes to eukaryotes? • Mitochondrion has it own membrane, just like prokaryotes has a cell membrane. Mitochondrion has its own DNA, like prokaryotes but smaller. When a cell replicated, the mitochondrion passes on the it DNA separately from the cell’s DNA that is in the nucleus. Mitochondrion reproduce by pinching in half, which is the same way prokaryotes reproduce. Each new mitochondrion must come form another mitochondrion. If a cell were to have all its mitochondria removed, the cell could not make any more

  41. mitochondria chloroplast Mitochondria are in both cells!! animal cells plant cells

  42. Cell Summary • Cells have 3 main jobs • make energy • need food + O2 • cellular respiration & photosynthesis • need to remove wastes • make proteins • need instructions from DNA • need to chain together amino acids & “finish” & “ship” the protein • make more cells • need to copy DNA & divide it up Our organellesdo all thosejobs!

  43. cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal &recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals Peroxisome hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies

  44. cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal &recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell chromosomes DNA centrioles cell division ribosomes builds proteins mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 Golgi apparatus finishes, packages & ships proteins cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals ER helps finish proteins makes membranes Peroxisome hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies

  45. endoplasmic reticulum processes proteins makes membranes nucleus control cell protects DNA ribosomes make proteins cytoplasm central vacuole storage: food, water or waste Golgi apparatus finish & ship proteins cell wall support mitochondria make ATP in cellular respiration chloroplast make ATP & sugars in photosynthesis cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals lysosome digestion & clean up

  46. cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal &recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell chromosomes DNA mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals

  47. cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal &recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell ribosomes builds proteins mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals

  48. cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals

  49. cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place lysosome food digestion garbage disposal &recycling vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage nucleus protects DNA controls cell ribosomes builds proteins mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movementof materials in & out recognizes signals ER helps finish proteins makes membranes

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