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Goal Types

Goal Types. P-goals: Preservation A-goals: Achievement. Personality Traits. (+) P-health (self). (+) P-health (family). (+) P-possessions (self). (+) A-social-status (self). Priority. (+) A-knowledge (self). (+) A-possessions (self). (+) P-health (others). (+) P-possessions (others).

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Goal Types

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goal Types • P-goals: Preservation • A-goals: Achievement

  2. Personality Traits (+) P-health (self) (+) P-health (family) (+) P-possessions (self) (+) A-social-status (self) Priority (+) A-knowledge (self) (+) A-possessions (self) (+) P-health (others) (+) P-possessions (others) (-) P-anything (enemies) (+)E-anything (self)

  3. Personality Traits (+) P-health (others) (+) P-health (self) (+) P-health (family) (+) P-possessions (self) Priority (+) A-social-status (self) (+) A-knowledge (self) (+) A-possessions (self) (+) P-possessions (others) (-) P-anything (enemies) (+) E-anything (self)

  4. Personality Traits (+) E-sex (self) (+) A-luxury-possessions (self) (+) P-health (self) (+) P-other-possessions (self) (+) A-social-status (self) (+) P-money (self) Priority (+) P-health (family) (+) A-other-possessions (self) (+) A-knowledge (self) (+) P-health (others) (+) P-possessions (others) (+) P-anything (enemies)

  5. Personality Traits (+) A-possessions (self) (+) A-power (self) (+) A-social-status (self) (+) A-success (self) (+) P-possessions (self) Priority (+) P-health (self) (+) P-health (family) (-) P-anything (enemies) (+) P-health (others) (+) P-possessions (others) (+) E-anything (self)

  6. Personality Traits (+) P-health (self) (+) P-health (family) (+) P-social-status (self, family) (-) P-social-status (enemies) (+) P-possessions (self) (-) P-anything (enemies) Priority (+) A-knowledge (self) (+) A-possessions (self) (+) P-possessions (others) (+) P-health (others) (+) E-anything (self)

  7. Common personality traits

  8. Compassionate Ambitious (+) P-health (family) Family member sick Boss calls for lunch excited, happy worried (+) A-success (self) upset (+) P-health (family) Go for lunch Boss close enough Meet Boss Have Lunch Get into talking dist. Greet handshake Offer Handshake Flatter Boss perception activates next in sequence terminates decomposed into theme emotion goal

  9. (+) P-health (family) Family member sick

  10. (+) A-possessions (self) Opportunity to achieve possessions

  11. (+) P-social-status (self) Someone insulting

  12. Likes / Dislikes

  13. Operational Definition of likes/Dislikes Presence of DisLikeable thing Presence of Likeable thing Sad Disgust Happy Generate Emotion Reaction Carry out a likeable activity Default Responses to Emotional States Happy Spend time with a likeable thing. Can be defined as a continuum rather than a binary. Sad

  14. Want or Need Actively Pursue your wants or needs Needs have more stronger emotions associated and also the goals have more importance than in case of a wish. ??

  15. Fears Presence of Fearful thing Fear Goal to Intimidate Do something that the character fears ??? Goal to Hurt What else ????

  16. Interpersonal Relations

  17. Roles & Professions

  18. Interpersonal Relations (+) P-health (+) P-possessions (+) P-status (+) A-possessions Priority

  19. Interpersonal Relations Seems to change with age. A father will have different goals towards his 2 year old than 10 years old (+) P-health (+) A-possessions Priority (+) P-possessions

  20. Interpersonal Relations Know some secret fact about enemy (-) P-status Excited (-) P-anything-else (-) P-status (enemy) Priority Enemy disgraced Glad/overjoyed Reveal fact

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