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Raksha Clinic- Skin pigmentation-causes and treatment corrected.docx

Have you noticed any unusual lighter or darker markings on your facial skin? These signs may be an indication of a skin pigmentation disorder. Consult the skin experts at Rakshaa Skin Clinic, Top Skin Clinic in Pitampura to get a glowing smooth skin.

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  1. Guide To Skin pigmentation Causes and Treatment Have you noticed any unusual lighter or darker markings on your facial skin? These signs may be an indication of a skin pigmentation disorder. Consult the skin experts at Rakshaa Skin Clinic, Top Skin Clinic in Pitampura to get a glowing smooth skin. The skin contains melanin pigment which imparts color to the skin. It is produced by special skin cells called melanocytes. In some people, the skin-colored pigment-producing cells can become unhealthy or damaged, thereby affecting melanin production. Skin pigmentation refers to the discoloring of the skin i.e. either getting darker due to excess melanin or hyperpigmentation disorder or getting lighter due to low levels of melanin or hypopigmentation disorder. The discolored skin patches are noticeable as they vary from the normal skin tone of the person which makes people feel embarrassed of their looks. Treatment seems to be necessary for cosmetic purposes and sometimes medical reasons for which the cause underlying the skin pigmentation must be known. If skin pigmentation is your concern, keep reading to know about its possible causes and the dermatologist recommended treatments performed at Rakshaa Skin Clinic by the best Skin Doctor in Delhi Causes of skin discoloration: Many factors can contribute to skin discoloration including: ● Sun exposure or burns- When the skin gets burnt with chemicals or intense heat, it gets damaged and as it heals, it can result in scar tissues that differ from normal skin color. Frequent sun exposure or exposure to UV rays for a long duration can trigger melanin production as a protective mechanism of the skin. Even a reaction can occur to certain medications that make the skin more sensitive to the sun. ● Hormonal imbalance- The increased levels of female sex hormones like progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy can result in brown spots on both sides of the face (a pigmentation disorder called melasma). ● Medical conditions like Addison’s disease (adrenal insufficiency)- This is often linked with hyperpigmentation because of Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) melanosis. ● Skin pigmentation disorders- This includes post-inflammatory hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation caused due to skin trauma such as burns or blisters; vitiligo (a condition characterized by lighter skin in patches due to impaired or stopped functioning of the melanocytes); and albinism (a genetic disorder that results in little to no pigment in the skin, hair, or eyes). ● Certain skin infections and rashes- Various diseases can result in localized variations in skin color or tone. This includes fungal skin infections, rosacea, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. What are the clinical treatments available for skin pigmentation? Skin pigmentation is preventable by using topical agents like creams containing prescription reti-nol and hydroqui-none along with sun protection. Wearing a good amount of

  2. waterproof sunscreen of SPF greater than 30 can help create a strong shield on the skin surface to block the harmful sun rays. Not only that, but sun-protective clothing can also help prevent skin discoloration. Hence, with limited sun exposure, there will be fewer chances of having solar lentigines or dark spots. However, an already pigmented skin can only be treated by dermatological procedures performed by dermatologist in Pitampura Delhi at Rakshaa Skin Clinic. Some of the popular ones are: ● Chemical peels for skin brightening- In this treatment, chemical solutions are applied to the discolored skin to peel off the affected outer skin layers and reveal new, healthier skin with more collagen in its place. This is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to reduce pigmentation. Some of the acids that are right peels for treating pigmentation include glycolic acid, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, phytic acid, and kojic acid. ● Laser therapy-An intense light of a specific wavelength delivered from either ablative or non-ablative laser is used to thermally destroy the melanocytes. Melanin pigments can absorb the laser light and help achieve the skin which is smoother, clear, and more evenly tones. Q-switched lasers are non-ablative lasers that are commonly used to lighten darker skin patches. They work by heating the deeper skin layers to stimulate new collagen production without damaging the surrounding normal skin. ● Microdermabrasion- This treatment makes use of a special applicator with an abrasive surface, it is a type of a handheld tool with multiple tiny needles or wire brushes that gently sand off the skin epidermis which is being affected by hyperpigmentation. Fine particles of sodium bicarbonate or aluminum oxide may be sprayed onto the skin along with suction to give the same outcome as that of an abrasive surface. Ideal results can only be achieved after performing multiple sessions. One can visit Rakshaa Skin Clinic, to get the benefits of best pigmentation treatment in Pitampura, Delhi provided by the best pigmentation treatment doctors and achieve a smooth glowing radiant skin

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