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TUSK TUSK. David McKee Arrow Books. Once, all the elephants in the world were black or white. They loved all creatures,. Once, all the elephants in the world were black or white. They loved all creatures,. but they hated each other,. and each kept to his own side of the jungle.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TUSK TUSK David McKee Arrow Books

  2. Once, all the elephants in the world were black or white. They loved all creatures, Once, all the elephants in the world were black or white. They loved all creatures,

  3. but they hated each other,

  4. and each kept to his own side of the jungle.

  5. One day the black elephants decided to kill all the white elephants and the white ones decided to kill the black.

  6. The peace-loving elephants from each side went to live deep in the darkest jungle. They were never seen again.

  7. A battle began.

  8. It went on…

  9. and on, and on…

  10. until all the elephants were dead.

  11. For years no elephants were seen in the world.

  12. Then, one day, the grandchildren of the peace-loving elephants came out of the jungle. They were grey.

  13. Since then the elephants have lived in peace.

  14. But recently the little ears and the big ears have been giving each other strange looks.

  15. Our ending Gianni Rodari school Roletto Italy Class 3

  16. Gli elefanti con le orecchie grandi e gli elefanti con le orecchie piccole vissero in pace e si sposarono tra di loro. Nacquero elefanti con le orecchie medie che ancora oggi vivono in Africa.

  17. The big ear elephants and the small ear elephants lived in peace and got married. Elephants with middle-sized ears were born and they still live in Africa.

  18. Our endings Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 81 Warsaw Poland

  19. They lived happily till the day when one black and one white elephant were born.(Żyli szczęśliwie do czasu, kiedy urodził się jeden czarny i jeden biały słoń.)

  20. They lived happily till the day when they started the war with the birds.(Żyli szczęśliwie do dnia, kiedy zaczęli wojnę z ptakami.)

  21. Our ending EMLAK KREDI BANKASI Primary School Istanbul TURKEY

  22. Komşu ülkeden gelen ziyaretçi bir çift beyaz siyah fil gri filleri kavga ederken görmüş. Onlara yaptıklarının çok saçma olduğunu eski hikayeleri hatırlamaları gerektiğini söylemiş.Gri filler yaptıklarından utanmış ve dünyanın çok daha ciddi sorunları olduğunu fark etmişler.

  23. A white black couple from a neighbour country comes to the land. They see that the elephants are fighting. They tell them what they are doing is nonsense,remember the old stories. Grey elephants are ashamed and realized that the earth has bigger problems now.

  24. Our ending Keila Ühisgümnaasium - Keila Harjumaa ESTONIA

  25. They lived in peace and friendship. • They didn't want battle. So they didn't start any war. They wanted to live in peace. And, suddenly, the elephants with small ears got big ears. And all elephants became the same. And since then all elephants lived in peace and friendship. • Nad ei tahtnud enam sõidida. Ja nad ei tahtnud algata uut sõda ka. Nad tahaksid elada rahus. Ja varsti need elevandid, kes olid väikese kõrvaga on nüüd suure kõrvaga. Ja kõik elevandid on ühtemoodi. Ja sellest ajast saadik kõik elevandid elasid rahus ja sõpruses. • Они не хотели больше битвы. Также они не хотели начинать новую войну. Они хотели жить в мире. И однажды у слонов маленькие уши стали большими. И все слоны стали одинаковыми. И с тех пор все слоны жили в мире и согласии.

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