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What You Regret About Your Past Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

We all have had some or other regrets in our past relationship, here is what every zodiac sign feels like their regret is.

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What You Regret About Your Past Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. What You Regret About Your Past Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

  2. About Past Relationship: • Ex-Relationships have tons of reasons behind them not working out. • All of us have left our past relationships with some of the other kinds of regret and somewhere down the line. • It is inherently driven by your personality, which is a direct byproduct of your zodiac signs. • People of similar zodiac signs tend to have similar kinds of regret in their relationship.

  3. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships • Aries • You cared a lot about others opinion which not only hurt you a lot but also changed you in some or another way. • You also feel that their opinion and perspective should not decide your worth especially in your mind. • Ever since you parted ways, you have been more aware of yourself and you’re worth. • You never allow yourself to be too influenced by what others think of you. 2. Taurus • Your biggest regret is that you had put in a lot more effort into making the relationship work. • You feel that it was a waste of time, energy and emotions who doesn't value and reciprocate an ounce of it. • After the breakup, you feel extremely light and happy about your decision to move on. • You’re trying to spend as much time as possible on yourself.

  4. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 3. Gemini • The biggest regret is you were always belittling yourself in front of your partner to not make them feel bad about themselves. • You started thinking low of yourself and failed to acknowledge that you’re a catch and should be treated in the same way. • Ever since then, you have always made sure to show the confident and self-loving side of yourself to other. • You would never sell yourself short, after all, you’re amazing and you deserve the world. 4. Cancer • You regret being too quiet in your last relationship and not speaking your mind. • You let your partner walk all over you and failed to take a stand for yourself and you are worth it. • They made you feel like dirt and you started believing the same. • Ever since you have been on your own, you try to speak your mind and say things as it is.

  5. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 5. Leo • Your biggest regret from your last relationship was not trusting your gut enough. • You internally always had an idea that something is wrong, yet you let things slide away and ignored your feelings. • You make it a mental point to always keep your gut feeling at the center and not let feelings affect a rational decision. • You have always been a logical person and you’re now owning that side of yours more than ever.

  6. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 6. Virgo • You regret not making yourself a priority in your last relationship. • You were always keeping them first, their thoughts, their feelings, their mindset. • You stopped caring about yourself entirely. • This led you to feel like the most ignored person in the world and ultimately it led you to be the most affected one also. • Now you’re trying to always keep yourself and your feelings first, without being too naggy about the samea

  7. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 7. Libra • The biggest regret was how emotionally and mentally drained you were left to be by the end of it. • You sacrificed a lot on your end, from feelings to happiness to even friends, just to make the other person happy. • After the breakup, you feel the need to give utmost importance to your mental health and try to give it as much love and care as possible. 8. Scorpio • You regret the amount of control you let your partner have over your life and its decisions. • Your decisions were not just your own but also made keeping the other person’s likes and dislikes in mind, and you hate that. • You have always been an opinionated person who doesn’t let just anyone manipulate them around. • You regret failing to realize that even your opinions matter and now.

  8. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 9.Sagittarius • Your biggest regret was not being completely honest about how much their actions hurt you. • You did not cause any kind of inconvenience to the other person and make them feel like you were being petty. • You should have told them how much their actions hurt you and how you don’t feel comfortable. • You face people about their actions and let them know how it hurts you.

  9. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 10. Capricorn • What you regret the most in your last relationship was the failure to not say enough. • You regret not saying the important stuff. • Let them know that you love them, that you care for them, that their actions hurt you and so much more. • You often find yourself thinking what would have happened if you had said what you felt when you had the chance, often living in the ifs and whats of life. • Now, you are trying to be more open and vocal about your feelings and try to speak your mind at the right time.

  10. Zodiac Signs Regrets From Their Past Relationships 11. Aquarius • You often find yourself regretting the fact that you settled into a relationship even when you knew you deserved so much more. • You let the other person boss you around and invalidate your emotions, all in the name of love. • Now you’re more mindful of channelling your energy in the right direction. • Don't just give yourself off to the next one in the line but rather being more considerate of what you want. 12. Pisces • You are constantly pretending that you are fine and that your partner’s decisions and actions don’t affect you as much. • You were always trying to be nice, be more understanding about the other person’s situation even when they didn’t feel it. • You’re more considerate about what you want now. • You are fine to let go of the negative vibes if they don’t like the new version of you.

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