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Plants. Jessica Wolfe ITC 525 Summer Session I. Table of Contents. Needs of a Plant Parts of a Plant Roots Stem Leaves Flowers Fruit Seeds Food Making Process Life Cycle Uses of a Plant. Needs of a plant. Plants come from seeds.

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  1. Plants Jessica Wolfe ITC 525 Summer Session I

  2. Table of Contents • Needs of a Plant • Parts of a Plant • Roots • Stem • Leaves • Flowers • Fruit • Seeds • Food Making Process • Life Cycle • Uses of a Plant

  3. Needs of a plant • Plants come from seeds. • Plants are living things just like us. Each seed has a tiny plant that starts to grow when it has all its needs met. • Plants need sunlight, water, air, and nutrients in the soil. Click here to see a seedling sprout!!

  4. Test Your Plant Knowledge Plants need sunlight, water, air, and _____________ to grow? • A. A shady spot • B. Nutrients in the soil • C. Leaves • D. Flower pots

  5. Oops! You were so close! Try again!!!!

  6. You’re a Plant Expert!! • Plants need nutrients from the soil just like humans need food in order to grow. • Keep going to find out the parts of a plant.

  7. Parts of a Plant:Roots • Facts about Roots • Roots look like little hairs that stick up from the ground. • The roots act like a straw that suck up the water and nutrients from the soil. • Roots help keep the plant in place so that it does not move and stands up straight. • Roots can also hold extra food for plants to use when they need it. • Roots grow under the ground. Fun Fact: Carrots are roots.

  8. Parts of a Plant:Stem • Facts about a Stem • The stem is attached to the roots and helps hold the plant straight up. • Water moves from the root to the stem. • The stem helps carry food, water, and nutrients from the root to the leaves. Click here to see how water moves up the stem. Fun Fact: Some trees take hundreds of years to grow.

  9. Test Your Plant Knowledge After the water is soaked up through the roots, it travels to the ____________________________. A. Leaves B. Flower C. Stem D. Seed

  10. Oops! You were so close! Try again!!!!

  11. You’re a Plant Expert!! • The roots soak up the water and carry it through the stem. • Keep going to find out more about plant parts.

  12. Parts of a Plant:Leaves • Facts about Leaves • Leaves are the food making part of the plant. • The leaves are the part of the plant that grows from the stem. • Leaves can be found on each side of the stem and reach out for sunlight. • Leaves have tiny veins that help water travel easier. Fun Fact: Lettuce is made of leaves.

  13. Parts of a Plant: Flowers • Facts about Flowers • Flowers help play a very important role in seed making. • Flowers are not found on every plant. • Flowers may have several or few petals. • Flowers are in charge of making more and more seeds. • This is called “reproduction.” Fun Fact: The smell and color of flowers attracts insects.

  14. Test Your Plant Knowledge • True or False • Flowers help water travel through the plant easier. • A. True • B. False

  15. Oops! You were so close! Try again!!!!

  16. You’re a Plant Expert!! • The leaves have veins that carry water to the flower. • Keep going to find out more about the plant parts.

  17. Parts of a Plant:Fruit • Facts about Fruit • Fruit is the plant part that holds the seeds. • Fruit gives a covering or shelter for seeds. • When an animal visits a flower, it gets covered with powder. Then it visits another flower and sometimes some of the powder rubs off onto the next flower. This powder makes seeds grow inside the flower. Fruits start to grow around the seed. Click to see bees carrying pollen. Fun Fact: Some fruits grow from seeds and some from plants.

  18. Parts of a Plant:Seeds • Facts about Seeds • Seeds make new plants. • These plants look like the plants the seeds came from. • The seeds are formed in the fruit part of the plant. • All you need are the seeds from a plant, water, sun, and soil to grow the same plant again. Fun Fact: Seeds come in hundreds of shapes and sizes.

  19. Test Your Plant Knowledge • The fruit holds ___________________ that can be used to grow the same plant. • A. Seeds • B. Nutrients • C. Powder • D. Insects

  20. Oops! You were so close! Try again!!!!

  21. You’re a Plant Expert!! • When seeds reproduce they make the same plant again. • Keep clicking to see how plants make food.

  22. Food Making Process • Plants can make their own food. • Plants make food in the leaves. • The leaves have a green color called “chlorophyll” that makes the leaves green. • Chlorophyll can make food with carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and sunlight. • This is called “photosynthesis.” Fun Fact: When breathe out carbon dioxide.

  23. Plant Life Cycle • A plant life cycle happens again and again. • A plant starts as a seed and then grows into a “seedling” with roots. • A seedling is when the plant starts to sprout. • The plant continues to grow into an adult plant. • After an adult plant dies, a new plant is made by seed “reproduction.” • A life cycle is how long a plant lives or how long it takes to grow.

  24. Test Your Plant Knowledge True or False The green color of leaves is made from chlorophyll. A. True B. False

  25. Oops! You were so close! Try again!!!!

  26. You’re a Plant Expert!! • The chlorophyll gives the leaves their green color and plants are able to make their own food through the leaves. • Keep clicking to find out how plants help us.

  27. How are Plants Useful? • Plants help the environment by: • Plants produce ALL the food that people eat. • Plants produce oxygen gas as they make food that helps us to breathe. • Plants give shelter for many animals. • Plants help make soil. • Plants help to give us food and clothing. • Plants give us a beautiful environment. Fun Fact: Plants can change the amount of rainfall in big areas.

  28. Your Job!!! • Now that you know all about plants, your job is to create a poster to inform others of how to take care of plants and create your own garden. • You may use the websites listed on the credits slide for help. • You must include: • A plant drawing with all of the parts labeled. • List the ways to take care of a plant and what a plant needs to grow. • Be creative!

  29. Credits • http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/parts.html • http://ed101.bu.edu/StudentDoc/Archives/ED101sp08/anniewu/parts.html • http://missmarita01.blogspot.com/2010/05/parts-of-plant.html • http://webinstituteforteachers.org/~agrosenheider/myparts.htm • http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe/case1/c1facts2a.html • http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sugexp=gsqvh&xhr=t&q=parts+of+a+plant&cp=12&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1366&bih=589&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

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