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Prehistory to History:

Prehistory to History:. Issues and beginnings! . I. How do we signify time?. B.C./ A.D. Before Christ, Anno Domini Example: 64 BC, AD 2007 BCE/ CE Before Common Era, Common Era Example 64 BCE, CE 2007 Both use the year 1 as the start for the Common Era.

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Prehistory to History:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prehistory to History: Issues and beginnings!

  2. I. How do we signify time? • B.C./ A.D. Before Christ, Anno Domini Example: 64 BC, AD 2007 • BCE/ CE Before Common Era, Common Era Example 64 BCE, CE 2007 • Both use the year 1 as the start for the Common Era

  3. II. Periodization: Time as a man-made construct

  4. III. Paleolithic Era: “Old Stone Age” 250,000-10,000 years ago • Hunter-gatherers/foraging • LONGEST era of human history • Got what they needed w/ out transforming their environment • Created symbolic language which allowed them to adapt to a wide range of environments • This prehistoric time period is studied by:

  5. Archaeologists = The material life of hominids (artifacts)

  6. Anthropologists 15,000 years old! =look at cultural and spiritual

  7. For tens of thousands of years, humans survived by hunting game and gathering edible plants. Men hunted and women gathered. They are called nomadic “hunter-gatherers”. About 10,000 years ago ( BCE 8,000) this changed, independently all over the world as humans began to settle down in one place. WHY?

  8. = Neolithic Revolution • The major change in human life caused by the beginnings of farming (from food gathering to food producing) • Your book claims that this is one of the great breakthroughs of history. Do you agree with the book? Using your significance tool, the text on pages 14-16 (all graphics, maps, charts included), create a REASONED and EVIDENCED response to the book’s claim.

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