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MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD INSPECTOR GENERAL. LTC Jim Beckmann State Inspector General. Assess and report matters affecting mission performance, discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, training, and readiness of the Minnesota National Guard

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  2. Assess and report matters affecting mission performance, discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, training, and readiness of the Minnesota National Guard Promote standards & core values of the Minnesota National Guard Identify systemic deficiencies Assist Minnesota National Guard members and their families in solving service related problems and issues as the eyes, ears, and conscience of the TAG/CG. IG Mission (AR 20-1)

  3. Member of the Commander’s Personal Staff Perform common staff functions (We don’t concur!) Special Relationship Fair and impartial fact-finder High degree of independence IG works for the Commander Rated by the Commander The TIG has policy oversight, directing authority, and IG records-retention authority The Role of the IGExtend the Commander

  4. The authority of the IG comes from the Commander! IGs have no directive authority outside the IG System IGs do not establish command policy except for AR 1-201 and AR 20-1 IGs have access to all needed materials and records except for classified material (if the IG lacks the proper clearance) or as specified in paragraph 8-4 g (material related to the attorney-client relationship, communications with clergy, husband-wife communications, psychotherapist-patient communications, etc.). The Role of the IGExtend the Commander(continued)

  5. “A typical IG is a man past middle age, spare, wrinkled, cold, passive, non-committal, with eyes of a codfish, polite in contact, but at the same time unresponsive, calm, and damnably composed as a concrete post or a plaster of paris cast, a human petrification with a heart of feldspar and without charm or friendly germ, minus bowels, passion, or a sense of humor. Happily, they never reproduce and all of them finally go to hell.” -- Gen George S. Patton, Jr. Inspector General

  6. Confidence In LeadersAdults with a ‘great deal of confidence’ in people running these institutions Harris Poll 2009

  7. Assistance Investigations Inspections Teach and Train IG Core Functions

  8. Assistance

  9. Render assistance Correct injustices (indirectly) Eliminate conditions detrimental to the efficiency or reputation of the Army Record and analyze data for corrective action Report on the status of the Army The Assistance Function

  10. Triangle of Confidentiality Complainant Commander SJA IG • Protect privacy • Minimize risk of reprisal • Maintain confidence in the IG system

  11. Nature of the issue Official use within the Army If unavoidable, try to contact complainant before disclosure AR 20-1, para 1-12 Confidentiality is Not Guaranteed .

  12. Third Party IGARs • Response to third party depends on: • Right to know • Individual concerned (soldier or DAC) consents to release of information **We really want to hear from the troop and not parents or friends

  13. JFMN-IG FY 2009 Total Cases - 81

  14. JFMN-IG Complaints by Component FY 2009 Total Cases - 81

  15. Focus Areas/IG Leaders Guide • Counseling – all Soldiers • NCOERs • OERs • LOD • Profiles/Medical Boards • Flags • Separations (ADC/weight control/AWOL) • Sexual Assault (alcohol factor)

  16. IG Advice • Commander Authority and FTS support • Relationships • Fairness and Perceptions • Communication

  17. The first time you don’t make a selection list The first time you get shot at The first time you get investigated Three Things You Remember During your Career

  18. Investigations

  19. Based on standard into an “allegation” Fair and impartial fact-finding process Preponderance of Evidence Either “S” or “N” Investigations

  20. Punitive vs. Non-Punitive “Criminal” vs. “Administrative” IGs can inquire/investigate violations of laws, regulations and policies/directives. IG Appropriate?

  21. Fair and Impartial IG is not an adversary or a champion IGs do not recommend adverse action Thorough – emphasis on facts Concerned with Confidentiality Limited distribution of information Overt but discreet Protect all individuals from reprisal/ridicule. IG Fact Finding Characteristics

  22. Do Nothing Rule 303, MCM AR 15-6 Investigation Article 32 CID/MPI Chain of Command Civil Authority Inspector General Commander’s Options:

  23. Meets Commander’s Guidance Help determine a course of action Lack of factual information Identity of Subject/Suspect Sensitivity of allegations Potential “Noise Level” Confidentiality IG vs. Commander’s Options Other IG

  24. Inspections

  25. Definition of an Inspection “An evaluation that measures performance against a standard and should identify the cause of any deviation. All inspections start with compliance against a standard. Commanders tailor inspections to their needs.” A standard is the way things should be. AR 1-201

  26. The Army has a Standard for Everything!

  27. Army Inspection Policy Army Regulation 1-201 • Identifies responsibilities • Requires Commanders to designate an OIP Coordinator • Defines inspection terms and concepts • Outlines the Army’s inspection principles • Establishes the Organizational Inspection Program • (OIP) -- the most important aspect of AR 1-201 • Urges the integration of inspections

  28. Principles of Army Inspections Five Principles (AR 1-201, paragraph 2-2) • 1.Purposeful • 2. Coordinated • 3. Focused on Feedback • 4. Instructive • 5. Followed up

  29. The Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) AR 1-201 MNGR 1-201

  30. TAG’s Intent: Inspection Program will be focused on teaching and training. CIPs will not be an “I got you” event.

  31. Purpose of the OIP To coordinate inspections and audits into a single, cohesive program focused on command objectives. The OIP provides the commander with an organized management tool to identify, prevent, or eliminate problem areas. AR 1-201, paragraph 3-2, a & b

  32. O I P The Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) The Integration of Inspections COMMAND INSPECTION STAFF INSPECTION IG INSPECTION Audits Staff Assistance Visits External Inspections Management Control AR 1-201, paragraphs 3-2 to 3-5 Intelligence Oversight

  33. The Inspector General “The one who goes in after the battle and bayonets the wounded.” - Anonymous

  34. Role of the IG in the OIP • Develop the IG Inspection Program as part of the OIP • Advise commanders and staffs on inspection policy • Advise the commander on the OIP’s effectiveness • Conduct IG Inspections AR 20-1, paragraph 6-2 AR 1-201, paragraph 1-4

  35. Responsibility of Commander All units subject to IG inspections and other inspections/visits by higher headquarters Physical security inspection will be conducted annually Consolidation of inspection…avoid repetition Units exempt from inspections 30days before and after AT Teaching and training Follow up and corrective action is critical to success of the OIP MNARNG OIP Inspection Policies

  36. Inspection Categories • Command Inspection • Staff Inspection • Inspector General Inspection AR 1-201, paragraphs 3-2 to 3-5

  37. Command Inspections • A scheduled, formal event • Led by the Commander • Initial Command Inspection (ICI) (company or detachment) • Subsequent Command Inspection (SCI)

  38. Initial Command Inspection • Required for Company Commanders (or like commands: detachments, troops, batteries) • Within 120 days per • MNGR 1-201 • Extension up to • 180 days for • Minnesota National Guard • (MNARNG) The inspecting commander must be present and participating in the inspection! AR 1-201, paragraph 3-3c

  39. Initial Command Inspection (continued) • Identifies unit strengths and weaknesses • Cannot be used to evaluate • the Company Commander • Helps commanders establish goals, standards, and priorities • Not used to compare units • Only the inspected commander and that commander’s rater will receive the specific results (IG can request results without unit attribution) AR 1-201, paragraph 3-3c

  40. Subsequent Command Inspection • Measures progress and reinforces goals and objectives established in the Initial Command Inspection. • The commander determines the scope, format, timing, and frequency of the Subsequent Command Inspection. • The inspecting commander may use the results of the Subsequent Command Inspection to evaluate the company commander. The inspecting commander must be present and participating in the inspection! AR 1-201, paragraph 3-3d

  41. Staff Inspection • Led by a staff member of a functional area. • Focuses on a single functional area or a few related areas. • Conducted by the lowest-level staff member technically qualified in the functional area. • Should complement Command and IG Inspections. • Compliance oriented.

  42. Staff Assistance Visits • Directly support Staff Inspection and Command Inspection Programs • Assist, teach, and train subordinate staff sections on how to meet the required standards of a particular functional area • Can prepare staff sections for upcoming inspections or train them on new concepts, technologies, or operating techniques

  43. Inspector General Inspection Who May Direct an IG Inspection? Secretary of the Army (SA) Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) or Vice Chief of Staff of the Army (VCSA) Inspection Directive The Inspector General (TIG) Commander AR 20-1, paragraph 1-4 b(4)

  44. Inspector General Inspection • Inspector General inspections should: • Pursue systemic issues • Identify sub-standard performance, determine the magnitude of the deficiency, and seek the reason for the deficiency (the root cause) • Teach systems processes and procedures • Identify responsibility for corrective actions • Spread innovative ideas

  45. Systemic and Local Problems What is the difference? • Systemic problems are usuallywidespread and present a pattern. You can often trace these problems back to a regulation, policy, or other standard that is confusing, overly ambitious, or in conflict with another standard. The proponent is usually the person to fix this type of problem. • Local problems usuallyaffect a small groupof people or an individual anddo not present a pattern. You can usually trace these problems back to a particular person’s decision, demeanor, or statements. The level of organization that the problem affects is the best place to solve this problem.

  46. Fund Management (1st Qtr) OER/NCOER Management (2d Qtr) IG Inspections JFMN-IG

  47. Why do units and people fail to comply with standards? • “That is the way we did it in my old unit.” • “I have no idea what you are talking about. I have been the S-1 for only two days.” • “Take a number. We have a Warfighter, BCTC, an OEF planning conference, and brigade formal in front of you.” • “I can’t get any good help these days. I am on my butt because all of my staff officers are young lieutenants!” • “I don’t understand … I thought I understood ... I did it right the last time, but …” What are some other reasons you may have already heard?

  48. Military Whistleblower Protection Act Title 10, United States Code, Section 1034

  49. Always encourage complainants to use the chain of command first Normally offer allegations to subordinate Commanders for action rather than conduct an IG investigation Use discretion when passing information to the CG/TAG Confidentiality Arehere to help you Do not wear a ‘black hat’ Do have friends! Little-Known Facts Inspectors General . . .

  50. Always stay on the high ground and do the right thing Be sensitive to “perceptions” Get advice from your experts Stretch for your troops Stretch for your mission Never stretch for yourself Command Advice

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