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EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. “Your Role at the State Emergency Operations Center” A Self Study Course. Course Modules. Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures Module 3 – Position Task Books Module 4 – Online tutorial. Module 1.

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  1. EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Your Role at the State Emergency Operations Center” A Self Study Course 1

  2. Course Modules • Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan • Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures • Module 3 – Position Task Books • Module 4 – Online tutorial 2

  3. Module 1 ESF 6 in the State Plan Reference: Appendix 6, Mass Care & Emergency Assistance, State Comprehensive Emergency Management plan 3

  4. The ESF 6 CEMP Annexdescribes “the framework through which a jurisdiction’s departments and agencies, the private sector, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations, and other NGOs coordinate and execute the common emergency management strategies. The actions described in the Support Annexes apply to nearly every type of emergency. Each Support Annex identifies a coordinating agency and cooperating agencies. In some instances, two departments or agencies share coordinating agency responsibilities.”Source:CPG 101 ESF 6 CEMP Annex ESF 6 SOG “Standard operating procedures or operating manuals are complete reference documents that provide the purpose, authorities, duration, and details for the preferred method for performing a single function or a number of interrelated functions in a uniform manner.” Source: CPG 101 ESF 6 Position Task Books Position Task Books describe and identify all the basic tasks a person holding the position should be able to perform properly. Source: NIMS Qualifications Process Guide ESF 6 Job Aids Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 - Developing and maintaining State, Territorial, Tribal and Local emergency plans, March 2009, FEMA “Job aids are checklists or other materials that help users perform a task.”Source: CPG 101

  5. Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan • 18 Emergency Support Functions (ESF) • Each ESF has a Primary Agency and several Support Agencies • Primary Agencies for ESF 6 are: • The Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), and • The Department of Children and Families (DCF) 5

  6. Four Phases of Emergency Management • Mitigation • Preparation • Response – DBPR is the lead agency • Recovery – DCF is the lead agency 6

  7. Agency for Workforce Innovation Agency for Persons with Disabilities Agriculture & Consumer Services American Red Cross Education Elder Affairs Florida Baptists Florida Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster The Salvation Army Volunteer Florida ESF 6 Support Agencies 7

  8. Primary functions of ESF 6 • Mass Care • Emergency Assistance • Human Services 8

  9. Mass Care & Emergency Assistance • Mass Care includes sheltering, feeding operations, emergency first aid, bulk distribution of emergency items, and collecting and providing information on survivors to family members. • Emergency Assistance includes support to evacuations (including registration and tracking of evacuees); reunification of families; support to non-medical special needs survivors; and non-conventional shelter management. 9

  10. ESF 6 mass care tasks • Respond to requests for mass care support from the counties. • Report on mass care activities in a timely manner to the State Emergency Response Team. • Coordinate closely with the American Red Cross, Salvation Army and other Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster to assist and augment their mass care capabilities, when required, through the allocation of state and federal resources. 10

  11. ESF 6 Emergency Assistance tasks • Coordinate with federal, state and local agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations, to facilitate mass evacuations, when required. • Coordinate with federal, state and local agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations, to facilitate reunification of separated family members. 11

  12. ESF 6 Emergency Assistance tasks • Coordinate with federal, state and local agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations, to address the functional needs of non-medical special needs populations. • Coordinate with federal, state and local agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations, in securing conventional and non-conventional mass shelter facilities when traditional mass care systems are overwhelmed. 12

  13. ESF 6 Human Services tasks • Coordination of emergency food stamps • Disaster unemployment • Temporary disaster employment. 13

  14. ESF 6 Human Services tasks • Emergency food stamps (DCF): provides a means to supplement income for those families negatively impacted by the affects of a disaster through loss of food due to power loss, income loss or damages to residence. 14

  15. ESF 6 Human Services tasks • Disaster unemployment assistance (AWI): provides financial assistance to individuals whose employment or self-employment has been lost or interrupted as a direct result of a major disaster declared by the President. 15

  16. ESF 6 Human Services tasks • Temporary disaster employment (AWI): provides temporary jobs in affected communities through the employment of federal grants for this purpose. These funds are primarily used to provide temporary employment for persons who lost their jobs as a result of these disasters. 16

  17. Module 1 Summary • ESF 6 is one of 18 Emergency Support Functions • ESF 6 is composed of multiple Lead and Support agencies • ESF 6 has three main functions • Mass Care • Emergency Assistance • Human Services 17

  18. Go on to Module 2 • Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan • Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures • Module 3 – Position Task Books • Module 4 – Online tutorial 18

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