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Presentation name. Speaker’s name Position Company Country. www.eapicforum.com. Speakers should try not to exceed 24 slides per 30 minute presentation, roughly one slide per 1 or 2 minutes of talk. Do not forget to bring a copy of your presentation with you on the day!!!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentation name Speaker’s namePositionCompanyCountry www.eapicforum.com

  2. Speakers should try not to exceed 24 slides per 30 minute presentation, roughly one slide per 1 or 2 minutes of talk. • Do not forget to bring a copy of your presentation with you on the day!!! EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  3. Short phrases, not long sentences. • Use Verdana, or similar font • 36 point titles or larger • 28 point text or larger • Do not use fonts smaller than 28 point, so people in the back of the conference room can read your slides EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  4. Do not use sound effects • Sound effects slow down slide transitions, • Noise from projection computer may distract audience • Rather use video clips if sound and recordings are required for your presentation. Please discuss this with the organizers so that arrangements can be made to accommodate your request EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  5. Please do not number your slides • Each slide should have a title • 9 lines max on a text slide • 7 words max per line • Caution: Red, orange or yellow lettering and lines become unreadable when projected EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  6. Watch out for: • Wingdings • MS line draw • Monotype sorts • Scientific symbol fonts • Asian language fonts • Can embed TrueType fonts in file EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  7. Use of pictures, graphics, tables, etc. is at the discretion of the speaker: • Keep diagrams simple • Easy to view • Make text readable with large font • Use all space in rectangle • Make sure your presentation is readable when printed in black and white EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  8. Branded or company logos are only permitted on the opening slide • Logos (other than that of the event logo) may not be used throughout the presentation, unless prior authorization has been obtained from the organizers EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  9. Deadline for submission of presentation for the proceedings: 25 August 2011 • Please ensure that you bring a copy of your power-point slides with you on a thumb drive the day of your presentation – if you change your slides please email the organizers ASAP with the updated copy EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

  10. For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Claire Volkwyn: claire.volkwyn@spintelligent.com • Spintelligent (Spintelligent (Pty) LtdPhone: +27 21 700 3500Fax: +27 21 700 3501 EAPIC 2011, Kampala, Uganda www.eapicforum.com

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