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What is Nano Emulsified?

Nanoemulsion is the primary feature that distinguishes their products from their competitors. Through this process they have developed a water-soluble CBD unlike any other CBD available today. CBD that is nano emulsified has many advantages over the oils that are commonly used.

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What is Nano Emulsified?

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  1. What is Nano Emulsified? Nano emulsified, also known as nano-emulsion, is a new way of delivering commonly used additives, which are usually oil-based. There are many benefits of nanoemulsions, such as: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Utilize as a substitute for vesicles and liposomes Enhances the bioavailability of CBD It is non-toxic and harmless in the natural world It has improved physical stability Absorption is increased. Formulated for foams, liquids and sprays, and creams Improves the absorbtion of oil-soluble supplements in cell culture technology. Diminishes the flavor of an the drug or additive It requires less energy to dissolve. Fast-acting effects Vana Labs, a partner of drk-cbd.co.uk creates nano emulsified CBD to provide superior bioavailability, rapid-acting effects and the potency of the process. Vana Labs has devoted four years of research and technological advancement to create their own nanoemulsion technique. Nanoemulsion is the primary feature that distinguishes their products from their competitors. Through this process they have developed a water-soluble CBD unlike any other CBD available today. CBD that is nano emulsified has many advantages over the oils that are commonly used. Nano Emulsified Defined Nanoemulsion is made up of two main components which are: extremely tiny CBD nanoparticles that are so tiny that they measure by nanometers (one-billionth of one metre) and an emulsifier, an ingredient into which the CBD nanoparticles can be dispersed. While nanoemulsion can be a complex process, for the purpose of this article we can break it down to two essential elements. The first is nanotechnology that is used to make microscopically tiny CBD nanoparticles. This is what helps prepare the CBD for the second stage in nanoemulsion. It includes the inclusion of the emulsifier. NanoTechnology and CBD Nano Practicals The initial step of nanoemulsions is to make use of nanotechnology as an innovative technique for cutting down CBD molecules into a very tiny size. "Nano" is a prefix for "dwarf," and denotes the size of a tiny item. We develop CBD nanoparticles by using nanotechnology that uses ultrasonic waves that pressurise and break the individual CBD molecules into hundreds of nanoparticles exponentially smaller. Emulsion only occurs when the substance has been reduced to tiny "nano" droplets; thus our nanotechnology is essential to create nanoparticles tiny enough to allow emulsification.

  2. Most companies that try nanoemulsions don't possess the technological advancements required to make a truly nano emulsified product. This is a problem within the field which Vana Labs has set out to fix. True nanoemulsions require nanoparticles with a size of between five and two hundred nanometers in size (one nanometer is one billionth of an inch). This small of a size could be hard to comprehend. To give a sense of comparison, take into consideration that one human hair is somewhere between one and eighty thousand nanometers in diameter. CBD nanoparticles are significantly smaller. In fact, it is possible to, at a minimum, fit four thousand CBD nanoparticles in the length of one human hair. Emulsifier The second stage of nanoemulsion is the use of an emulsifier, a middle substance that makes two incompatible substances - like oil and water - to mix. CBD is a lipophilic substance, which means that it melts into fats rather than water. When CBD that is not nanoemulsion-based is dissolved in the water it acts as an oil. Instead of dissolving, it breaks into coagulated droplets, which rest in the water's surface instead of mixing with and dispersing through it. CBD face cream isn't water-soluble which means that it is not able to blend with water, however mixing both can be achieved through nano-emulsions. This is a significant issue since water comprises more than 60% of our body. The CBD is a form of the oil found in water but it is unable to enter the bloodstream (which is essential to allow CBD to exert the effects it does). To address this issue, Vana Labs places its CBD nanoparticles inside an emulsifier. It acts as a base which makes the CBD it has to blend with the water (whether within the body or in a beverage, hence the name "water soluble CBD"). The process of emulsion we employ uses water and fat, by using an emulsifier which is hydrophilic (water water soluble) in addition to lipophilic (fat liquid) at the same time. In fat CBD particles dissolve and the surface is covered with fat. This protective coating permits CBD to disintegrate prior to the time it gets dispersed into the bloodstream, which forces CBD along with water. The product that results is water-soluble and, like CBD oil, is easily mixed with water-both in beverages as well as in the human body.

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