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Boosting Life Cycle Assessment in Small and Medium Enterprises

Boosting Life Cycle Assessment in Small and Medium Enterprises. E-Learning course – Photovoltaic S ystems. 03.12.2013 Authors : Antonio Dobon , Karsten Schischke, Jan Schneider, Jude Sherry Editors: Florian Krautzer, Rainer Pamminger, Wolfgang Wimmer.

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Boosting Life Cycle Assessment in Small and Medium Enterprises

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  1. Boosting Life Cycle Assessment in Small and Medium Enterprises

  2. E-Learning course –PhotovoltaicSystems 03.12.2013 Authors: Antonio Dobon, Karsten Schischke, Jan Schneider, Jude Sherry Editors: Florian Krautzer, Rainer Pamminger, Wolfgang Wimmer

  3. Lower your impact on the environment, heighten the impact on your business Improving the environmental performance across product’s life cycle can pave the way to a successful business. Using LCA to go can provide with the required information to better informed decision-making within the business. The objective is to lower the impact on the environment and reap the following benefits: Cost reductions Cut down on wastage during manufacturing and save costs by maximising efficiency Secure supply chain Identify supply risks of rare raw materials and reduce their use in products Comply with legislation Manage environmental legal responsibilities and avoid costly changes to comply with new regulations Increase and diversify sales Reach new audiences in a fast-expanding conscious market and gain competitor advantage Achieve brand loyalty Build trust and relationships with your customers with a brand that cares

  4. What is LCA to go? LCA to go is an online tool that measures a product’s environmental performance based on the principles of a simplified LCA. This simplification has been developed by LCA experts since the beginning of the project in 2011. The most relevant boundaries, data and impact categories across the following sectors have been defined: Photovoltaic systems, industrial machines, sensors, electronics, printed circuit boards, smart textiles and bio-based plastics. This pre-identification greatly reduces the complexity involved in undertaking a Life Cycle Based Environmental Assessment. LCA to go will enable: Photovoltaic systems planners, installers and designers to assess and communicate the environmental benefits of their systems Plastic products manufacturers to assess the environmental and financial performance of bio-based plastics in comparison to conventional petroleum based plastics Smart textiles designers and manufacturers to assess the environmental performance of their products Electronic products designers, assemblers and manufacturers to assess and communicate the environmental benefits of reliable and long-lasting products Industrial machines manufacturers to identify potential environmental improvement options Industrial sensor providers to quantify the environmental and financial benefits of installing a sensor system Printed circuit boards (PCBs) designers and manufacturers to assess and improve their environmental performance

  5. What is a Product’s Life Cycle? Every product interacts with the natural environment across its full life cycle, that is, interaction during the material extraction, manufacturing, distribution, use and end of life of the product. Inputs (energy, water, raw materials, etc.) are taken from the natural environment while outputs (air and water pollutants, solid waste, etc.) are released into the environment. All of them are measured and analysed through a life cycle based assessment establishing products environmental performance. Understanding product’s life cycle environmental performance, enables identifying and prioritizing environmental improvement opportunities.

  6. E-learning course on environmental assessment of Photovoltaic systems with the LCA to go online tool Introduction Stepbystep e-learning: Photovoltaicshome • Definethescope • Collectdata • Model the Life Cycle • Enterdata • Review theresult • Interpret theresult & deriveimprovements Photovoltaics Case Study Definitions

  7. Sector specific course / Step 1 1. Definition of the product & scope Substeps: • Define thegoalofthestudy • Define thefunctionalunit • Define thereferenceflow • Define theproductsystemandtheunitprocesses • Draw a processtree 2 Home Definitions

  8. 1.a. Define the goal of the study Why do I needtodefine a goalformystudy? Defininga goalhelpsyouidentifyingtheobjectives, applicationsandtargetaudienceofyourstudyand will allowyoutoeasilykeeptrackoftheseveryimportantfactorsthroughoutthestudy. Howcan I define a goal & whatshouldbeincluded in mygoaldefinition? A goaldefinitionshouldhavethreeparts. Itshouldidentify: The reasonforundertakingthestudy (Why?); The targetaudience (Who?); The potential areasofapplicationforthestudy (What?) Can thegoalbemodifiedduringthestudy? The goalshould not bemodifiedduringthestudy. Ifchangesoccurduringthestudy, a newgoalshouldbedefinedand a newstudy (whichcantakethecurrentstudyas a basis) shouldbemade. Photovoltaics Example

  9. 1.b. Define a Functional Unit What is a Functional unit? The functional unit is the amount of product/material and energy required to accomplish a certain function. • Example for packaging: Delivery of 1000 l of orange juice to the supermarket with 1L beverage carton, 1.5L HDPE bottle, and 0,75L glass bottle. The Functional unit here would be 1000 l of orange juice. • Example for energy consuming product: Provide 7500 h of internet service with a modem type A, modem type B and modem type C • Example for machinery: convert 1000 kg of pellets by extrusion machine A and extrusion machine B Why do I need to define a Functional unit and what is it used for? The functional unit is used as a basis for comparisons between products, materials and equipment. This will ensure that all studied systems are fully comparable. How can I define a functional unit? The easiest way to define a functional unit is to identify clearly the function(s) provided by the product to be analysed and then assess if the products to be analysed can either accomplish the same function or not. Functional unit: 1m² Main function: Paint a wall Paint Photovoltaics Example

  10. 1.c. Define a Reference Flow What is a Reference flow? A reference flow is the basis for calculation, required to accomplish a certain function provided by a product/service. Paint example: Amount of paint required to paint 1m2 of wall. Why do I need to define a Reference flow and what is used for? This is essential in every LCA, since it is used as a basis for comparisons. LCA users ensure with their use that systems under analysis are fully comparable. How can I define a Reference flow? Example: if the function is to having painted 1 m² of wall with water-based paint with a yield of 5 m²/L vs. a solvent-based paint with a yield of 2.5 m²/L, therefore different amount of paint will be used to paint the same wall surface. This is called reference flow and it is an essential part for comparison Amount of water-based paint required for the functional unit 1 m2/(5m2/L) = 0,2 L Functional unit 1 m2 Amount of solvent-based paint required for the functional unit 1 m2/(2.5m2/L) = 0,4 L Photovoltaics Example

  11. 1.d Define a Product System and the Unit Processes What is a product system? A product systems is the set of unitary processes necessary to perform the function specified in the functional unit. All inflows and outflows shall be defined. In practice, this is the whole life cycle diagram. See an example for a PLA-based carrierbagbelow. What is a unitprocess? A unit process is the minimum element for which life cycle data on inputs and outputs isavailable Whatinformation do I needtodefinetheproductsystemandtheunitprocesses? You will just need a clearidea on themaininflowsandoutflowsrelatedtoa certainproductsystem Corn growing and harvesting (materials) PLA pellet processing Film extrusion PLA film Printing and die-cut Transport and delivery Use End of life Input of raw materials Outflows between unitary processes Output of emissions to soil, water or air, solid waste, etc. Input of water Unit process Input of energy Photovoltaics Example

  12. 1.e.i Draw a process tree Why do I need to draw a process tree for my product system and how can I use it? Visualizing the single processes and their relation may help to understand what exactly you have to consider when collecting data for your LCA. Furthermore, the development of the process tree usually helps to “not forget” parts of the product system and enables to structure the following steps, such as data collection and life cycle modeling. Where does a product life start, where does it end? Again, this depends on the product that you are about to evaluate. In general, the “start” begins with the raw materials or the energy needed for the manufacturing of your product. This is important at it also shows the “coverage” of decisions that you make during the design of the product. The end of life of the product usually falls together with its disposal and/or recycling. That does not automatically mean that there is a possibility to influence in what exactly happens at this stage. Photovoltaics Example

  13. 1.e.ii Draw a process tree - 1.5 kg copper - 13 kWh electricity - 15 l tap water - 0.3 m³ argon Process 1, e.g. casing - 4 MJ heat - 30 g copper scrap - 15 l wastewater Whatis a processtree? A process tree is a special flowchart in which all relevant material flows, energy flows, emissions and other streams are depicted. If possible, they are assigned to a special process or step within the life cycle stages of the product. The process tree should represent all life cycle stages needed to properly model the product. The process tree should refer to a known quantity of product, and if possible, to the functional unit. On the right side can be checked an example of the Process Tree (should be taken into account that there is no a “defined” structure as the extent and quantity of single processes depends on the modeled product). - 0.7 kg LDPE - 3 MJ process heat - 2 l distilled water - 2.5 g additives Process 2, e.g. plastic parts molding - 2 l wastewater - 0.05 kg LDPE - 0.2 m³ argon - 0.7 kWh electricity - 3 l tap water Process 3, e.g. assembling - 2 MJ heat - 3 l wastewater Process 4, … - … - … Photovoltaics Example

  14. Sector specific course / Step 2 2. Data Collection Substeps: • Identifynecessarydata • Definethedepthandqualityofdataneeded • Identifyandtrackthedataquality 1 3 Home Definitions

  15. 2.a.i Identify necessary data Whatdataneedstobecollectedandhowcanthisbedone? Severaldataisneededthroughout all lifecyclestagestomodeltheproductlifecycleproperly. Somedataneedstobecompiledbyyourself, whichdefinesyourproductorsystem, but yourdata will becomplementedbysomebackgrounddata on e.g. electricitygenerationorupstreamrawmaterialsproduction. Ifrequiredforyoursector, youmightneedtocollectdataasfollows: FortheMaterialsstage, identifytheusedmaterials. Data mightcomefromspecificationsorexperts FortheManufacturingstage, datacollectionon: • Electricityconsumptionduringthemanufacturingofpartsandassemblyofthe final product. Twooptionsto carry out: Measuretheenergyconsumptiondirectlyattheproductionlineordevidetheelectricityconsumptionoftheentireproductionlinethroughthenumberofproducedunits • The generatedwasteduringthemanufacturingofpartsandassemblyofthe final product. FortheDistributionstage, datacollectionon shippingdistancesaswellaspackagingusedmaterials FortheUsestage, estimatelifetimeandusepatterns, determinethecountry/regionwheretheproductorsystemisused FortheEnd oflifestage, datacollectionon currentdisposalandrecyclingpracticeandestimatethe end ofliferoute thatmightbetaken Photovoltaics Example

  16. 2.a.ii. Identify necessary data:Materials and Manufacturing What is a decision rule for mass inclusion? Why do I need it? How can be defined? A decision rule is a very easy rule aimed atexcludingcertainmaterials/manufacturingprocesseswhichthecontributionto the global environmental impact is assumed as negligible. Examplefor an internet mobile modem based on the bill ofmaterials Decision rule: Exclude all materials, contributing less than 1% of the total weight of the final product. These components can be excluded as they do not represent more than 1% of total materials to the product system, reducing substantially the efforts for data collection!!! Be careful not to exclude small amounts of high impact materials such as rare earth metals. Photovoltaics Example

  17. 2.a.iii Identify necessary data:Distribution, Use, End of life: Multiple clients I have a numberof different clients, how do I accountforthisandwhatdata do I need? Clients canbe in a rangeof different locations, usinganddisposingtheproductin different ways. To deal withthesedifferences, LCA uses different scenariosasshown in Step 3. The requireddatawill depend on thescenariothatisbeinginvestigated. Example, ifyouknowwhereyouship a certainproductdeterminedbymarketshare, thenyoumaydevelop a tableasshownbelow: Subsequently, youcandevelop a hypotheticalscenario, forexampleassumingthefollowingsalesforoneproductunit: 50% toPoland, 40% to France and 10% toSweden. Alternativelyyoucanspecifyscenariosforspecificclients. Often, ifthereisnospecificinformation(theexacttransportdistanceforexample), thereis a possibilitytostartwith a conservativeestimationandidentification, wheneveritis relevant forthe LCA. Photovoltaics Example

  18. 2.b.i Define the depth and quality of data needed Towhatlevelofdetailandtowhataccuracyshouldthedatabecollected? The requiredlevelofdetaildepends on theimportanceof a certaindataset. Iftheoverallresultdepends on oneentry, thedatashouldmeet a high levelofaccuracy. Forexample, thisisextremelyimportantwhencertainenteredvaluesaremultipliedby a very large factor. In thesecasestheaccuracyof an enteredvaluehastobevery high whereasforlessimportantdataitis not requiredtoinvest large amountsof time toachieve a high levelofdetail. Frequently, only 10-15 dataentriesdetermine 80% ormoreoftheresult, so effortsshouldbemadetogetthese 10-15 dataentriesright. Someexamples: Electricity in theusephase: Frecuentlyhighly relevant. Itisofgreatimportancetoenterthecorrectlocationandthecorrespondingelectricitygrid mix. If a productisusedfor a long time overitslifetime, thisbecomesevenmore relevant. Preciousmetals: Usuallytheyareminedandprocessedwith high environmental impactsandoccassionalydominatethewholeassessment. Itisof high importancetogetthecorrectamountofpreciousmetals. The amountofwashingdetergentneeded in a singlecyclebecomesveryimportantiftheproductisdesignedto carry out thousandsofwashingcyclesoveritslifetime.

  19. 2.b.ii Define the depth and quality of data needed Can I firstgatherroughdatatogain an understandingoftheproduct‘s environmental impactandaddmoredetaileddatalater? Yes, get a firstimpressionoftheecoprofileofyourproductbeforedecidingwhichdatashouldbeimproved. Ifyouare not sureattheoutsetoftheanalysis, which environmental hotspotstoexpect, gothroughtheassessmentwithsomedefaultdataorworstcaseassessments. Check theresults. Refinedataentries. Get a feelingformost sensitive dataentries. Refinetheassessmentstepbystep. Sometypical environmental profiles: Manufacturing Materials End of life End of life Manufacturing Materials End of life Materials Manufacturing A sensor system, which monitors industrial processes might reduce the power consumption of a process line, which by far outweighs its own environmental footprint. Modelling the secondary effects properly is key. A mobile phone is optimised for energy efficiency and battery lifetime, but constitutes of a high share of electronics parts. Modelling of the electronics components is important. A TV set consumes much more energy in use than in production. Modelling the use stage is most important.

  20. 2.c.i Identify and track the data quality Whatismeantbydataquality? Data qualityessentiallyis an indicatorofhowgoodthegivendatasetis, aswellas, therelatedresultsofmodellingwhichrepresentthe „real“ lifecycleof a productorsystem. As longasdatacomesdirectlyfromtheproductandproductionline, thequality will be high, but frequently, thesourceforprocessesandlifecyclestagesare not underyourdirectcontrol. Thendataqualitycomestoplay a crucialissue. Photovoltaics Example

  21. 2.d.ii Identify and track the data quality HowisdataqualitydefinedandwhatistheData Quality Indicator? Typicallydataqualityhasfivedimensions: (1) Reliability Isthedatabased on measurements, verifiedbyanybodyoronlyestimated? (2) Completeness How large isthe sample thedataisbased on? Isitrepresentative? (3) Correlationsin Time Howoldisthedata? (4) Correlationsin Geography Doesthedatastemfromtheregion, wheremycomponentsareproducedordoesthedatarefertosomeotherlocations? (5) Correlationsin Technology Are componentsandrawmaterialsprocessedwiththe same technologyasforthesystemtobeassessed? Keep in mind: The Data Quality Indicator in the „LCA togo“ toolismeanttoassessthequalityof YOUR dataentries, not ofthebackgrounddata in thetool. The userhastojudge, whether a backgrounddatasetisappropriatefortheintendeduse! Even a high qualitybackgrounddatasetappliedtothewrongraw material yields a wrongresult. Photovoltaics Example

  22. 2.d.iii Identify and track the data quality How is data quality defined and what is the Data Quality Indicator? continued… In a simplifiedversion, theassessmentofthedataqualityisaggregated in oneofthreepossible Data Quality Indicatorscores: high Data quality low • Reliability • Completeness • Correlations in Time • Correlations in Geography • Correlations in Technology • DQI • score Photovoltaics Example

  23. 2.d.iv Identify and track the data quality Whyisdataqualityandkeepingtrackofdataqualityimportant? Assessingthedataqualityhelpsyou toget an impression, howreliableyouroverallassessmentresultis, and toimproveyourdatacollectionstrategytoenhancetheoverallqualityoftheassessment Examples: Indicative data for Distribution is „nice to have“ but „indicative“ level for Manufacturing is critical and should be improved!  ok, life cycle stages with highest impact feature high data quality Photovoltaics Example

  24. Sector specific course / Step 3 3. Model the Life Cycle Substeps: • Review availabledataand bring itinto a usefulformat, makingassumptionswherenecessary • Develop Scenarios for the Use stage 2 4 Home Definitions

  25. 3.a.i Review available data and bring it into a useful format, making assumptions where necessary How can I best review the data and identify data gaps? Use a table to track data gaps is the easiest solution for doing that. Put there which data is necessary and optional as well as the assumptions you made. Photovoltaics Example

  26. 3.a.ii Review available data and bring it into a useful format, making assumptions where necessary Can I make assumptions to fill these data gaps with estimates? Yes, of course. Assumptions are needed to reduce data collection efforts and must be clearly stated for a proper interpreation of results. How can I relate the data to my functional unit? Using the reference flow. Please seeStep1.c • What’sbetter? • A final result which does not consider the impacts of producing the ABS shell • Achieving a more complete total result which includes a conservative estimate for the process Assumption: consider the total weight of the ABS shell and calculate the processing by assuming a general injection moulding process I cannot find suitable LCA data regarding the production of an ABS shell for an internet modem!!!!!! Photovoltaics Example

  27. 3.b.i Develop Scenarios fortheUsestage Sweden Whyarescenariosneededandwhenaretheyused? ThereareseveralfactorsthatinfluencetheimpactattheUsestage. Typicallyyouhavenocontrol on howtheproductisusedand different clientsmayusetheproduct in different ways Youmay not haveinformation on theactualuse The impactfromthe same useintensitymaybe different in different countries. Thatiswhyyouneedtosetupscenarioswith due careandcommunicateyourassumptionstransparently. As shown on theright, the environmental burdenofelectricityconsumptiondepends on the type andefficiencyof power plants in thecountry. Severalscenarioscanbedeveloped, depending on thelocationoftheclient. 46 g CO2-eq./kWh 681 g CO2-eq./kWh France Poland 96 g CO2-eq./kWh CO2 emission factors of electricity generation (UK DEFRA 2012)

  28. 3.b.ii Develop Scenarios fortheUsestage Whyarescenariosneededandwhenaretheyused? See an exampleof Fujitsu andhowtheydepicttheresultsof a computer LCA. Depending on thelocationofuse, theoverallcarbonfootprintchangessignificantly:

  29. Sector specific course / Step 4 4. Data entry Substeps: • Enterdata in the LCA togo online tool • Understandwhythedataisneededandwhathappenswiththeentereddata 3 5 Home Definitions

  30. 4.a.i Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Wherecan I find thetool? Youcanaccessthetoolfromtheprojectwebsitehttp://tool.lca2go.eu/users/sign_in . You will needtoregisterandcreate an accountfirstbeforeenteringdata.

  31. 4.a.ii Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Howcan I enterdataintothe LCA togotool? Create a newproduct Customized life cycle for each sector

  32. 4.a.iii Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Howcan I enterdataintothe LCA togotool? Create a newproduct Go to „Introduction“ forfurthersectoralguidanceordirectlyto„Data entry“ Sectoral guidance on data entries Self-assessment of the quality of your data entries Model your product life cycle Calculate results; will show results only, if you have entered a complete dataset

  33. 4.a.iv Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Howcan I enterdataintothe LCA togotool? Create a newproduct Go to „Introduction“ forfurthersectoralguidanceordirectlyto„Data entry“ „Data entry“: Makeentriesforyourproductlifecycle Comprehensive data entry templates to model the life cycle stages one by one Photovoltaics Example

  34. 4.a.v Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Howcan I enterdataintothe LCA togotool? Create a newproduct Go to „Introduction“ forfurthersectoralguidanceordirectlyto„Data entry“ „Data entry“: Makeentriesforyourproductlifecycle Click „Next step“ tomovetothenextlifecyclestage Calculate results; will show results only, if you have entered a complete dataset Photovoltaics Example

  35. 4.a.vi Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Can I save thedataandreturnto finish thedataentryat a later time? All yourentereddataissavedunderyouraccount, onceyouclick or you will find yourproductslistedunder „My Products“ in the top rightcorner online trainee Photovoltaics Example

  36. 4.a.vii Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Can I save thedataandreturnto finish thedataentryat a later time? Just click on the „status“buttontoreturntoyourdataentriesany time Photovoltaics Example

  37. 4.a.viii Enter data in the LCA to go online tool Can I save thedataandreturnto finish thedataentryat a later time? Click on theduplicateicontomake a copyofyourproductentriesforcalculating a variant Can thedatabeseenby a thirdparty? No.  Your data is stored on the web server of the online tool, but it is only accessible with your account details. The user password is encrypted and even the host is not able to read it. Therefore, only the user can access their own data. Photovoltaics Example

  38. dataentry 1 dataentry 3 dataset 2 dataset 3 dataset 1 dataentry 2 Results 4.b.i Understand why the data is needed and what happens with the entered data What happens with the entered data? Your entered data is used as input parameters for a mathematical model. This model links your entered data with background datasets to calculate the results for your product. Internal data model Internal database Materials Manufacturing End of life Photovoltaics Example dataentry 4

  39. 4.b.ii Understand why the data is needed and what happens with the entered data Where does the internal data model come from? The data models for each sector individually have been developed in the “LCA to go” project. These data models provide the link between technical terms and the environmental data in the background. Photovoltaics Example

  40. 4.b.iii Understand why the data is needed and what happens with the entered data What background datasets are used and why? The tool comes with some background datasets to ease your work: The datasets comprise environmental data related to some consumption metrics. The most typical example are the country specific emission factors for electricity: • kg of greenhouse gas emissions of power generation in a given country, aggregated as CO2-equivalents per kWh electricity consumed by a product or process This data stems from broadly accepted and publicly available sources, such as the International Energy Agency. Further data sets allow to link your consumption data or design data with the anticipated environmental impacts. This is meant to help you: Instead of inquiring throughout the supply chain the “real” environmental impacts of your product, you are provided with ready-made data as a sound approximation of “your” reality. Photovoltaics Example

  41. Sector specific course / Step 5 5. Review the result Substeps: • Understand the first result & the available impact categories • Identify major environmental hotspots and the robustness of the result • Collect and enter additional data where necessary 4 6 Home Definitions

  42. 5.a.i Understand the result How is the result displayed? Results are displayed in the LCA to go tool in three different ways: 1) Data table („Detailed Results“) 2) Bar charts (“Graphic Results”) 3) pdf report Photovoltaics Example

  43. 5.a.ii Understand the result What are Environmental impact categories, how are they defined and why are they used? Environmental impacts are any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s or product’s environmental aspects. The environment is complex, and so is the range of environmental impacts. A non-exhaustive list of environmental impacts frequently seen in conjunction with Life Cycle Assessments are: • Global Warming • Resource Depletion • Human Toxicity • Ecotoxicity • Acidification • Eutrophication • (Loss of) Biodiversity • Ozone Depletion • Summer Smog If you want to know more about any of these impact categories, follow the links to the wikipedia entries. Photovoltaics Example

  44. 5.a.iii Understand the result How to compare environmental impact categories against each other? The challenge is, that it is hardly possible to value one kind of impact against another. There are some approaches to normalize and weigh environmental impacts with some kind of environmental “points”, but that doesn’t help to understand the environmental issue behind the assessment. The “LCA to go” consortium screened the relevancy of individual impact categories for individual sectors and the tool simplifies things by neglecting the less relevant ones. You should keep in mind, that there is some (minor) risk to overlook an important impact. Photovoltaics Example

  45. 5.a.iv Understand the result What is a Key Environmental Performance Indicator and why is it used? Key Environmental Performance Indicators (KEPIs) quantify potential environmental impacts, benefits or metrics of high relevancy for a given sector. KEPIs are the environmental result of an assessment, which allow a benchmarking or a comparison of scenarios. Examples are: • Energy-break-even-point (payback of energy invested in production of photovoltaic systems) • Environmental-break-even-point (after which operation time are the production related global warming gas emissions set off by saved CO2 emissions) • Carbon footprint of a photovoltaic system over full lifetime (positive) • Carbon emissions of a computer life cycle per year of usage • CumulativeEnergyDemand (CED) of a machinetoolover ist entirelifetime Photovoltaics Example

  46. 5.b.i Identify major environmental hotspots and the robustness of the underlying data What is an environmental hotspot? Ifyouwanttousetheassessmentfor design improvements, fordiscussing a projectwith a clientortoimplement a sustainablebusinessstrategy, youmightneedtoknowmorethan just a carbonfootprintfigure. Youshouldknow, whereitcomesfromtoinitiateimprovements. Followingagainthe 80:20 principleyoushouldtargetatthe 20% inputparameters, whichdrive 80% ofyourimpacts. These areyour environmental hotspots. Someexamples: • For a mobile electronicsproductitis not thepackage, althoughrecycledcardboardisverypopular, itistheelectronics: Printedcircuitboardandsemiconductors • For a PV systemitistheoverallsystemefficiencyand solar cellproduction • For a sensorsystemused in energy-intensive industriesdon‘tbotherfortoolongabouttheproductionofthesensorsystem, payattentiontothe positive usestageimpact • For a machinetool, do not worrytoomuchabouttheassemblyandweldingtogetheroftheparts, theimportanthotspotistheenergyused in the 15-25 yearsthatitis in usetoproducegoods. Photovoltaics Example

  47. 5.b.ii Identify major environmental hotspots and the robustness of the underlying data How to deal with environmental hotspots? Whendevelopingthetool, wehad in mindalreadythehotspots, but check foryourproduct, how sensitive theresultistotheentereddata: • Whatdrivesyourimpacts? • Howtominimiseoverallimpacts? Try to find out, whatarethethreemostimportantfactorsand check: Haveyougotthe power tomake a change? Photovoltaics Example

  48. 5.b.iii Identify major environmental hotspots and the robustness of the underlying data How robust are the results? The Data Quality Indicators (DQIs) will help you to judge the robustness of your results: Are those life cycle stages with the highest relevancy those with the best data quality? If not, make a brief sensitivity analysis: Enter for those parameters, which seem to be of high relevancy minimum and maximum estimates and check results again. Does the overall result change much? Materials Manufacturing End of life Use Distribution Photovoltaics Example

  49. 5.b.iv Identify major environmental hotspots and the robustness of the underlying data How robust are the results? Enter for those parameters, which seem to be of high relevancy minimum and maximum estimates and check results again. Does the overall result change much? Materials Manufacturing End of life Use Distribution Photovoltaics Example

  50. 5.b.v Identify major environmental hotspots and the robustness of the underlying data How robust are the results? Enter for those parameters, which seem to be of high relevancy minimum and maximum estimates and check results again. Does the overall result change much? Materials Manufacturing End of life Use Distribution In this example overall robustness is low, sensitivity is high, make related assumptions with due care, preferably calculate with a conservative assumption Photovoltaics Example

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