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Center for the Study of Critical Languages PROJECT GO ROTC LANGUAGE & CULTURE PROGRAM

INTENSIVE SUMMER INSTITUTE CHINESE LANGUAGE & CULTURE MAY 10 – JUNE 18, 2010 This activity is funded wholly or in part by a grant received from the Federal government NSEP ROTC Language & Culture Project. Center for the Study of Critical Languages PROJECT GO ROTC LANGUAGE & CULTURE PROGRAM.

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Center for the Study of Critical Languages PROJECT GO ROTC LANGUAGE & CULTURE PROGRAM

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  1. INTENSIVE SUMMER INSTITUTE CHINESE LANGUAGE & CULTURE MAY 10 – JUNE 18, 2010 This activity is funded wholly or in part by a grant received from the Federal government NSEP ROTC Language & Culture Project. Center for the Study of Critical Languages PROJECT GO ROTC LANGUAGE & CULTURE PROGRAM

  2. What is the Center for the Study of Critical Languages? • Florida Tech’s response to the national need for professionals in all majors to acquire linguistic & cultural competence in “critical languages.” • Critical Languages have been defined by the U.S. Department of Defense to include such languages as Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, among many others. The military includes ten languages: Arabic, Persian- Farsi, Persian- Dari, Chinese- Mandarin, Pashto, Urdu, Indonesian, Swahili, Hausa, and Korean. Eventually, our CSCL will add languages other than Chinese. • Florida Tech is involved in a major effort to “internationalize” our curriculum to provide studies in global perspectives and cultural/linguistic diversity for all students across all disciplines, for the entire College community and beyond.

  3. What is “Project GO”? • Department of Defense • 2006 – President George W. Bush • NSLI – National Security Language Initiative • NSEP - Security Education Program • ROTC Language & Culture Project Education + Language = National Security

  4. Why Chinese? • There are many reasons! First, Chinese is the language of nearly 1/4 of the world's population. Speakers of Chinese not only live in China, Taiwan, and Singapore, but also Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe, wherever Chinese communities congregate. Today, speakers of Chinese play increasingly important roles worldwide. • Second, learning Chinese is an extraordinary and agreeable experience through which you can immerse yourself in a different culture. Unlike most languages, Chinese has an ideographic writing system which provides visual comprehensibility. The grammatical structure of Chinese is not only logical, but also pragmatic, and related to the particular way of Chinese thinking. Knowledge of written Chinese opens up the culture of one of the world's oldest civilizations. • Third, traditional Chinese culture has an enormous influence on East and Southeast Asian nations, from Confucianism and Chan Buddhism to martial arts and Chinese cuisine. Chinese culture has also greatly inspired the western world through Marco Polo, G. W. Leibniz, Max Weber, Franz Kafka, Andre Malraux, Bertolt Brecht, Ezra Pound, and Jorge Luis Borges, among others. • Last,but not least,the People's Republic of China currently boasts the fastest growing economy in the world and is widely regarded as potentially the largest global market in the twenty-first century. Proficient speakers of Mandarin Chinese will find jobs in various fields such as business, government, international relations, information technology, tourism, education, translation and much, much, more. Of all foreign languages at American universities and colleges, Chinese shows the highest proportional increase in enrollment. Source: http://chinese-school.netfirms.com/learn-Chinese-reasons.html February 23, 2010

  5. What is the purpose of an “Intensive Summer Institute” ? • Provide excellent instruction in Chinese language & culture. • Wanfa Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, is the lead instructor. • There will be one more Instructor and possibly a Teaching Assistant. • JoAnn Parla Palumbo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor will direct the “Capstone Project.” • Intensive study, which precludes students from taking other courses or working during the time of the institute, ensures maximum success. • Interesting and exciting cultural activities, including guest speakers, films, and field trips, will be provided. • Participants will receive a “Certificate of Competence” in Chinese Language & Culture at a ceremony in August. • Participants will be prepared to apply to and enroll in study abroad programs in China and Taiwan, presently offered by colleges and ROTC programs with Project GO projects.

  6. How much will it cost me? • There are six (6) full scholarships available through the Project GO funding source at this time. • We are trying to secure more funding for this year and for next year as well. • Scholarships cover the full cost of the 6 week program: tuition & fees, room & board, and books & materials. • Non-scholarship participants must pay for 6 credit hours of tuition and living costs, approximately $6500. • What if I don’t get a scholarship for this summer? • We anticipate having an institute next summer, with scholarships for ROTC participants.

  7. Benefits of Participating in the Intensive Summer Institute • Critical Learning Incentive Pay (CLIP) – The courses in the institute are eligible, if you qualify for this program. • Resume – You can list that you won a scholarship in critical languages on your resume. • Certificate of Competence – You will earn this certificate, a document that confirms your abilities. • Eligibility to participate in study abroad programs – Successful completion of the program enables you to apply to study abroad programs. • Military requirement – All officers are required to have competence in a critical language; you will be better prepared to pass exams in critical languages required by the military.

  8. What’s Next? • First, make sure you are serious about this program! – INTENSIVE means just that! Be prepared to work hard, live, breathe, and think Chinese 24/7, for 6 weeks! • Second, download a letter and application form. • Third, return your application & requested materials by March 15, 2010.

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