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Past Life and Regression Therapy with Guilt

He worked with Lucy Jordan a regression therapist who had professional past life and regression therapy training. The sessions were done remotely using the internet.<br><br>

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Past Life and Regression Therapy with Guilt

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  1. Past Life and Regression Therapy with Guilt John was 27 years old and had a difficult relationship with his mother all his life. He had a lack of confidence and perseverance, starting things and then stopping them though self-sabotage and being overly critical of himself. He tried to please people as well so had difficulty setting personal boundaries. During the interview guilt was established is the most pressing of John’s emotional challenges because it was present all the time. He worked with Lucy Jordan a regression therapist who had professional past life and regression therapy training. The sessions were done remotely using the internet. John regressed in the past life of a 60 year old Native American medicine man. Even though others admired him he thought of himself as a charlatan. He maintained the illusion of his healing with lies although his wife knew the truth. One of his pretenses was for ‘spirits’ to help his patients even though he didn’t believe in them. At one point a man came to him with a stomach pain and not knowing what was wrong John gave the patient some medicine to rub into himself while John chanted for healing to occur. Unfortunately the man died thee months later and members of the village especially the women whispered to each other that the man’s death was all his fault and that he was a fake. His wife comforted him but he died shortly afterwards still carrying the emotion of guilt. The past life events were transformed though transpersonal insights of the situation. A series of current life memories were also explored and transformed. This started as toddler when visiting his uncle’s house in Athens, John ran around naked pretending his penis was a joystick and he was an airplane. His mother gave him a wait-till-I-get- you-home look, and John was confused and felt guilty about what he had done. When he was six with his mother, her sisters and his cousin she shouted that he was lazy. Other people had said he was smart but his mother’s judgment had a big impact. At seven whilst his mother was sleeping he had taken her lipstick and wrote, ‘I love you’

  2. on the bathroom mirror. When his mother awoke and saw it she shouted at him triggering his feelings of guilt. When he was 16 his parents berated him and shamed him because they wanted him to study hard. He still got the highest grades in the class but felt pressured and judged and guilty because his academic success meant more financial burden for them. After the sessions his feeling of guilt disappeared completely and he felt more at peace with this life, being more honest and brave enough to express an opinion even if it was unpopular. He realized dishonesty was a symptom of the guilt. This is what he said about the experience: “Regression therapy really helped me remember the roots of my problems. Memories that were pretty blurry because of my young age, and then get over them on the spot. It was an excellent way to deal with my fears and all the things that kept me behind. It’s like gaining access to knowledge about yourself that you had forgotten you already knew, and finally realising who you really are; and when you know who you really are, feeling complete comes naturally” Thanks to Regression Therapist Lucy Jordan who provided the information, website; https://www.lucy-jordan.net/ the client’s personal information has been changed but not the session details or client feedback. More information about healing form past or current lives can be found in past life books. Address: Oakridge House, hanging langford State: Wiltshire Country: UK Zip: SP34NW Contact email id: regressionacademy@gmail.com Phone No. : +44 (0) 7858391004 Website : https://www.regressionacademy.com/

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