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The Healing Benefits Of Natural Crystal Stones...

Did you know Crystals are naturally occurring and are believed by many to have healing properties. They are usually found on the earth. Different crystals have different properties, and therefore if you are looking to support the body with a spiritual, physical, or mental crisis, you would need the crystal that corresponds to your particular ailment. For more Details Visit our site. https://reiju.co.uk/

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The Healing Benefits Of Natural Crystal Stones...

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  1. THEHEALINGBENEFITSOFNATURAL CRYSTALSTONES Natural Crystal Stones. Harnessing the power of crystals for healing is a practice the dates back thousands of years. Crystals are naturally occurring and are believed by many to have healing properties. They are usually found on the earth. Different crystals have different properties, and therefore if you are looking to support the body with a spiritual, physical or mental crisis, you would need the crystal that corresponds to your particular ailment.

  2. ENERGY BOOSTING If you are flagging and feeling like you are running on empty all the time, then you might consider working with the following crystals; as they are all associated with boosting energy levels: Carnelian - Carnelian is a stabilizing stone with high energy and is excellent for restoring vitality. Amethyst - Is of a very high vibration and inspires and stimulates the mins. Clear Quartz - Is an extremely powerful healing tool and energy amplifier. These crystals offer a stimulating force within the body and help to bring about positive drive and energy while dismissing feelings of negativity. You could wear them as a pendant around your neck, place them on your body while you meditate, or just keep them close to you.

  3. COMBAT ANXIETY AND STRESS Sadly we are living in a high-stress fast-paced world. For many of us, this can result in feelings of anxiety and panic as we struggle to juggle and manage everything that goes on around us. Crystal healing can be a huge benefit here, and there are many crystals that could be beneficial depending on the primary symptoms that are plaguing you. Celestite is a beautiful crystal for helping to relieve the aches and pains that come from carrying too much stress and tension in the body. So for example, if you carry your stress in your shoulders then place some celestite directly on your skin as you meditate and relax. If anxiety is crippling you, try amethyst as this is a very balancing crystal that helps soothe fears and relieve mental panic. In this case, it could be beneficial to sleep with a piece of amethyst under your pillow as this can be the prime time for the brain to go into overdrive. Other Crystals that we at Reiju recommend for Anxiety and Stress issues are: Rose Quartz - Rose Quartz provides reassurance and calm, invokes self-worth and draws off negative energies and replaces with love and comfort. Hematite - Hematite enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, and courage Green Aventurine - Green Aventurine is a comforter, harmonizer, and all-around healer, bringing feelings of serenity and calm.

  4. CLEARING YOUR MIND If you are suffering from stress and life in general then as well as the issues above you may also feel that you cannot think clearly or make decisions calmly. In this case, we need to support the mind, and the best crystal for this is quartz. It vibrates at the same frequency as the energy chakras and helps to restore calm to a troubled mind. Rose Quartz also has the benefit of promoting love which can be very helpful if you are feeling angry with yourself for not coping. It is essential that we love ourselves and rose quartz is one of the most beautiful crystals. Place pieces of rose quartz around the home, next to the places you sit the most and allow it to work to calm you and bring mental clarity. https://reiju.co.uk info@reiju.co.uk

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