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Blood Vessels

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Blood Vessels

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 21 Sept. 2011 Vessels1-lab.ppt 1 Blood Vessels

    2. 21 Sept. 2011 Vessels1-lab.ppt 2 Blood Vessels Three tunics Tunica interna Endothelium Simple squamous epithelium Tunica media Smooth muscle & elastic CT Tunica externa Dense irregular or areolar CT

    3. 21 Sept. 2011 Vessels1-lab.ppt 3 Blood Vessels Arteries & arterioles Carry blood from heart Systemic arteries carry oxygenated blood Tunica media thick

    4. 21 Sept. 2011 Vessels1-lab.ppt 4 Blood Vessels Arteries & arterioles Muscular arteries Tunica media of smooth muscle Elastic arteries Tunica media of elastic CT Aorta & largest branches

    5. 21 Sept. 2011 Vessels1-lab.ppt 5 Blood Vessels Veins & venules Carry blood toward heart Systemic veins carry deoxygenated blood Tunica media thin Little smooth muscle Connective tissue Veins have valves.

    6. 21 Sept. 2011 Vessels1-lab.ppt 6 Blood Vessels Capillaries Tiny, thin-walled vessels Endothelium (only?) 5 - 12 m diameter Penetrate nearly all other tissues Sites of exchange O2, CO2 Nutrients, wastes

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