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Twitter App Advertising Rates and Ad Options

Advertise in Twitter App which is one of the Top largest social networking platform. Book midroll and native ads in Twitter App now via releaseMyAd based on your budget.

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Twitter App Advertising Rates and Ad Options

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  1. Tipsto BookAppAdvertisingon

  2. About Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006. The definition of twitter is “a short burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds” which perfectly defined this social media platform. It is a social networking and microblogging service which is used to post and interact with messages called "tweets”. Twitter took the then-emerging social media platform by storm and by 2012 more than 100 million users posted 340 million tweets a day.

  3. Why should you advertise in Twitter? Today twitter is one of the most successful social media platforms out there. Twitter averaged 330 million monthly active users. This microblogging platform is used by 24% of online adults. Ability to follow, engage and interact with any other follower with a public profile makes Twitter appealing. In today's digital reality we find people get the latest news and happenings of their surroundings through what is trending on twitter rather than watching news channels. Millions of Tweets are sent each day and among this noise, it is very easy for your brand’s marketing post to get lost. Here, the Twitter advertisement comes in for your brand promotion. Twitter ads allow you to zero in on your target audience and carefully control your budget. You can target by keyword or a specific hashtag. Twitter offers engager targeting. Ads will be seen by only those people who have recently interacted or seen your tweet. Also, with Twitter, you only pay when your ad achieves the marketing goal. You will only pay when people click on the link and visit your website or when people click the follow button. Influential people like celebrities, politicians, etc hang out on Twitter and under circumstances, your business is in touch with any of these people then a Twitter ad can help your business to grow with such influential people in your space. With Twitter, you can create a custom audience list based on keywords, interests and identity. To add to this advertising on Twitter is comparatively cheap. People on Twitter are constantly looking for something new. Be it from the people, businesses or brands, great content and stories are always trending on Twitter. Nowadays even the most talked about topic is determined by the top ten trending Twitter hashtags. Twitter ads help your Tweets and your account gets the exposure in front of more people who may be interested in your product.

  4. How can you advertise in Twitter? Wondering how to go ahead with advertising on Twitter via releaseMyAd? Follow these 5 steps and make your ad booking breezy! 1. Select the Twitter option from the list of apps on m.releaseMyAd website. 2. Scroll through and check the ad types you want to select for your campaign. 3. Submit the inquiry by filling up your contact details so that we can reach you and help you to set up the campaign and cost as per your requirement. 4. Once your ad is live, check the ad performance with real-time data and live reports provided by releaseMyAd. 5. Optimize your campaign if required; make amends to your campaign for enhanced performance.

  5. Frequently Asked Questions on Twitter through releaseMyAd? Q. How can I advertise my brand on Twitter? Ans. Select Twitter from the list of apps from m.releasemyad.com and then select the type of ad you want to go for, and submit your enquiry. Our experts will get back to you and follow up with your requirements and serve your needs. Q. What are the charges to advertise with Twitter? Ans. The ad rate is based on cost per spot as well as the creative. Our team of experts will provide you with suitable rates according to the enquiries received. Q. What is the advertising deadline? Ans. Make sure to book 2 days before the launch date of the campaign. Q. Can I select my target audience with Twitter advertising? Ans. Yes, you can select the audience you want to advertise. Q. What types of advertisements can I run on Twitter? Ans. Twitter advertisement can be in the form of Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, Promoted Trends and Promoted Moments. Q. How long will it take for my ad to go live? Ans. Once the campaign is confirmed, it may take 48 hours for the campaign to go live. Q. What should I do if I am unable to book or do proper planning of my advertisement? Ans. If you are unable to book or plan your advertisement campaign yourself, just submit the enquiry by filling up the form and our experts will get back to you with details. Q. Do I get discounts? Ans. The rates are fixed. But you can optimize your cost by altering your creatives. Q. What are the ad specifications? Ans. On selecting the app from the list of apps, you can read the details and select your ad type and fill up the enquiry form after which our expert team will contact you soon. Q. What should I do if I am unhappy with the launched ad campaign? Ans. If you are not satisfied with the ad campaign after it is launched, you can choose to pause it.

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