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Physicians Tobacco Use Eva Kralikova


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Physicians Tobacco Use Eva Kralikova

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Physicians & Tobacco Use Eva Kralikova

    2. 2 “In those nations where the tobacco epidemic appears to have peaked and begun to ease, a retrospective view reveals that it was, in nearly all cases, physicians who led the way by changing their behavior from being one of the groups with the highest smoking prevalence to being one of, if not the, lowest.” - Getting Doctors to Quit and Lead 2002

    3. 3 Evolution of the Physician’s Role in Smoking Cessation

    4. 4

    5. 5 Physicians & Tobacco Use

    6. 6

    7. 7 Physicians & Smoking

    8. 8 In the United States…

    9. 9 Why Target Physicians?

    10. 10 Potential Roles for Physicians

    11. 11 Reaching Physicians

    12. 12 Medical Societies

    13. 13 An Example…

    14. 14 Medical Schools

    15. 15 An Example…

    16. 16 Health Ministries

    17. 17 Voluntary Health NGO’s

    18. 18 More NGO Activities…

    19. 19 In Summary…

    20. 20 Thank you

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