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I become deaf and I want him to become dumb

I become deaf and I want him to become dumb. By Sofiane C. Annoying habit #53 «  He is always coughing  ». At school during an exam… « hu hu hu » At home, whatever what we are doing … « hu hu hu » When we go out « hu hu hu » At night when we are all sleeping « HU HU HU HU »

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I become deaf and I want him to become dumb

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  1. I becomedeaf and I wanthim to becomedumb By Sofiane C

  2. Annoying habit #53« He isalwayscoughing » • Atschoolduring an exam… « hu hu hu » • At home, whateverwhatwe are doing… « hu hu hu » • Whenwe go out « hu hu hu » • At night whenwe are all sleeping « HU HU HU HU » • Whenwe are at a party « hu hu… HU HU… HU »

  3. For example, whenwe are travelling by train… Moreover the train’sextremelyannoying noises, mydearfriendiscoughing… Again… When I try to forgetthatI am in an uncomfortable place, and I begin to talk withhim, hestarts to coughagain, and again, and again. « Hey didyouseethatvideo in which… » « Hu HU HU HU Hu hu hu » « HUUUUUUUHuu » « Ok, drop it »

  4. More thanit… Whenhefeelsthatheisgoing to besick, he has manysoluces… He asks me to go to smoke, I don’t know if it’sreally effective, but I like smoking so I followhim. If it’satschool, heasks to the teacher to go to the bathroom to drink a little water hopinghegonnafeelbetter If he has hissyrupwithhim, hetakesit. If hedoesn’t have it, readbubble 1 and bubble 2 He take a little cocktail made with rhum and citronnade, that’s a good drink, and it has the power of makinghis neck better

  5. A typical night conversation withhim How didyoufindthis party ! It was cool, no ? I feellikeHuHU Hu huuuuhuuHUH *ZzzzZZZzzzzz ZzZzzzZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZzz* Hu… yeah itwasco…huHUHHUH Don’tyoufeellikeyou’retired but youwant to dance again ? HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU

  6. HEY DUDE. I JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF YOUR DISEASE, WHAT IT THAT KIND OF DISEASE ?! THAT’S SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED TO BE AS ANNOYING AS YOU ARE !!!! Do youwant to go out ? OK, wecan go hum… you know in front of thatshop which in theysellsomedrugs… how doesitcalled ? Wherethere are some pharmacies… to buy a syrup for example I likegoing out to walk a littlethtough the city, the shops etc… yousee ? If youwant, wecan go out and smoke a cigaret, wecan go seesomefriends, and walk… « HuHU » No ? Hu ok.

  7. Whydoesthis ‘habit’ makes me soupset ? It’salwaysmaking me upsetathim

  8. Cough’s amplitude I’mgonnakillhim. 5 minutes later Stop it. 2,43min later What’swrongagain ? Whenhestarts to cough That’s not normal… Whenhedidn’tcoughyet Hoooo…. He must feelbad, imgonna help him

  9. And I repeat… Again. DUMB ME HIM DEAF

  10. « The… HuhuHU… End. »

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