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Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening

Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening. Welcome to King’s!. A unique educational experience. A Russell Education Trust school Outstanding teaching Small school feel Christian ethos and values Outstanding pastoral care. Staffing for 2019-20.

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Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening

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  1. Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening Welcome to King’s!

  2. A unique educational experience • A Russell Education Trust school • Outstanding teaching • Small school feel • Christian ethos and values • Outstanding pastoral care

  3. Staffing for 2019-20 • Mr Cooke and Ms Lowney are Deputy Headteachers. They teach Mathematics and English respectively. Mr Cooke has largely curriculum responsibilities and Ms Lowney has responsibility for behaviour and pastoral care. • Mr Walker is an Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo • Ms Vincent is an Assistant Headteacher with responsibilities for Year 6 transition, staff development and the Christian life of the school • Ms Bucther, Mr Knowles, Ms Coles are our Heads of English, Maths, and Science respectively. • Mr Cornell, Ms Morley, Ms Grosvenor, Ms Weir, Ms Cager, Ms Dendy, and Ms Aubrey-Smith are our Heads of PE, DT, Arts, Geography, History, RP and MFL respectively. • Ms Staples is Head of Year 7 and will be speaking to you at the end of the main presentation. • Ms Gamon and Ms Findon work with Ms Lowney and the Heads of Year to deliver pastoral care in the school.

  4. Who do I contact at King’s...? Please see the contact list included in your induction pack for more details. • Your child’s form tutor • Your child’s Head of Year – Ms Staples • Your child’s Class teacher/Head of department • Ms Gamon/Ms Findon – Pastoral • Mr Walker/Ms Morley – SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo • Ms Lowney – behaviour/pastoral • Mr Cooke – curriculum • Ms Vincent - transition • Mrs Price

  5. School day Site open 07:45am AM Registration 08:30 - 08:40 Lesson1 08.40 – 09.30 Lesson 2 09.30 – 10.20 Break 10.20 – 10.40 20 mins Lesson3 10:40 – 11.30 Lesson 4 11.30 – 12.20 Lunch 12.20 – 13:00 40 mins Tutor/Assembly13:00 – 13:20 Lesson 5 13.20 – 14.10 Lesson 6 14:10 – 15.00 Extra-Curricular Programme 15:15-16:15

  6. Curriculum • Emphasis is on the core subjects • Students in Year 7 study: Maths (4), English (4), Science (4), Geography (2), History (2), Languages (3), Design Technology (2), Art (1), Drama (2), Music (1), PE (2), Computing (1), PSHE (1) and RP (1) • Students in Year 9 will choose their GCSE options Information will be distributed to Year 9 parents in the Autumn term and the Year 9 Parents’ Evening will be positioned to aid in the options process • Most GCSE courses will start in Year 10. Science GCSE will start in Year 9. History and geography start at Easter in Year 9.

  7. How classes are structured at King’s • There will be 2 sides to the year with students allocated in such a way as to ensure the sides are approximately equal. • Each year half will contain sets 1-3 in English, Science and Maths. Each of these subjects will have their setting. • In all other subjects the students will be allocated to a mixed ability group. • PE will be taught in mixed ability and mixed gender groups.

  8. Target Setting at King’s • Students’ targets are based on Key Stage 2 outcomes. • Targets based on individual KS2 scaled scores. • Students should progress 4 grades in total • 2 grades in KS3 • 2 grades in KS4 • This equates to 2 sub-grades in a year • So student with an English KS2 outcome of 100/grade 1will have an English target for the end of year 7 of 2-

  9. Reporting on Student Progress • Students will get 2 reports a year • One interim progress report • One full written report • There will also be two parents’ evenings in year 7 • Settling in evening with tutors • Full parents’ evening with subject teachers

  10. Reporting on Student Progress • Example of interim report • Colour coding based on target • No colour on first report

  11. Homework at King’s • Students will get 2 pieces a week in the core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science • Students will get 1 piece a week (20 minutes) in Languages, Technology, History, Geography and RP • There will be an internal homework timetable to ensure students’ homework load is evenly distributed. • Teachers and students use an online system called ‘Show my Homework’. Parents have full access to this. • A homework club runs in school Monday-Thursday.

  12. Homework at King’s

  13. Extra-Curricular • Programme runs Monday-Friday from the second week of each term, through to, and including, the penultimate week • Some clubs are free of charge to parents • Some clubs are offered at cost price to parents • Students are encouraged to sign up for at least one club per week but many do more

  14. House System • Each student will be allocated to a house as well as a form group. • Our houses are based on New Testament place names. They are: • Ephesus - red • Colossae - blue • Philippi - green • Galatia – yellow • Berea – orange • Rome - pink

  15. Tutor Groups • Named after the house e.g. 7C - Colossae • Six tutor groups in the year group • We have factored in our prior knowledge of students, gleaned during transition visits in discussions with SENCOs and Year 6 class teachers • Please notify us of any issues after the Induction Day and we will do our best to help

  16. What is pastoral care? Pastoral care focuses on looking after the social and emotional wellbeing of students. How students feel (in the short and long term) has a direct impact on their learning. At King’s, we look to address not only students’ academic needs, but also their emotional needs through support such as group work, themed workshops and events, PSHE lessons and one-to-one provision. At King’s we believe that each child is unique, and we offer flexible, individualised pastoral support to reflect this. We also recognise that there are many common challenges faced during puberty, and will offer support (e.g. themed assemblies or lessons) to address this. “The school is an exceptionally harmonious community.”

  17. Who is there for your child? Ms Staples Head of Year Ms Lowney Deputy Head Mrs Gamon Pastoral Officer Mrs Findon Pastoral Officer

  18. How do we help? • We have a weekly meeting to discuss pastoral care and SEND provision to ensure that the pastoral needs of students are being met. • The team will support through a range of one to one mentoring, group support sessions, daily check ups. • We also work with a number of outside agencies including Safety Net, Off the Fence, the Wellbeing Service, School Nurse, CAHMs, Social Services, WISE, Police, RuOK etc. • In addition there are always opportunities for students to drop in when they need additional support.

  19. Support for Students with SEND • Mr Walker (SENCo) • Mrs Morley (Assistant SENDCo) • Mrs Clark, Mrs Phillips, Mr Elliott, Ms Abbott (Learning Support Assistants) • Ms Thomas (Literacy Support Service) • SEND register – SA, SA+, S/EHCP • Additional Needs Booklet • LSPs (Learning Support Plans) • Differentiated classroom teaching • Close involvement of parents – parent referrals • Target, focused support from external and internal sources • Use of IPad technology for some

  20. Behaviour – Character Education • We aim to prepare students for life beyond school and to help them develop as individuals. • Our ‘character education’ approach is consistent with our school values. • In lessons we expect behaviour that supports learning and engenders a nurturing environment where people feel safe, secure and supported. • Around the school we expect courteous, respectful, safe behaviour. • We operate a ‘consequences ladder’ for students who fail to meet behaviour expectations. • We will keep parents fully informed of any concerns regarding behaviour.

  21. Attendance • Every day, and every lesson, matters! • The school monitors the attendance of each student weekly and takes into consideration legitimate absence caused by illness. Attendance is rated as follows: Excellent: 96 – 100%; Good: 94 – 95.9%; Concern: 90 – 93.9%; Significant concern: 89.9% and under. (The government classifies any student who has an attendance figure of less than 90% as persistently absent). • All holidays taken during term time (except in very exceptional circumstances) are unauthorised. • FPNs will be issued for unauthorised holidays where more than 3 days are taken in one case or cumulatively over a school year. • Unacceptable levels of absence may lead to ineligibility for school trips.

  22. Uniform Standards • Blazers must be worn around school; in very hot weather a ‘no blazer’ day will be declared • Boys’ trousers should be ‘Zecco’ or ‘Innovation’ brand charcoal grey • Girls’ skirts should be knee length or just above the knee (moving to below the knee for Sept 2020) • Girls’ shirts should have a revere collar • School shoes should be leather or leather look and have a distinct heel – no trainers of any kind, kitten heels or boots • Bags should be black rucksacks or messenger bags • No make up or jewellery other than a watch, medic alert chain and one small stud in each ear. • Uniform must be replaced when needed

  23. Our Site and Safe Transport • A brand new site with state of the art facilities • Bus timetables to be circulated before the end of this term • Students are encouraged to cycle or walk to school where possible. • Students should have a lock for their bike, a helmet and lights in winter if they cycle. • Please discuss road safety with students and remind them of it regularly.

  24. Catering Arrangements • We operate a cashless catering system: this can be topped up ‘online’ and enables you to monitor what your child is purchasing • Dome Diner open for breakfast, break and lunch times. • Packed lunches may be brought in • Water fountains available to students to refill bottles from • We are a strictly ‘no nut’ school

  25. Induction Day Plans *During lessons 1-3 tutor groups will be taken to have their thumbprint scanned for the biometric tills in the dining hall.

  26. Start of term in September • Year 7 return on Tuesday 10thSeptember at 8:30am. • Years 8-11 do not return until Wednesday 11th September • A full list of Term Dates for 2019-10, including most INSET dates, is available on our website

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