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Misogynist. Noun: references a man Hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. Synonyms: Anti-feminist, male chauvinist, misanthrope, sexist Antonyms: Women-lover, married The misogynistic man wanted nothing to do with women. Mis: hate Gyn: woman . I hate you!. Misanthrope. Why hello

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  1. Misogynist • Noun: references a man • Hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. • Synonyms: Anti-feminist, male chauvinist, misanthrope, sexist • Antonyms: Women-lover, married • The misogynistic man wanted nothing to do with women. Mis: hate Gyn: woman

  2. I hate you! Misanthrope Why hello I’m Human Kind Mr. Misanthrope Definition: Someone who hates people or humankind as a whole. Misein: To hate Anthropos: Human being Noun!

  3. Philanderer Antonyms: trustworthy. nerd. gentlemen. Synonyms: player. cheater. affair. Definition: a man who has one or more girls, or is having an affair. Part of Speech: noun Ex: Romeo is being a philander by hopping between Rosaline and Juliet.

  4. Philanthrophist Noun! Phil: LOVE Anthropos: HUMANKIND • The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations. • Love of humankind in general. • Mr. Smith is a philanthropist, he goes to Africa to help the needy.

  5. Bibliophile Synonyms: bookman, bookwoman, erudite person. Antonyms: ignoramus Definition: Someone who loves and collects books. “ My sister is such a bibliophile she reads all 5000 of her books again and again.” Biblio: books Phile: lover of

  6. Misandrist NOUNREFERENCES A WOMAN The hate of men -Antonyms Married Love of men Synonyms Dislike hatred Annie is a misandrist to her dad. Mis=hate Andr=man

  7. Philosopher: Phil: love Soph: wisdom A person who studies how one should live and tries to find enlightenment on how things are the way they are Noun S. Doane

  8. Miscreant Definition: depraved, villainous, something miscreated. Mis: hate Crea: belief Literally, someone who hates faith or belief K. King

  9. Benevolent E. Johnston 1st 1/30/08 Root: Bene (good) Vol: will Definition: desiring to help/be good to others; goodwill Part of speech: adjective The benevolent man helped out at the homeless shelter because he liked to do good deeds for others in need.

  10. Benevolent doing good synonym: charitable kindly adjective Bene=good Fedde

  11. a person who gives help synonym: giver, donor noun Fedde

  12. DISMAL • adjective • Causing gloom or dejection Synonyms: Antonyms: Hopeless Cheerful Abysmal Gay Dreadful Luc Lagesse

  13. Benignant Definition: Someone who is kind or good hearted. Synonyms: Kind, Kindly, Good Hearted.

  14. Benignant • Every beautiful thing on Earth the Lord has given us with his benignant hands.

  15. MALFEASANCE noun Mal: Bad Feasance: the doing or performing of an act, as of a condition or duty having to do with the law. J. Fallt • the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; • wrongdoing The Secretary of State was accused of malfeasance when he used money from the State Treasury for personal reasons.

  16. Malevolent Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: wishing or appearing to wish evil to others. Wishing harm to others. Synonym: malicious, hateful, poisonous. Antonyms: Benevolent, harmless, kind, loving. Alison had malevolent feelings towards her boss.

  17. N. Reinhard Synonym: Angry, bad, hatful. Antonyms: Good sinless. Maleficent This word means doing evil or harm. Such as getting punched or playing a prank on someone. Click link www.YOUTUBE.COM Roots: Mal=bad and efficient= useful work

  18. Scission To cut, divided, or split; division; separation NOUN Putting back together and uniting

  19. Anim- breath, mind -osity the quality of being Noun Animosity The brother and sister had animosity towards each other as the fought over the toy whale. Synonyms: hostility, opposition, hatred, and unfriendliness C. Flaum

  20. Matricide J. NEWMAN Matri- Mother Cide- Cut, Kill He committed MATRICIDE after his mother took him out of the will. NOUN

  21. Concise (Adjective) R. Lantz Definition: Expressing or covering much in few words Synonyms -Brief -Short -Succinct The concise paper was quick and went straight to the point. Antonyms -Tedious -Wordy -Verbal Cis: cut Con: with, together

  22. Synonym: Serenity Part of Speech: Noun Antonym: Panic equanimity The quality of being calm. Eaquus- even Animus- mind, spirit The girl kept her equanimity as she took the shot that would end the game. R. Elliott

  23. Pusillanimous • –adjective • Definition: lacking courage or resolution; cowardly • Don’t be pusillanimous if you’re going to be an actor. Pusillanimous comes from Latin pusillus, "very small, tiny, puny" + animus, "soul, mind."

  24. Definition: to give life to, make alive. Animate Synonyms: breath, live, life Antonyms: Dead or life less Roots: Ani- Breath or mind Mate- together Part of speech: Verb The animators in “Finding Nemo were responsible for animating Nemo and his friends, or bringing them to life. K. Carter

  25. Explicate K. Saling Definition: To make plain or clear Antonyms Cloud Complicate Confuse Mystify Obscure Tangle Synonyms: Formulate and Develop Sarah needed to explicate her summary so we could understand. Verb

  26. AbstainJ. Van De Weghe • Verb • To hold oneself back voluntarily, esp. from something regarded as improper or unhealthy • Synonyms: Forbear, desist, cease • Antonyms: Indulge • The man had to abstain from smoking cigarettes because his wife wanted him to quit. Ab: Away from • Stain: Steady, irresponsible

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