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  3. Hoping to curb the tens of thousands of casualties of World War I due to venereal diseases, the U.S. government handed out condoms to the soldiers during World War II, this and similar situations eased the nation’s mind towards using forms of birth control.

  4. The nations conscience also became accustomed to mixed genders at work, because for the first time, women while their husbands were off to war joined the workforce!

  5. As the war ended, and men came back to their wives, we then had more babies than ever!

  6. With the war over, and its technology turned over to the entertainment industry, the up and coming youth became more independent than any previous generation.

  7. With the nations general attitude towards birth control relaxed • With the workforce accustomed to the presence of women and men • With babies in abundance and no seeming end to the barrage of children • And now, with the independence of youth in the nation higher than ever America found its messiah! For the first time ever… • A relatively safe • A relatively affordable • A relatively effective • A relatively convenient Then came 1960. form of birth control: the pill.


  9. The invention of the birth control pill has been named the greatest social development of the last century.

  10. Many see this development as progress…

  11. But since then, God’s plan for families has never been the same,

  12. Because a key component of what God instituted for husband, wife, and family was taken out of the way: the link between sex and childbearing.

  13. Immediately, it spawned the sexual revolution of the 60’s.

  14. 50 Year-long DOWNWARD SPIRAL Women in the home left, because they were no longer needed to take care of larger amounts of children, and they joined the workforce where they were in regular prolonged contact with other men away from their husbands. Husbands likewise at the work place became surrounded by other women not their wives (needless to say the women at the professional workplace were always dressed nicer than the working wives still at home).

  15. 50 Year-long DOWNWARD SPIRAL The image of sexuality became a bigger issue as women found later and later in life, not having kids kept them more sexually alluring. After all, the natural female cycles of period, pregnancy, children, and sex were eliminated with the use of the pill, and the increase in sex created an increase in sexuality altogether.

  16. 50 Year-long DOWNWARD SPIRAL The fear of adultery was diminished when the fear of getting pregnant and getting found out was diminished, so marital affairs skyrocketed. The Biblical role of husband and father as the provider was diminished as the wife now too generated income (both diminishing the male’s sense of familial responsibility and the female’s sense of financial and emotional dependence).

  17. 50 Year-long DOWNWARD SPIRAL Less kids and more adultery left parents with less of a reason to stay together, they just no longer had to make the marriage work out anymore. The church’s view of divorce slacked as there became larger amounts of divorced congregants. Then the church’s view on remarriage changed altogether allowing for more of it, which lead to more remarriage AND divorce.

  18. 50 Year-long DOWNWARD SPIRAL Divorce once unthinkable became rampant, and the parental example of faithfulness was removed both within and without marriage, so the kids grew up with a warped view of sexuality. Publications since the sexual revolution and Internet more recently increased the exposure and secrecy of more and more forms of sexuality.

  19. 50 Year-long DOWNWARD SPIRAL Couples having sex before marriage and with several partners resulted in weaker starts to more marriages. And now, with the American family in shambles with half brothers, and step fathers, and ex-husbands, and mom’s boyfriend, and brother’s boyfriend… marriage and family itself are getting redefined, and sexuality as you want it is at an all time high!

  20. So, just because the pill has caused so much trouble in the world, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t use it the right way in a marriage, right?

  21. Well, the visible damage done by hormonal forms of birth control, (as bad as it is) isn’t near as bad as that which is unseen, the devastation of…

  22. Chemical abortions at the beginning stages of pregnancy.

  23. Even though hormonal forms of birth control sometimes prevent human life before conception, it also aborts human life after conception preventing the new life from implanting into the mother’s uterine wall.

  24. First of all, it cuts off the cellular (not referring to mobile phones) communication between the mother and the newly conceived individual. This keeps the new little baby from knowing where to attach to the uterine wall, and the child starves to death and is flushed.

  25. Secondly, if the new child happens to find the right place to attach to the mother, it disallows the child from attaching to the uterine wall by rendering ineffective the new child’s ability to “hook” (also called integrins) onto the surface of the endometrium (uterine wall).

  26. Again, the child starves apart from the mother, and is flushed out of her body.

  27. Finally, if the new individual actually starts attaching to the right place, and also manages to attach despite the unlikely conditions for it to do so, hormonal forms of birth control leave the woman’s endometrium (uterine wall) too thin to sustain fetal life. (2 to 4 millimeters as opposed to the normal 13-14 millimeters)

  28. Again, the child starves from nutritional deprivation, dies, and gets flushed out.

  29. Estimates vary because these deaths aren’t directly detectable, and also because women have different fertility rates, sex lifestyles, etc. However, during the average lifetime of a woman using hormonal forms of birth control, conservative studies estimate that 4-6 unseen lives will be snuffed out in this manner. Other estimates run as high as 8-9. Either way, we can’t know exactly when and how often, but that it does happen we can be sure.

  30. In the end all will stand before God for the things that we do with our body. This is the reason for this power point. That in that day, and until then, God may be glorified in this: our stewardship of the gift of procreation given to us.

  31. Of the issues surrounding that of birth control, child bearing, and parenting larger families, there is no end, but for now this power point is concluded, but in doing so, a final prayer from the Lord Jesus Christ:…

  32. “Therefore said He unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2

  33. Cute unused pictures below… (rolling credits)

  34. Cute unused pictures below…

  35. NO!

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