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Campus Updates and New Features for Teachers and Students

Stay updated with the latest releases and features on Campus Learning. Find information on the removal of the Campus Portal and the introduction of Campus Student and Campus Parent apps. Explore updates in display options, language preferences, and more.

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Campus Updates and New Features for Teachers and Students

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  1. What’s New in Campus 1925-1937

  2. Overview • Campus releases an update every 4 weeks. • Information regarding what items were affected in each release can be found in Campus Community within the Knowledge Base. https://community.infinitecampus.com/kb/display/DOC/Campus+Release+Notes

  3. 1925 – June

  4. Introducing CampusLearning.com PATH: CampusLearning.com • CampusLearning.com provides a home base for teachers to learn about their Campus Instruction and Campus Learning tools, including release notes and announcements for new and updated features, opportunities to connect through training events and usability testing, and links to the Teachers on Campus blog, teacher-specific help content, and social media. • The Campus Learning Home link in the user menu of Campus Instruction has been updated to go to the new CampusLearning.com.

  5. Removal of Portal – Campus Student/Parent PATH: Campus Student, Campus Parent, System Administration > User Security > User Preference Management > User Account Batch Wizard • The previous Campus Portal has been completely replaced by Campus Student and Campus Parent and is no longer available. Users attempting to log in to the Portal will be redirected to the new applications. • The previous Campus Mobile Portal mobile app will be removed at the end of June in favor of the new Campus Student and Campus Parent apps. Students and Parents can download the new apps from the Apple App Store or Google Play. • See the Campus Student & Parent FAQ article for more information. • The following updates have been made: • Display Options have been updated to streamline, simplify, and clarify the preferences available. • All homepages for students and parents have been converted to Campus Student and Campus Parent, respectively. • Campus Portal has been removed from the Homepage field on user accounts. New user accounts cannot be given a homepage of Campus Portal. • The User Account Batch Import Tool, Account Security Preferences, and User Account Batch Wizard have also been updated to no longer include an option for a homepage of Campus Portal. • Added an options to the Settings menu of Campus Student and Campus Parent to select a Language, if more than one language is active for the district. • Updated to prevent students from logging in to Campus Parent if their parent also had an enrollment. • Various other bug fixes and improvements.

  6. Census Wizard – Physical Address PATH: Census > Census Wizard • The Physical Address checkbox that was added to the Households Locations editor in the Campus.1821 Release is now available in the Census Wizard. 

  7. .CSV Format Added to User Rights Summary PATH: System Administration > User Security > Users > User Account > User Rights Summary Users can now generate the User Rights Summary in .CSV format

  8. Online Assessment – End of Life PATH: Assessments > Online Assessments The Online Assessment tools have been removed, including the Assessment Bank and Test Item Bank. Online Assessments can no longer be added to assignments the two Online Assessment reports have been removed from Campus Instruction.  LDAPS Certificates Tool Now Available PATH: System Administration > LDAP Management > LDAPS Certificates • The LDAPS Certificates tool is now available. This tool provides district administrators the ability to store and replace their public key certificates used by LDAP for authentication. By storing certificates in this tool, districts can mitigate the issue of having users locked out of Campus when certificates expire. • Email and in-app notification functionality was also created. Users who have access to this tool or the SSO Service Provider Configuration tool will receive an email and in-app notification every 3 days when a certificate will expire in less than 30 days. When a certificate will expire in 10 or less days, this notification will increase to every day until the certificate is replaced. Users will continue to receive daily notifications until the expired certificate is replaced or removed.

  9. Health Office Visit – Administered By Update PATH: Student Information > Health > General > Health Office Visit A new dropdown, Administered by, has been added to the student Health Office Visits tool to identify the person administering medications or treatments to the student in the health office visit. This field defaults to hidden. The values populated in this dropdown can be customized in the Attribute/Dictionary at Health Visit > Administered by. The Administered by display name can also be modified in the Attribute/Dictionary.

  10. Online Payments PATH: System Administration > Payments • The Online Payments application was redesigned to provide your district and parents with a more intuitive, user-friendly experience. New functionality includes: • Issue refunds directly in Campus. • Access a new Payment Reporter tool. This tool provides improved visibility into the details of each transaction and will give you the ability to issue refunds. • Allow schools to set their own payment settings. • Charge a service fee on recurring payments and in-office card transactions. • Campus will now automatically void all returned transactions from Vanco.

  11. Online Payments – Card Swipe & Transaction Fees PATH: Census > People > FS Deposit; Census > Household > FS Deposit; Census > Households > Fees; Student Information > General > Fees • Can now charge a Service Fee for credit card transactions that are made in the office by marking the "Card Present Processing Service Fee" checkbox in the System Administration > Payments > Payments Setup tool. • No longer need a Card Reader IFrame ID from Vanco to process credit card payments. The screens Campus uses for processing credit card payments for Fees and Food Service deposits were also updated to work with updated programming from Vanco. • Changes were also made for including Transaction Fees in the new Payments Reporter. 

  12. Messenger Email Setting to Support Mailgun PATH: System Administration > Messenger > Messenger Preferences > Email Settings • Email Settings has been updated to now support the use of Mailgun functionality for handling all emails sent through Messenger tools. This update allows all email to send through the Mailgun API and removes the requirement for needing to setup a SMTP server on each district. • Existing Mailgun users do not need to change or update their existing configuration in Campus.

  13. Point of Sale – Set Student Number as PIN Wizard PATH: Point of Sale > Account Maintenance > Set Student Number as PIN Wizard; Student Number as PIN Log • A new tool called "Set Student Number as PIN Wizard" is now available. • Allows you to set student PINs to be the same as their Student Number when the student has an active or future dated Enrollment record. • If the PIN is already the Student’s Number, no changes are made. • After running the wizard, the Student Number as PIN Log provides a list of the accounts for which the PIN could not be updated. • Before using the Set Student Number as PIN Wizard, be sure to check for and fix duplicate student IDs. Infinite Campus also recommends using the Account Management Wizard to remove PINs from inactivate students. See the following documentation for more information.

  14. .1925 CO Cases • Colorado • Colorado Enrollment End Status (SIS-126395) • A new End Status is available for selection - Code 24: Previous Graduate Completed a Postsecondary Program. • Article(s): Colorado Enrollments • Path: Student Information > General Enrollments

  15. 1929 – July

  16. Campus Student & Campus Parent PATH: Campus Student; Campus Parent; System Administration > Portal > Display Options • Option has been added to the Portal Preferences to display Average Score in Campus Student and Parent. When marked, the average of scores displays for an assignment across students in the section. • Averages only display for assignments scored using points or marks. Be aware that displaying score averages may violate FERPA data privacy regulations in your state. Consult local guidelines before enabling this option.  • Additionally, a Display in Portal option has been added to Grading Tasks and Standards. This option is marked by default and can be used to hide tasks and their aligned scores as desired. Assignments that are only aligned to hidden tasks and/or standards are also hidden. 

  17. Campus Student/Parent – Importing Translations PATH: System Administration > Data Utilities > Languages & Translations > Translations • Campus-provided translations for Campus Student and Campus Parent have been imported for Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese. If any of these translations were enabled in the Legacy Portal, they will be automatically enabled for Campus Student and Campus Parent. • Note that these translations will not be updated as fields are added to Campus Student and Campus Parent. Future release notes will indicate new fields that districts may want to add to their translations. 

  18. Campus Learning - Licensing PATH: System Administration > Campus Learning Licensing • The Campus Learning Licensing tool has been updated so that only district-level licenses can be requested. Existing school and teacher licenses can be managed through this tool but additional licenses cannot be requested. The licensing tool directs users to contact Campus Learning Sales for more information about school and teacher licenses.  Campus Learning – OneRoster 1.0 Support PATH: System Administration > Learning Interoperability • Districts using OneRoster 1.0 connections should be aware that IMS Global is deprecating this version, with versions 1.1 and higher not impacted. Campus will not support issues with the 1.0 connection after 12/31/19. No action is required from districts at this time; vendors should have implemented or be working towards OneRoster version 1.1 or the upcoming 1.2. As vendors move to new versions, districts will need to provide the v1p1 or upcoming v1p2 API Base URLs. 

  19. Campus Learning – OneRoster –Scores Received PATH: Campus Instruction > Grade Book > Settings > Non-Campus Assignment Details • Scores received from outside Campus now generate notifications through Campus Student and Campus Parent, if default grading alignments have been established by the teacher. Additionally, the In-Progress Grade is recalculated based on newly received scores.  If Non-Campus Assignment Defaults are not set, notifications and calculation updates are triggered when the teacher manually aligns the assignment.

  20. Campus Learning – Score Analysis PATH: Campus Instruction > Grade Book > Assignment > Score Analysis • Score Analysis has been expanded for assignments that include Quick Assessments. Below the standard student breakdown in Score Analysis, each question in the assessment displays with a graph of how many students chose each answer. Click an answer to view a list of students who chose that option. Various other cosmetic improvements have also been made.   

  21. Standards Bank PATH: Grading & Standards > Standards Bank The Standards Bank has been updated to improve design and usability. Improvements include: • Search the bank for standards or filter for easier access. • Archive standards that are no longer in use to prevent them from being added to courses in the future. • Within a group, click and drag children to easily reorder. • Associate standards with each other to link standards that are related.

  22. Standards Bank, cont. PATH: Grading & Standards > Standards Bank

  23. Standards Bank Replacement Wizard PATH: Grading & Standards > Standard Replacement Wizard The new Standards Replacement Wizard has also been added, which greatly simplifies the process of replacing standards aligned to courses and course masters. Use this wizard to: • Archive standards • Remove standards from courses and course masters • Replace aligned standards with a different one(s). • Archive standards and replace alignments with another. • Batch show or hide standards from the Campus Student and Parent portals.

  24. Standards Bank Replacement Wizard, cont. PATH: Grading & Standards > Standard Replacement Wizard

  25. Student Schedule, Walk-In Scheduler PATH: Student Information > General > Schedule, Health > Schedule, Scheduling > Student Gap Scheduler • The Student Schedule and Walk-In Scheduler in Student Information General and Student Information Health has been updated to the new Student Schedule and Walk-In Scheduler available in the Counseling toolset. • The Walk-In Scheduler is not available in Student Health. • The Student Gap Scheduler now uses the new Walk-In Scheduler.

  26. Centralized Custom Forms Tool Added PATH: Student Information > General > Forms • A new Forms tool has been added to store and manage all Custom Forms attached to a student. Custom Forms added and edited using the module specific Documents tools display in the Forms tool. • All module specific Blank Forms can be accessed from the Forms tool.

  27. 1929 CO Cases • Colorado Special Ed Update (SIS-127223) • Several updates have been made to the Colorado Special Ed area. Updates to the IEP include: • A new print format, CO IEP 2019.2, is now available. • The Reason dropdowns on the Education Plan editor have been updated to match the 2019-2020 Special Education IEP Interchange – Participation File changes made by the CDE. For more information, go to the Colorado Department of Education website (http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_sped-iep). • Updates to the Evaluation include: • A new print format, CO Eval 2019.2, is now available. • The Reason dropdowns on the State Reporting Data editor have been updated to match the 2019-2020 Special Education IEP Interchange – Participation File changes made by the CDE. For more information, go to the Colorado Department of Education website (http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_sped-iep). • Article(s): Individual Education Plan (Colorado); Evaluation (Colorado) • Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

  28. 1933 – August

  29. Campus Student / Campus Parent PATH: Campus Student; Campus Parent • The Grades tool in Campus Student and Campus Parent has been updated to allow users to view all terms in one screen. A settings dropdown in the top right corner provides options to hide dropped courses and rows without grades or assignments and to expand or collapse all grades.

  30. Walk-In Scheduler PATH: Student Information > General, Counseling > Walk-In Scheduler • The following modifications have been made to Student Schedule and Walk-In Scheduler: • The total count of students scheduled into a course section was displaying incorrectly in situations where a student begins a course section at a future date. This has been corrected. • When a course already exists on a student's transcript and that same course exists in the list of Courses Requests or is searched for and attempted to be placed on the schedule, a warning message displays indicating it already exists on the student's transcript. In order for this message to display, the Course Number must exist on the Transcript and the Course must not be marked as Repeatable. • When restoring an entire schedule, only the most recently ended course sections are restored. If a course was ended in January and another course was ended yesterday, only the course ended yesterday is restored. • When loading courses to a student's schedule, the Load Rosters modal now includes a Start Date. • In the Requests Panel, requested courses are now listed by Course Number, then by the type of request (Required, Elected, Alternate). Alternate courses are listed in Request ID order, meaning the course that is first added as an alternate is listed first. • When searching for courses, the entered date remains after adding a course. If an additional course is searched for and added to the schedule, that same date applies to the additional course. • When adding a course in a future term, the Effective Date field is blank. When adding a course in the current term, the Effective Date field defaults to the current date.

  31. Health Office Visit Ad Hoc Update PATH: Student Information > Health > Health Office Visit; Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer The following fields have been added to Ad hoc at Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > Student > Health > Health Office Visits: • CalendarID • medicationID • medicationName • medicationForm • medicationStrength • medicationRoute • doseMeasurement • classification • amountPerDose • doseID • dosesGiven • treatmentID • treatmentDescription • treatmentComments Health Office Calendar Print Update PATH: Health > Health Office Calendar A Print button has been added to the Health Office Calendar to print all appointments or visits on the date selected. Print options include: PDF or DOCX. 

  32. Staff Food Service & Fee Payments Added to Employee Self Serve PATH: Employee Self Service > My Food Service; My Fees Two new Employee Self Service tools are now available for districts that use Campus Food Service and Campus Payments. • My Food Service - Allows district employees to add money to their Food Service account. • My Fees - Allows district employees to pay Fees that are assigned to them.

  33. Custom Forms Centralized PATH: System Administration > Custom Forms All Custom Forms tools have been moved to a centralized location in System Administration. The Custom Forms tools located within the individual modules have been removed.

  34. User Account Editor Updated PATH: System Administration > User Security > Users > User Account The User Account tool has been updated to include a detailed description next to each available Product Security Role. 

  35. 1933 Colorado Cases • Colorado - School Association Report (SIS-117067) • The Student Interchange School Association report population has been modified to no longer include students enrolled in State Grade Level 002. • Article(s): School Association (Colorado) • Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > School Association • Colorado - Course Completion Report (SIS-117519) • The Course Completion Report includes students who have a start date on or before the entered effective date, regardless of an end date being entered on their CEPA record. • Article(s): Course Completion (Colorado) • Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Course CompletionColorado -Discipline by Action Report (SIS-118967) • When a student has multiple resolutions associated with a behavior incident, the Discipline by Action Report only counts the most severe resolution. See the article below for information on what is considered the most severe resolution. • Article(s): Discipline by Action (Colorado) • Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > School Discipline and Attendance > Discipline by Action

  36. 1933 CO Cases cont. • Colorado -Discipline by Action Report (SIS-118967) • When a student has multiple resolutions associated with a behavior incident, the Discipline by Action Report only counts the most severe resolution. See the article below for information on what is considered the most severe resolution. • Article(s): Discipline by Action (Colorado) • Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > School Discipline and Attendance > Discipline by Action • Colorado - Discipline by Student Demographic File (SIS-126440) • The Unduplicated Count of Students Disciplined field has been modified to report the total count of students for each demographic combination where the state resolution code is 00-9, 11. Students are counted once, no matter how many different incidents or resolutions they may have. • Article(s): Student Demographics (Colorado) • Path: CO State Reporting > School Discipline and Attendance > Student Demographics

  37. 1933 CO Cases cont. • Colorado - 2019-20 Data Pipeline Extracts (SIS-127568) • Data Pipeline reporting requirements for the 2019-20 school year have been made, as follows: • AP Category codes have been updated. • State Start Status 06 has been renamed to PK-6 Student Entering from Unknown Education Setting/Status. • State End Status 06 has been renamed to PK-6 Student Exited to Unknown Education Setting/Status. • A new version (2019-2020 Format) of the Student Interchange Student Demographics report is now available. This is the same format and logic requirements as the 2018-19 format. The 2017-18 format has been removed. • A new version (2019-2020 Format) of the Student Interchange Student School Association is now available. New fields (listed below) have been added. The 2017-18 format has been removed. • Total Days Attendance • Total Days Excused • Total Days Unexcused • Total Possible Attendance Days • Habitually Truant Status • Total Days Missed Doe to Out of School Suspension. • A new field - Accommodation - has been added to the Student Interchange Graduation Guidelines. See the article listed below for report logic and information. • A new SASID/LASID field has been added to the School Discipline and Attendance Discipline by Action, Firearm and Discipline by Student Demographics files. It currently reports blank. • The School Discipline and Attendance - Attendance Data File is no longer collected and has been removed. • Article(s): School Discipline and Attendance (Colorado); School Association (Colorado); Student Layout (Colorado); Graduation Guidelines (Colorado) • Path: CO Status Reporting > Data Pipeline

  38. 1933 CO Cases cont. • Colorado - TSDL Course Enrollment (SIS-127738) • Logic for the Local Course Code field was removing zeros from the lowest state grade level. This has been corrected. • The Local Course Code field reports the Course Number, then the Lowest State Grade Level, then the Highest State Grade Level. • Article(s): TSDL Course Enrollment (Colorado) • Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > TSDL Interchange > Course Enrollment • Colorado - PD Participation Selection for 2019-2020 School Year (SIS-127801) • A value of 20192020: 2019-20 School Year has been added to the PD Participation field on the District Employment editor. • Article(s): District Employment • Path: Census > People > District Employment

  39. 1937 – September

  40. Campus Instruction – New Look PATH: Campus Instruction > Try New Look Toggle • New Look available, to allow for easier navigation by teacher to student records. • Teachers must choose to turn on the New Look in Campus Instruction • Overview video provided here: https://content.infinitecampus.com/sis/Campus.1933/documentation/try-the-new-look-of-campus/ The new look of Campus is only available for Cloud and Cloud Choice customers. 

  41. Campus Instruction – New Look, cont.

  42. Campus Instruction – New Look, cont.

  43. Campus Instruction – New Look, cont.

  44. Campus Instruction – New Look, cont.

  45. Events & Actions PATH: System Administration > Events & Actions A new Events & Actions toolset is now available in the Campus Workflow Suite that allows districts to configure day-to-day workflows so all individuals are notified as needed of important changes that affect students and student learning. • A district (or school) can create an event, like a change to an enrollment, and then add actions to that event, like an email to building staff. • Stored procedures can also be created for that event, if desired. This requires database access and SQL knowledge. • Complete learning content is available on the Knowledge Base.

  46. Events & Actions, cont. PATH: System Administration > Events & Actions

  47. Events & Actions, cont. PATH: System Administration > Events & Actions

  48. Flags – New Options Available PATH: Program Administration > Flags New icons and new colors are now available when creating Flags, Graduation Programs and CTE Programs in Program Admin. Users can now select from 30 images and 12 colors when creating flags. These icons display in the Student header and on the Section Roster in the Campus Tools and Instruction interfaces as well as the printed Section Roster report.

  49. Learning Interoperability PATH: System Administration > Learning Interoperability • The Learning Interoperability tools have been combined into one interface where admins can manage OneRoster Grading Services, OneRoster Provisioning, and Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) connections. Click 'Add New App' to choose from a list of vendors supported by Campus, or create your own vendor record. • Existing integrations display as tiles in the Interoperability tool - click to view additional information about all connections to that vendor. The available features for that vendor are shown at the top right, which may include roster sync, grade book sync, learning tools, and score passback. • In conjunction with this new tool, Campus has released the pre-certification version of the 1.2 version of the OneRoster specification. This version includes a number of improvements over the existing 1.1 specification. Admins have the option of scoping 1.2 connections to individual schools in their district and sharing only those schools' data, rather than enabling the entire district. Teachers will be pleased to hear that the specification now includes categories for assignments, which means that assignments received into the Campus grade book will already have categories and alignments in place and teachers will no longer have to manually complete this step. • At this time, IMS Global has not finalized the 1.2 specification. Once the specification is finalized, digital learning partners will begin updating to the new version. As individual partners become certified, districts can update their connections to 1.2 by providing partners with the Client ID and Client Secret. Multiple connections can be enabled per partner with different data sharing settings and school scoping.

  50. Messenger Preferences Contact Reasons PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information The Behavior Referral label in the Personal Contact Information section of Demographics has been renamed to Staff. It has also been renamed in all areas within Campus that use the Contact Reasons options. This was done to better fit the usage of that checkbox. • Functionality for that checkbox (used in Behavior Referrals to notify staff) has not been changed.

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