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When and why should you get your cholesterol checked_

There's no doubt about the importance of taking care of your cholesterol in heart health. However, some people might not know when their levels need to be checked or how. This article will discuss the general guidelines and symptoms for cholesterol checks and screenings.

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When and why should you get your cholesterol checked_

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  1. When and why should you get your cholesterol checked?

  2. There's no doubt about the importance of taking care of your cholesterol in heart health. However, some people might not know when their levels need to be checked or how. This article will discuss the general guidelines and symptoms for cholesterol blood test and screenings.

  3. What is Cholesterol? The blood contains cholesterol, a form of fat. Lipids are chemicals necessary for cell function and the construction of cell membranes. Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones, build muscles, and other essential chemicals. However, too much cholesterol can be bad for your health. Two forms of cholesterol exist: healthy and harmful. LDL (bad) cholesterol comes from bad foods you eat and is responsible for weight loss and causing heart disease. HDL (good) cholesterol comes from good foods you eat and helps protect your heart by clearing LDL from the arteries before it can cause damage.

  4. When should you get your cholesterol checked? You should check your cholesterol if you have any risk factors for heart disease, such as being over age 45, high blood pressure, or a family history of heart disease. Your doctor can use a simple blood test to determine your cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol is high, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, such as reducing your saturated fat and cholesterol intake, quitting smoking, and exercising regularly. If you have low cholesterol levels, your doctor may recommend medications to raise your cholesterol levels.

  5. What are the signs and symptoms of high cholesterol? Heart disease is a danger associated with high cholesterol levels. Symptoms and indications of elevated cholesterol include: An increase in the size and number of fat cells in the blood A decrease in the number of red blood cells An increased risk of developing heart disease A decrease in the number of white blood cells. If you have any of these signs or symptoms, it is essential to check your cholesterol.

  6. When should you get your cholesterol checked? There is no set timeline for a cholesterol check or when you should get your cholesterol checked, but it's generally recommended that you have it checked at least once a year. A cholesterol test can help identify any potential health risks associated with your cholesterol levels and can also help to prevent heart disease. If you have any concerns about your cholesterol levels, talk to your doctor and get it done by a certified blood test lab.

  7. The Benefits of getting your cholesterol checked Getting your Cholesterol Blood Test can help you learn more about what lifestyle changes can help you lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Lifestyle changes that may improve your cholesterol include: eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, avoiding smoking, and using alcohol in moderation.

  8. Conclusion Cholesterol is important for many reasons, and its most important role is in producing hormones. If your cholesterol levels are high, it might be time to check it out. Checking your cholesterol can also help you identify any potential health risks associated with having high cholesterol. So if you're at all concerned about your cholesterol level, schedule an appointment with Simira diagnostics, a certified blood test lab, where you can check your cholesterol effectively.

  9. Thank You Source View- https://medium.com/@rs1494900/when-and-why-should-you-get-your-cholesterol-checked-875206514b31

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