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PRACTICAL AGENDA. By Jonas and Raquel Arrais General Conference Ministerial Association. Ideas you can use to cooperate with your spouse. Give a warm welcome to the spouse of the new pastoral family. Give appropriate gifts to their children on behalf of the church.

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  1. PRACTICAL AGENDA By Jonas and Raquel Arrais General Conference Ministerial Association

  2. Ideas you can use to cooperate with your spouse

  3. Give a warm welcome to the spouse of the new pastoral family. Give appropriate gifts to their children on behalf of the church. Express an appropriate recognition and appreciation to the pastor’s spouse. WELCOME TO THE NEW PASTOR

  4. An appropriate reception will benefit the church and the pastoral family Remember that the church lost a significant family unit that for years was part of their support system as extended family, friends, and counselors. Members will need to adopt the new ministerial family as soon as possible. They also left their friends and members behind. This kind of treatment and expressions of love are important for them to fill their emptiness.

  5. Privately teach practical tasks to those who are appointed for the first time TEACHING

  6. Suggest the reading of the books of Ellen G. White when you give your advise, such as. . .

  7. Welfare Ministry: for the Dorcas Society and community Service. The Adventist Home: for family life and counseling. Child Guidance, Messages to Young People, and Education: for youth organizations and guidance. Counsels on Sabbath School Work: for the teachers of the various Sabbath School classes. Counsels on Diet and Food: for the preparation of cooking classes.

  8. Check if the baptismal clothes are in good condition. Be the first ones to welcome the new members. BAPTISMAL CEREMONY

  9. Greet the parents and invite them to bring the new baby to the Sabbath School for Beginners. Give flowers to the parents after the child dedication as a memento of the occasion. CHILD DEDICATION

  10. To help in the ceremony is a privilege. THE LORD’S SUPPER

  11. Check with the deaconesses if the bread is ready as well as the wine, the table, the towels, and everything that involves the decoration of the table.

  12. Help in the foot-washing ceremony fostering an environment of reverence and songs.

  13. A ministry of consolation is important in those times. A word of love and affections can give comfort. Your presence at those times can help to solve some problems and incidentals such as: Caring for a child. Prepare some food. FUNERALS

  14. Always keep good communication with the other elders’ spouses. Carefully do not get involved where you are not called. Provide your help with the approval of the pastor, and work in conjunction with his wife. DISTRIBUTE RESPONSIBILITIES

  15. Read the Seventh-Day Adventist Elder’s Handbook. Be aware of the church schedule. Take advantage of the regular elder’s meetings with the pastor to meet with their wives, exchange ideas, and have lunch together. Try to assist in the supervision of the various aspects of the church plant such as cleaning and decorations. Offer to help in the church ceremonies. SUGGESTIONS

  16. There is no task—even the best—that can be overawed by words of appreciation, friendly hugs, and show of affection. “When Christ abides in the heart, the whole nature is transformed. Christ’s Spirit, His love, softens the heart, subdues the soul, and raises the thoughts and desires toward God and heaven.” —Steps to Christ, p. 73

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