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The planets by tj

The planets by tj. The sun. The sun is a big round star that is really hot. It is a medium sized star that heats up the planets. mercury. Mercury is not the hottest planet even though it is right next to the sun. mercury is a small planet. Venus.

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The planets by tj

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The planetsby tj

  2. The sun • The sun is a big round star that is really hot. It is a medium sized star that heats up the planets.

  3. mercury • Mercury is not the hottest planet even though it is right next to the sun. mercury is a small planet.

  4. Venus • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system and it is smallest planet.

  5. earth • Earth is the planet that you are on right now it is the only living planet that we know of. It has water on it.

  6. mars • Mars is covered in rust that is why it is red. People have been on it.

  7. Jupiter • Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and it has a lot of moons.

  8. Saturn • Saturn has the biggest rings and the second biggest planet. Saturn is my favorite.

  9. Uranus • Is a planet that has rings that go up and down. It is blue it got tipped over on its side.

  10. Neptune • Neptune is the coldest planet it is made out of gases. It is blue.

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