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Keeping our Focus Acts 16 Doug Brown audio, pdf , and power point available @ karenvineyard

Keeping our Focus Acts 16 Doug Brown audio, pdf , and power point available @ karenvineyard.org. vv.1-5 revisiting our pain.

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Keeping our Focus Acts 16 Doug Brown audio, pdf , and power point available @ karenvineyard

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  1. Keeping our FocusActs 16Doug Brownaudio, pdf, and power point available @ karenvineyard.org

  2. vv.1-5 revisiting our pain

  3. Most religions assume that one’s spiritual status depends on your religious attainment. Those that see themselves as having attained then feel superior to those who haven’t or don’t believe as they do. God’s grace does not come to people who morally outperform others, but to those who admit their failure to perform and who acknowledge their need for a Savior.

  4. “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” 1 Corinthians 9.23

  5. We make mistakes, but mistakes don’t make us.

  6. Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying " I will try again tomorrow. "

  7. vv.6-10 revising our plans

  8. Is it okay not to know?

  9. Is Jesus okay with you not knowing?

  10. Someone else has to take the responsibility. • I can’t help it; I’m just too . . . • I can’t wait, I deserve everything immediately. • My behavior may be wrong, but it’s not my fault. • I feel sorry for myself because my life is so wretched. • Why shouldn’t I be jealous when everybody else is better off than I am? • I’m going to do it my way or not at all. The Passivity Trap

  11. vv.11-15 reconsidering our methods

  12. When we make our methods sacred, we invariably replace the life of Jesus with our methods.

  13. Went outside the city • Talking with women • Lydia, a monotheist, is the bridge • Lydia and her household • Lydia is the person of peace (Luke 10) • Is Lydia the church planter?

  14. vv.16-40 resisting the system

  15. A toxic brew of Greco-Roman mythology, local pagan folk-religion, occult practices, and witchcraft all tied to the socio-economic system. What is the system?

  16. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6.12

  17. Disillusionment means that a person has failed to move past the struggles into the maturity Christ wants for them.

  18. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10.3-4

  19. Hijack our imaginations • Kidnap our emotions • Lie about our identity & purpose • Steal our spiritual appetite • Assault our thought life • Drain our energy The enemy’s strategy is to . . .

  20. Regaining FocusAssess the DamageIdentify the patternsAdopt God’s battle plans

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