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Strategic Plan for Sustainable Water Management

This presentation outlines the strategic plan and performance targets for the Department of Water Affairs. It focuses on promoting sustainable water resources management, ensuring water supply and demand balance, protecting water resources, and improving water use efficiency. The plan also includes initiatives to support local government and strengthen water sector regulation.

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Strategic Plan for Sustainable Water Management

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  1. Presentation to the Select Committee: Land and Environment Presentation of the Strategic Plan [2011/12 Annual Performance Plan] Presentation by Department of Water Affairs 31 May 2011

  2. Introduction • This annual performance plan seeks to respond to strategic objectives and to achieve the outcomes as detailed in the government’s Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). • The Department will implement a plan to contribute to the government-wide programme of creating five (5) million new jobs over the next ten years, as outlined in the New Growth Path Framework (NGPF). • Our main anchor programmes include • the Regional Bulk Infrastructure, • the Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme (ACIP), • Support to Resource Poor Farmers (RPFs), • the national transfers of schemes to municipalities, and • the “War on Water Leaks” programme designed for youth development.  • Major contribution through our Working for Water and Working on Fire Programmes. 22

  3. Water sector management Programme 2

  4. To promote sustainable and equitable water resources management (outcome 10) Strategic priority 2

  5. Strategic objective 2.1: Setting a strategic framework for water management in the country 55

  6. Output Indicator Baseline Performance target for 2011/2012 National Water Resources Strategy (NWRS) NWRS 2nd edition finalised and implemented NWRS 1st edition – 2004 NWRS second edition finalised Climate Change Strategy Climate Change Strategy Developed and implemented Draft Climate Change Framework Development of the background information document for Climate Change strategy Institutional Realignment framework Finalised Institutional Realignment framework Draft report on Institutional Realignment Framework reviewed and finalised Re-use and Desalination strategies Re-use Strategy developed Draft re-use strategy Re-use strategy finalised Desalination Strategy developed Draft desalination strategy Desalination strategy finalised Establishment of the independent economic water regulator Independent economic water regulator established - Feasibility study conducted and stakeholder consultation Strategic objective 2.1: Setting a strategic framework for water management in the country 66

  7. Strategic objective 2.2: To ensure balance of water supply and demand 77

  8. Strategic objective 2.5: To ensure the protection of water resources 8

  9. Strategic objective 2.6: To improve water use efficiency 99

  10. Strategic objective 2.7: To improve the management of the water resources 1010

  11. Strategic objective 2.7: To improve the management of the water resources Cont…

  12. Programme 3 Regional Implementation and Support

  13. Strategic priority 1 To contribute to Economic Growth, Rural Development, Food Security and Land Reform (Outcome 6, 7, 9)

  14. Output Indicator Baseline Performance target for 2011/2012 Regional bulk schemes developed Number of bulk infrastructure schemes completed 19 7 (FS-1 (Ngwathe); MP-1 (Hoxane); WC-2 Berg; EC-1; NC-2) Number of jobs created through regional bulk infrastructure 5651 1210 (FS-100; EC-12; MP-208; NC-140; LMP-205; WC-175; KZN-110; NW-120; GP-140 Support Resource Poor Farmers to access water Number of additional Resource Poor Farmers with access to water 290 1000 (FS-50; EC-250; MP-40; WC-125; NC-55; NW-130; GP-100; KZN-90; LMP-160 Number of irrigation schemes rehabilitated 0 2 (LMP) Number of additional people provided with access to water per year 1.2 mil ( EC; FS; LP; KZN; MP: NC; NW; WC; GP) Strategic objective: 1.1: To ensure the availability of water supply for domestic use 14

  15. Strategic objective 1.2: To improve access to water for rural development and productive use 15

  16. Strategic priority 2 To promote Sustainable and Equitable Water Resources Management (outcome 10)

  17. Strategic objective 2.5: To ensure the protection of water resources 17

  18. Strategic objective 2.5: To ensure the protection of water resources 18

  19. Strategic objective 2.6: To improve water use efficiency

  20. Strategic priority 3 To strengthen the regulation of the water sector

  21. Strategic objective 3.1: To improve the regulation of the water sector 21

  22. Strategic priority 4 To support local government to deliver water services

  23. Strategic objective: 4.1: To ensure the provision of local government institutional support 23

  24. Strategic objective 4.1: To ensure the provision of local government institutional support 24

  25. Strategic objective 4.1: To ensure the provision of local government institutional support 25

  26. Strategic priority 3 To strengthen the regulation of the water sector

  27. Programme 5 Water Sector Regulation

  28. Strategic priority 1 To contribute to Economic Growth, Rural Dev, Food Security and Land Reform (Outcomes 6, 7, 9)

  29. Strategic objective: 1.3: To improve access to water for key growth points institutional support 29

  30. Strategic priority 3 To strengthen the regulation of the water sector (outcome 6, 10)

  31. Output Indicator Baseline Performance target for 2011/2012 Ensure compliance to drinkingwater quality and waste water management Number of Blue Drop municipal assessments completed 96 (60%) 146 (90%) Number of Green Drop municipal assessments completed 84 (52%) 130 (80%) Percentage of Drinking Water samples complying with the national standards for drinking water quality 97% 98% Ensure compliance to drinkingwater quality and waste water management Number of water supply systems assessed to meet effluent standards per year ) 792 797 Percentage of waste water treatment works to comply with enforcement measures to meet effluent standards 40% 55% Number of mines monitored for non-compliance by 2014 62 90 (GAU, MPL, NC, KZN, NW, LIMP) Strategic objective 3.4: To improve the regulation of water quality 31

  32. Section C Performance plan - Water Trading Entity [WTE]

  33. Programme 5 Regional Implementation and Support

  34. Strategic priority 1 To contribute to Economic Growth, Rural Dev, Food Security and Land Reform

  35. Output Indicator Baseline Performance target for 2011/2012 Dam Safety maintained Number of dams with a safety risk classified 501 44 (MP-24; FS-5; KZN-10; LMP-5 Number of dams identified for safety risk 589 1218( EC; FS; LP; KZN; MP; NC; NW; WC; GP) Reallocation of water resources to previously disadvantaged communities Number of licences issued to HDIs 1088 426 (MP-12; EC-5; FS-5; KZN-299; LP-100; NC-5 Volume of water allocated to HDIs 8 million m3 13 million m3 ( EC; FS; LP; KZN; MP; NC; NW; WC; GP) Number of water management areas assessed for compulsory licensing 3 5 (MP-1; FS-1; KZN-1; WC-2) Strategic objective 1.1: To ensure the availability of water supply for economic and domestic use through the development of infrastructure 35

  36. Strategic objective 2.6: To improve water use efficiency 36

  37. Strategic objective 2.7: To improve the management of water resources

  38. Strategic objective 3.3: To improve water use authorisation 38

  39. Strategic objective 3.3: To improve water use authorisation Cont …

  40. Strategic objective 3.4: To improve regulation of water quality through compliance, monitoring and enforcement

  41. Strategic priority 4 Support local government to deliver water services (outcome 9)

  42. Strategic objective 4.4: To improve the regulation of water quality through 42

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