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Jeopardy. Oct-, Octo -. Bi-,Di-,Du-. Tri-, Ter -. Hept -, Sept-. Non-, Nov-. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Oct-, Octo- Bi-,Di-,Du- Tri-, Ter- Hept-, Sept- Non-, Nov- Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from Bi-, Di-, Du- A mode of transportation, using Two wheels, and is propelled by pedaling by the rider RMChaplin

  3. $100 Answer from Bi-, Di-, Du- Bicycle RMChaplin

  4. $200 Question from Bi-, Di-, Du- A dwelling (place to live) with two separate (and often identical) units RMChaplin

  5. $200 Answer from Bi-, Di-, Du- Duplex RMChaplin

  6. $300 Question fromBi-, Di-, Du- A musical group made up of two people, either singing or playing musical instruments RMChaplin

  7. $300 Answer from Bi-, Di-, Du- Duet RMChaplin

  8. $400 Question from Bi-, Di-, Du- Speaking (fluently)two languages RMChaplin

  9. $400 Answer from Bi-, Di-, Du- Bilingual RMChaplin

  10. $500 Question from Bi-, Di-, Du- Happening/occuring every two years RMChaplin

  11. $500 Answer from Bi-, Di-, Du- Biennial RMChaplin

  12. $100 Question from Tri-, Ter- A mode of transportation with Three wheels, with the seat Positioned in the center of them, That the rider pedals to make move RMChaplin

  13. $100 Answer from Tri-, Ter- Tricycle RMChaplin

  14. $200 Question from Tri-, Ter- A mathematical shape with three sides and three angles RMChaplin

  15. $200 Answer from Tri-, Ter- Triangle RMChaplin

  16. $300 Question from Tri-, Ter- An athletic competition Consisting of three events- Biking, swimming and running RMChaplin

  17. $300 Answer from Tri-, Ter- Triathlon RMChaplin

  18. $400 Question from Tri-, Ter- A group of three books or plays with a common theme and/or a common author RMChaplin

  19. $400 Answer from Tri-, Ter- Trilogy RMChaplin

  20. $500 Question from Tri-, Ter- Of the third order, rank, formation, etc; third RMChaplin

  21. $500 Answer from Tri-, Ter- Tertiary RMChaplin

  22. $100 Question from Hept-, Sept-Seventh month on Roman Calendar-9th nowadays RMChaplin

  23. $100 Answer from Hept-, Sept- September RMChaplin

  24. $200 Question from Hept-, Sept- Lasting seven years; happening every seven years RMChaplin

  25. $200 Answer from Hept-, Sept- Septennial RMChaplin

  26. $300 Question from Hept-, Sept- A polygon of seven angles and seven sides RMChaplin

  27. $300 Answer from Hept-, Sept- Heptagon RMChaplin

  28. $400 Question from Hept-, Sept- A group of seven musicians or singers RMChaplin

  29. $400 Answer from Hept-, Sept- Septet RMChaplin

  30. $500 Question from Hept-, Sept- Government/rule by seven persons, states or regions RMChaplin

  31. $500 Answer from Hept-, Sept- Heptarchy RMChaplin

  32. $100 Question fromOct-, Octo- Eighth month of the Roman calendar RMChaplin

  33. $100 Answer from Oct-, Octo- October RMChaplin

  34. $200 Question from Oct-, Octo- A sea mollusk with a soft body and eight legs with rows of suckers on each leg RMChaplin

  35. $200 Answer from Oct-, Octo- Octopus RMChaplin

  36. $300 Question from Oct-, Octo- A group of eight musicians or singers RMChaplin

  37. $300 Answer from Oct-, Octo- Octet RMChaplin

  38. $400 Question from Oct-, Octo- A polygon with eight sides and eight angles RMChaplin

  39. $400 Answer from Oct-, Octo- Octagon RMChaplin

  40. $500 Question from Oct-, Octo- A solid figure having eight plane faces or sides RMChaplin

  41. $500 Answer from Oct-, Octo- Octahedron RMChaplin

  42. $100 Question from Non-, Nov- Ninth month on the Roman calendar RMChaplin

  43. $100 Answer from Non-, Nov- November RMChaplin

  44. $200 Question from Non-, Nov- A plane figure having nine sides and nine angles RMChaplin

  45. $200 Answer from Non-, Nov- Nonagon RMChaplin

  46. $300 Question from Non-, Nov- Ninth hour after “rising” time (early Morning) RMChaplin

  47. $300 Answer from Non-, Nov- Noon RMChaplin

  48. $400 Question from Non-, Nov- A person whose age is In the nineties RMChaplin

  49. $400 Answer from Non-, Nov- Nonagenarian RMChaplin

  50. $500 Question from Non-, Nov- In ancient Rome, the ninth Day before the Ides (15th Of the month) RMChaplin

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