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The European Eco-Label in Italy

The European Eco-Label in Italy References for a success story in implementation and marketing of the certification. Dagmar Diwok Consultant to DG ENV /EU and to the Italian CB ISPRA. RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECOLABEL IN ITALY.

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The European Eco-Label in Italy

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  1. The European Eco-Label in Italy References for a success story in implementation and marketing of the certification Dagmar Diwok Consultant to DG ENV /EU and to the Italian CB ISPRA

  2. RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECOLABEL IN ITALY ISPRA (Environmental Research Agency) acts as technical support to the Italian Competent Body (Comitato Ecoaudit-Ecolabel) Product and service certification: • The IT CB sends the dossier to ISPRA to evaluate the application • ISPRA carries out the evaluation within 60 days and comunicates it to the CB Ecolabel related activities with the European Commission: • Criteria development and revision • Promotion and development of new product groups • Cooperation with promotional initiatives

  3. Procedure for the assignement of the EU Flower in Italy THE APPLICANT Send the application and documentation ISPRA examines the dossier (approx. 60 days) Committe Ecolabel-Ecoaudit ISPRA The Committee awards the label (30 days) The Committee notifies the decision at the EC EUROPEAN COMMISSION

  4. Evolution of the European Ecolabel in Italy (1998-07/2009)

  5. Number of licensees per product group (07/09)

  6. Geographical distribution of licenses (07/2009)

  7. Evolution of licenses for Tourist Accommodation Service

  8. Distribution of licenses per region

  9. Strengths and weaknesses of the EU Ecolabel in Italy Low level of knowledge with consumers Often lengthy application process Lack of qualified consultants in certain regions Strong GPP compatibility Transparence Strength and credibility of criteria Perceived advantages for businesses Strong GPP compatibility Transparence Strength and credibility of criteria

  10. Possible reasons for the leading role of Italy regarding Eco-label licenses • Absence of a national ecolabel • Massive presence of SMEs and Micro Enterprises • Strong marketing efforts • Strategical pilot projects to involve stakeholders and enterprises • Training of consultants and specialized technicians for the application process • Important efforts from the regional environmental agencies • GPP policies oriented at the ecolabel criteria

  11. TARGETS FOR MARKETING EFFORTS • Until now, towards the supply side (stakeholders, enterprises) • Involvement of Industry Associations • Use of their means of communication for their members • Production of info material for all product and service groups • Seminars, workshops • Specific fairs Special focus on tourist services: Pilot projects with protected areas, LA21, EMAS and other local development and participation initiatives

  12. And now: towards consumers • Involvement of Consumer Associations • Strong media presence • Special Guides • Communication events (schools) • Special events at regional level

  13. ISPRA’s promotion activities at national level: • Contracts with regional environmental agencies: ARPA/APPA • Realisation of and participation at congresses and seminars • Participation in specific fairs (BIT, SIA, ecc.) • Realisation of specific promotional campaigns such as the European Flower Week

  14. EU Eco-label promotional initiatives • European Flower Week, with a specific website, the involvement of retailers, schools and universities and strong media communication • Brochures and support material for firms

  15. Some materials of the Flower Week Campaign

  16. GPP strategies and guidelines • clear environmental lines of conduct, manuals and criteria for every sector of Green Procurement

  17. GPP strategies and guidelines • Seminars, events and information on strategies and available products

  18. Examples of ecological criteria for relevant product and service categories for Green Public Procurement in an Italian region: ARPAT – Environmental Protection Agency, Tuscany IT equipment

  19. Environmental Protection Agency Tuscany (3.5 millions of inhabitants). Activity: • Environmental monitoring, information and research on environmental protection; • Professional training and environmental education, collaborating with universities, environmentalist associations and movements, social and economic organizations; ARPAT has about 900 employees and 19 offices all around Tuscany.

  20. PCs, monitors, notebooks, scanners, printers, copiers, multifunction devices (MFD) and fax machines. GPP Criteria/1 Simone Ricotta

  21. PCs, monitors, notebooks, scanners, printers, copiers, multifunction devices (MFD) and fax machines. GPP Criteria/ Existing Ecolabels

  22. PCs, monitors, notebooks, scanners, printers, copiers, multifunction devices (MFD) and fax machines. GPP Criteria/ Examples Example 1 Subject matter:purchase of eco-friendly PCs (or other equipment) Technical specifications: all products must meet the latest version of the EU Ecolabel criteria. The European Ecolabel will be accepted as proof of compliance. Other appropriate means of proof will be accepted. Example 2-only for monitors Technical specifications: the monitorsmust meet the latest version of the TCO standard. The TCO label will be accepted as proof of compliance. Other appropriate means of proof will be accepted.

  23. PCs, monitors, notebooks, scanners, printers, copiers, multifunction devices (MFD) and fax machines. GPP Criteria/ Award criteria • Example 3 • Award criteria: “most economically advantageous tender” • X/X points: the products meet the award criteria of one of the ISO Type I ecolabels (EU Ecolabel, Nordic Swan, Blauer Engel, etc.); • X/X points: the products have a lifespan guarantee longer than the ordinary one; • X/X points: the products have energy consumption lower than Energy Star standard; • X/X points: the duration of the availability of the spare parts. • Further ideas for the awarding points: • - hazardous substances (better than RoHS Directive); • - take-back and disposal (better than WEEE Directive); • - consumable materials (ink/toner cartridge).

  24. Training • Active since 2005 • 47 students qualified as Eco-label consultants in the tourism field • 3 hotels have obtained the Eco-label and many others are on their way • the Region also supports companies willing to be awarded by the Eco-label

  25. A pilot project involving regional environmental agencies: ARPA Sicilia Ecoturismo Mediterraneo

  26. Workshops on the European Ecolabel for tourist accommodation in several locations in Sicily Petralia Ustica

  27. Check-up of the businesses as part of the project, and training for the employees of ARPA Sicilia

  28. 25 tourism businesses analyzed Cefalu Pantelleria Ustica Bergi

  29. Rezalfati Salina Ustica Turpi

  30. International study visits: Costanza –Germany, Bregenzwald-Austria

  31. Camp site with EU Ecolabel

  32. The first enterprises to obtain the certification few months after the project, others are already “in line” Madonie, Valle del Torto, Alto Belice Alberi del Paradiso Cefalù (PA) Hotel 4 stelle Monaco di Mezzo Petralia Sottana (PA) Agriturismo 4 stelle Villa Dafne Alia (PA) Agriturismo 4 stelle Bergi Castelbuono (PA) Agriturismo 3 stelle Casale di Riena (Castronovo di Sicilia Palermo) 3 spighe Villa Padura Castellana Sicula (PA) Agriturismo 2 stelle Antica Stazione di Ficuzza Monreale (PA) Turismo Rurale 4 stelle Rocca di Gonato Castelbuono (PA) Turismo Rurale 4 stelle Agriturismo Relais Sant’Anastasia Castelbuono Ustica Stella Marina Ustica (PA) RTA 3 stelle Clelia Ustica (PA) Albergo 3 stelle Pantelleria Casa vacanza Residenza degli Ulivi e Albergo Mediterraneo Hotel Mursia e Cossyra Salina Signum Albergo a 4 stelle   Favignana Hotel cave Bianche 0923.925451 EXTRA Coalizione 10 2 2 1 1 10

  33. Summarizing.. • ..the key elements of major success: • A strong, clear policy on national and regional level on the possibilities and goals for the EU Ecolabel • Intention to invest on the label in terms of training, stakeholder assistance and marketing • Good networking between the institutions (national and regional environmental agencies, schools, universities), stakeholder organisations, entrepreneurs’ associations and consumer organisations • Strong emphasis on EU projects (LIFE, Leonardo) and policies (GPP) and on public participation and local development processes (EMAS, LA21, European Charter for Protected Areas..) to develop programs, events, strategies and support networks for businesses 10 2 2 1 1 10

  34. Summarizing.. • ..and the challenges for the future: • Consumer awareness of the existance of the EU Ecolabel: still too low (not even 25% of the population). • Support for SME’s and Micro Enterprises: often the application procedures are still too complicated/expensive for them • National coverage: the products and services with the Ecolabel are not yet easily obtainable in every Italian region, and sometimes a lot more expensive than “basic” products and services when there is no competitor. 10 2 2 1 1 10

  35. Vă mulţumesc pentru atenţie! Dagmar Diwok dagmar@diwok.net http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel

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