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Horticulture Terms and Definitions

Discover the key terms and definitions in horticulture, including botany, floriculture, pomology, olericulture, and more. Learn about plant propagation, seed germination, and the process of cultivating fruits, nuts, vegetables, and ornamental plants.

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Horticulture Terms and Definitions

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  1. Horticulture Terms Rainier HS Landscape Design 2012

  2. Horticulture • The ART of cultivating fruits, nuts, vegetables, or ornamental plants. • Horti = garden • Culture = garden culture

  3. Floriculture • The cultivation of ornamental flowering plants.

  4. Botany • The SCIENCE of plants to include anatomy, physiology and taxonomy.

  5. Pomology • The science and practice of growing, harvesting and marketing tree fruits and nuts. Olericulture • The science and practice of growing, harvesting and marketing vegetables.

  6. Annual • A plant which grows, flowers, produces seeds, and dies in one year. Must be replanted each year. Perennial • A plant that grows year after year without replanting. A plant whose roots lives year to year.

  7. Taxonomy • The study of plant names and the identification of plants. Scientific name • The Latin name of a plant giving its genus and species.

  8. Medium(Plural: Media) • Any material, which is used to start and grow, seeds and plants.

  9. Seed coat Endosperm • The outer covering of a seed. • The stored food supply for the young developing seedling, which is contained in the seed. (“rocket fuel”) Embryo (embryonic plant) • The entire plant inside the seed before germination.

  10. Hybrid • An offspring of two different varieties of one plant type, which possesses certain traits of each plant type.

  11. Named varieties • Specific individual strains of one type of plant, which have been named to indicate their particular traits.

  12. Cross Pollination • A process in which pollen (male sex cell) of one plant unites with the egg (female sex cell) of a different plant. Self Pollination • Fertilization of a plant by its own pollen. Male and female flower parts on the same flower.

  13. Hardening Off Process • Gradually subjecting plants to more difficult growing conditions like withholding water and decreasing temperature, this prepares plants for transplanting by reducing transplant shock.

  14. Cotyledons vs. True Leaves • Cotyledons are the first set of leaves that emerge from a seed at germination. • All other leaves are “true” leaves. • Cotyledons = “seed leaves”

  15. Seed Germination • The miracle process when seeds begin to sprout and grow to begin a new plant • Germination occurs when a seed receives the correct amounts of light, temperature and water simultaneously.

  16. Plant Propagation • The process of reproducing or increasing plants. Can be sexual or asexual.

  17. Transpiration • Loss of water through the leaves or stems of plants. Sort of like “sweating” 90% of a plant’s water loss is here. • A normal daily process of plants. Higher water loss on sunny days.

  18. Turgid • A plant whose tissues are swollen, filled with moisture. Not wilted. • Turgid plant = happy plant

  19. Node • The “joint” of a stem, the swollen place where leaves and buds are attached. Roots form here when cuttings are made. Internode • The space between the nodes on a stem.

  20. Callus • Mass of cells which forms around the wounded area of a plant to start the healing process. Similar to a “scab.” New roots will form in this callus tissue.

  21. Softwood Cutting • A cutting made from a stem whose tissue is softer and not as mature as the older wood. Hardwood Cutting • A cutting made from a current seasons stem tissue, which is mature or harder in texture.

  22. Rooting Hormone • A plant chemical used to help new cuttings to form new roots faster. • Sort of like a “steroid” to enhance growth.

  23. Tissue Culture • “micro-propagation” • The process of reproducing thousands of plants from a few cells taken from the terminal bud tissue of a plant. • “test tube plants” • Must have extremely sanitary laboratory conditions for tissue culture.

  24. Root Division • The physical separation of roots to form new plants from one “mother” plant. Terminal Tip Growth • Softer tissue from the tip of the plant where most of the new growth occurs.

  25. Binomial Nomenclature • The international naming system that gives every plant 2 names, genus and the specie in Latin. • Scientific Name = Botanic Name.

  26. Linnaeus • The Swedish botanist that came up with the 2 name system for classifying plants . • 1750

  27. Genus • The first name of a plant scientific name. A group of plants that are grouped together because of their similarities to one another. (genera = plural). • A NOUN. Specie • The second name in scientific name, more specific in nature. • An ADJECTIVE that describes the genus.

  28. Example: • Acer rubrum : Red Maple • Acer is the noun or genus. • rubrum is the adjective or specie that describes the genus (rubrum = red in latin) • Quercus alba = White Oak • Zebrina pendula, Setcresea purpurea

  29. Cultivars • Another name for a specific plant, same as variety. • Example: There are several cultivars or “varieties”of Red Maple Tree. • “Red Sunset”, “October Glory”

  30. Common Name • The local English name of a plant, which may differ in various localities. • Common names are not precise enough for commercial use.

  31. Taxonomist • A person who studies plant names and the identification of plants as a career or field of study.

  32. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature • A set of rules that are international for naming plants.

  33. Mulch • Any material used to cover the soil for weed control and moisture retention. • Pine straw, pine bark nuggets, cypress shavings

  34. Osmocote • A slow release fertilizer. Allows the plant to feed gradually over a longer period of time. Saves you labor. 14-14-14

  35. Herbaceous • Any plant that has soft tissue and does not form wood or bark. A non-woody plant. Houseplants, annuals & some perennials. Deciduous • A plant which loses its leaves each autumn. It goes dormant in the winter.

  36. Evergreen • A plant which has leaves or needles throughout the whole year.

  37. Petiole • The stalk structure which supports the blade of the leaf. It attaches the leaf blade to the stem.

  38. Simple leaf • A solitary leaf attached to a stem by a petiole. Compound Leaf • A group of leaflets which compose the entire compound leaf.

  39. Monocot • Classification of those plants having only one cotyledon or seed leaf. Grasses, chives and corn are monocots. • Parallel veins. Dicot • A classification of plants having two cotyledons or seed leaves. • Vascular or woody plants.

  40. Leaf Margin • The outer edge of a leaf …. • Serrate, entire, lobed, etc. Root Cap • The actively growing cells at the tip of the plant root.

  41. Stoma • Small pores or holes in the leaf, which allow the plant to breathe and give off moisture. They open and close with day and night.

  42. Lenticels • Breathing pores in the bark of woody stems. They open and close with day and night.

  43. Ventilation • Movement and exchange of air in a greenhouse. Photoperiodism • The response of plants to different periods of light and darkness in terms of their flowering.

  44. Short Day Plant • A plant that blooms in the short winter days. • Some plants can be “tricked” into blooming by giving them short days artificially. Chrysanthemums and Poinsettias

  45. Breaks • New shoots that develop as a result of “pinching”. • Same results as pruning out the terminal bud of a plant.

  46. Growth Regulators • Chemicals that retard plant growth. It slows down the plant growth so they don’t get too tall and floppy.

  47. Root Rot • Most common disease of Poinsettia. Caused by: Bad drainage, Bad ventilation or too much water.

  48. Fungicide • Any substance which destroys or prevents the growth of fungi. • A type of pesticide to control plant diseases.

  49. J.R. Poinsett • The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico who introduced the Poinsettia to America for future production. • Named the plant afterhimself.

  50. Plant Hardiness • The ability of a plant withstand to the minimum temperature of an area. Plant Form • The outer shape of a tree and it’s branches. The outer silhouette. • Round, columnar, oval, weeping, etc.

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