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College 101

Explore the differences between traditional and online education options, including benefits, popular degrees, accreditation, and financing. Make an informed choice for your future.

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College 101

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  1. College 101 Traditional Education Vs. Online Education

  2. Introduction • Times are changing when it comes to choosing a college. While it used to be the “norm” for students to graduate high school and immediately enroll in a traditional public or private college, the trends are shifting to meet the needs of adult students. • Now more than ever, high school graduates are immediately entering the workforce and adult students are returning to school in order to earn a degree to enhance their current job prospects or make a complete career change. • With a large section of a college’s student body now juggling obligations from career and family along with earning a degree, many schools are offering online degree programs that prepare students for a wide variety of occupational fields.

  3. What Is A Traditional College? • A traditional college is a college in which individuals can earn a college degree by learning in the classroom. • Examples of a Traditional College include: • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill • Duke University • Florida State University • Harvard University

  4. Benefits Of Traditional Education • There’s face-to-face instruction • You are able to communicate with your instructor/professor and receive answers to questions immediately • On Campus Tutoring • Many college campuses offer tutoring services for students who made need help in their classes • On Campus Library • Students may visit the library to check out books and to work on research for projects

  5. What Is An Online College? • The term “online college” may give the impression of a virtual university existing only in cyberspace – but this is rarely the case. While there are a select number of reputable universities that offer classes exclusively online, most of the online degree programs that you see are virtual extensions of traditional campus-based colleges and universities. • With the changing trends of the student body population and new technology that makes online learning more effective, many of the nation’s top-ranked universities are offering online degree programs to supplement their traditional on-campus offerings. • Examples of online colleges include: University of Phoenix, Capella University, and Kaplan University.

  6. Popular Degrees Offered Online • Below are some of the most popular degrees being offered online: • Business Administration • Information Technology (IT) • Psychology • Healthcare • Finance • Liberal Arts • Criminal Justice • Communications • Education / Teaching

  7. Are Online Colleges Reputable? • A major concern for students looking into online education is determining whether their degree will be reputable. • This is a valid concern, and doing your research beforehand will help ensure that the university you choose has recognized degree programs that hold the same esteem as traditional, on-campus universities. • One of the most important factors to consider when choosing an online college is the accreditation of the university.

  8. What Is Accreditation & Why Is It So Important • Accreditation refers to the voluntary review process that a university undergoes to ensure that their curriculum is up to high quality standards. It is essential that you examine the accreditation of the online college degree program that you are considering before enrolling. The U.S. Department of Education recognizes several regional accreditation agencies, but there are many more national agencies that include: • The U.S. Department of Education recognizes several regional accreditation agencies (the most respected accreditation type), but there are other national agencies that include: • Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training • Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools • Distance Education Accrediting Commission • By choosing an accredited college, you have a much higher chance of avoiding “degree mill” schools that are not recognized in the professional world. A degree mill, also known as a diploma mill, is college that sell fake educational credentials or diplomas.. Additionally, if you want to move on to graduate school or enter into a career that requires licensing, having a degree from an accredited college is often a necessity.

  9. Tuition & Financing Of An Online Education • The cost of going to college can be a major concern for students, and in many areas of the country, tuition costs are on the rise. While online education may be an option for lowering these costs, in many cases an online degree program has similar tuition to a traditional degree. • However, this all depends on your university! Some colleges offer in-state tuition prices for students taking online classes, while others have e-tuition programs that help cut your costs. • Even if your college of choice doesn’t have a price break for online students, there are many other options to obtain financing, including: • Scholarships • State and federal grants • Employer tuition benefits • Student loans • With online degrees becoming more commonplace, it is getting easier than ever to obtain financing for these degree programs. In general, taking out student loans or applying for financial aid with the FASFA involves the same process, regardless of whether you are taking classes online or on-campus.

  10. Can You Get The Social Experience Of College In An Online Setting? • When people think of college, they often think of the lifestyle and atmosphere as much as the educational journey. There’s no doubt that attending traditional college classes gives you the opportunity to personally interact with and meet a variety of people, but that doesn’t mean that socialization is impossible if you take classes online! • Although online students won’t find themselves hanging out in the college lobby between classes, they will have access to a variety of high-tech software options that let them connect with faculty and classmates. Many universities utilize discussion boards, virtual lectures, and online workshops to help students connect with each other and get the most out of their college years.

  11. Will My Degree Be Different If I Earn It Through An Online College? • This is a common question for those interested in earning their degree online, and the short answer is – no, the degree you earn online will have the same distinctions as one earned on-campus. • However, it is very important to research your intended college’s reputation and accreditation! • While your degree and transcript will not say “online student”, carefully choosing the right university is just as vital as when choosing a traditional college. Once you graduate and enter the workforce, a degree from a reputable college will go much further than one from a virtual “degree mill” school that has no professional credentials or accreditations. • Additionally, a regionally accredited university allows you to transfer your college credits to any college’s similar degree plan to help you continue pursuing your education!

  12. How Do Classes Online Work? • Online classes typically come in one of two different forms – synchronous and asynchronous. • Synchronous classes feel much like traditional college courses in that you will be required to “show up” for class at specific times throughout the week. Once logged in to your online class, you will likely listen to live virtual lectures from your professor or participate in online group discussions with your classmates. This can be an excellent option for students that need a little more structure within their online program to help them stay accountable. • In asynchronous classes, you have the ultimate in flexibility to work at a pace that suits your lifestyle. This option is popular for students who have family or work obligations and may only be available at odd hours to complete coursework. In this type of online setting, you will also communicate with your classmates and professor through email, online schedules, discussion boards, and recorded lectures. As long as you turn your course work in by the required due dates, you may have the option with asynchronous classes to work ahead and complete the course at a faster pace than traditional students.

  13. Benefits Of An Online Education • There is a reason that online degrees have become so popular in the last several years, and the flexibility that they offer is a big draw for many students. • With the changing economy, some students find that it is necessary for them to hold down full-time jobs while attending college, and online degree programs make a higher education more feasible. • For other students, they may already be working in the professional world and are ready to enhance their skills to gain a promotion or find that they want to change the entire direction of their career with a new degree.

  14. Benefits Of An Online Education (continued) • Regardless of your reason for considering an online degree, there are several benefits to this style of education beyond the scheduling flexibility it offers, including: • Opportunity to connect with a nationwide, diverse network of students and faculty • The chance to attend virtual workshops and lectures from top experts in the field • No need to commute long distances to attend school • Online libraries and research resources to assist with course work • Virtual mentoring and tutoring programs • Options to take accelerated classes or work through the summer to earn your degree faster • Opportunity to participate in your college’s on-site graduation ceremony • While on-campus classes have definite benefits as well, attending college online is a viable, reputable option for adult students looking to continue their education from the comfort of their own home.

  15. Online Vs. Traditional Education: Flexibility • One of the key components to consider when weighing the options is the amount of time you have everyday to work on your degree. Are you willing and able to attend college full-time or do you need more flexibility for your busy schedule? • Online Education: • A benefit to taking online courses is that they offer flexibility to the student. This is a great option for those who already have a time commitment with family and work. Online classes will mold with your schedule—log in to your online course at a time that works best for you as opposed to having to attend a lecture at a specific time. • Traditional Education: • This option is best for those who have a little more time in their schedule. Even if you’re hoping for a little flexibility, on-campus courses typically offer day and evening schedules so you can coordinate with your daily commitments. One thing you’ll need to remember to factor in is where you live and work in proximity to the campus.

  16. Online Vs. Traditional Education: Discipline • Something else to consider while weighing your college options is how much you can discipline yourself. Do you need structure in order to be a successful student? Do you need a running to-do list every day to checks things off as you go? If so, an online degree may be a great pathway for you. • Online Education: • Being an online student will work well for those who have the ability to self-motivate. Without a plan or some type of organization, your work will suffer in the online classroom, but if you set deadlines and prioritize your school schedule, you should see success. • Traditional Education: • A traditional on-campus setting is probably best for you, if you know you need discipline to get work completed. This method will give you the support and will to complete assignments and tasks on a daily basis.

  17. Online Vs. Traditional Education: Social Interaction • One area to consider is if you need a classroom experience that provides one-on-one communication for success. Do you need interaction from your peers and instructors to succeed? Or are you possibly someone who can thrive in an independent study environment? • Online education: • Interactions with instructors and peers will still happen as an online student. It just happens to be through online video instead. Learning through online video can help you to focus more on independently learning and your classes may even go quicker without some of the distractions of a traditional classroom education. • Traditional education: • Traditional education is better for those who need face-to-face communication. When you don't have direct interactions with your instructors, you may tend to do not as well with the work you already have. If this is the case for you, success will come with a traditional education setting.

  18. Online Vs. Traditional Education: The Blended Education Model • Blended education combines the intimacy and face-to-face interaction of a physical classroom with the flexibility and convenience of an online one. • Schools like the blended model because it provides students with cutting-edge artificially intelligent tutoring software while allowing instructors flexibility in planning their syllabuses, the article states. Students appreciate the blended model because it offers a reprieve from dusty textbooks and mundane human lectures. • It’s clear there are many options for earning your degree. The new trend in blended education in schools across the country might just be coming to a college near you.

  19. Conclusion • Online learning isn’t for everyone, and you have to be willing to take your education into your own hands in order to be successful. For students that are highly organized, motivated, and enjoy learning at their own pace, it can be an excellent option. • Traditional college classes tend to work better for students that prefer “hands-on” learning, or need the extra motivation of having scheduled classes to help keep them on track. It also provides the opportunity for young adults to experience life away from home if they choose to enroll in a college that offers residency options. • When it comes down to it, both online colleges and traditional on-campus schools offer reputable options for students to earn a degree to reach their long-term career goals. With either option, it is essential that you are diligent about doing your research into the schools you are interested in to determine if it a good fit for your needs. • With hard work and dedication, your degree can set the stage for a fulfilling, lasting career – regardless of whether you attended classes in a lecture hall or from your living room couch!

  20. References • Bird, K. (2014). Online Vs. Traditional Education: The Answer You Expected. Retrieved November 30, 2016, from http://www.rasmussen.edu/student-life/blogs/college-life/online-vs-traditional-education-answer-never-expected/ • Online College Vs. Traditional College. (2016). My College Guide. Retrieved November 30, 2016, from http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2016/07/online-college-vs-traditional-college/

  21. Traditional Education Vs. Online Education Assignments • Traditional Education Vs. Online Education Worksheet • Traditional Education Vs. Online Education Quiz • Traditional Education Vs. Online Education Venn Diagram

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