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People Choose

People Choose. Jimmy carter faced many domestic and foreign problems. What he wanted to do was protect the people. Carter chose to deal with things like: The Panama canal treaties The Camp David Accords(Help create a treaty between Egypt and Israel)

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People Choose

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  1. People Choose Jimmy carter faced many domestic and foreign problems. What he wanted to do was protect the people. Carter chose to deal with things like: • The Panama canal treaties • The Camp David Accords(Help create a treaty between Egypt and Israel) • Create a SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union • Create Major educational programs under a new department of education.

  2. Every Choice Has a Cost • Some of Jimmy carters policies where good. They helped protect the united states. • One of the good things that Carter did was create the panama canals. Panama lost control of that piece of land until the year 2000. • Carter chose to want to do something about the middle east so it took him 13 days to do so. • It took diplomatic politics and courage to come up with a treaty between Russia and the United States.

  3. Panama Canals That treaty was to be kept until the year 2000.

  4. Benefit/cost analysis is useful • A great benefit that came from having the panama canals was that now ships didn’t have to travel so much to get from the east coast to the west coast or the other way around. • Jimmy carter saw that he would benefit if the middle east was in peace. • He also saw that having a treaty with Russia might help prevent war so he made a treaty with them.

  5. Carter & Brezhnev sign SALT II Great shortcut

  6. Incentives matter • For the panama canals he wanted to make the trip faster and saving money. • Jimmy carter saw that the middle east was tactically important in case of a war with Russia so he helped them make peace. • Carter wanted SALT II to calm a little bit of tension between Russia and the United States

  7. Exchange benefits the traders • The panama canals helped speed up transportation between the coasts. • Carter took the time to help the middle east have peace and that benefited the United States. • SALT II was an agreement between the two to limit the nuclear arms race.

  8. Exchange • Carter didn’t always do exchange with physical items. He also gave up things to get other things.

  9. Markets work with competition, information, incentives and property rights • Carter had the incentive to work with panama to get a lease to the property rights of that part of panama. • Carter helped stabilize the competition in the middle east so that he could benefit from it in the future. • Carter saw that Russia was the competition and he knew that they could be dangerous. He used the incentive of peace to make treaty.

  10. Skills and knowledge influence income • Although some of these policies where not related he used politics to get what he wanted. • He used a very diplomatic attitude to try to achieve his incentives.

  11. Attitude • “It's difficult to imagine any other American president doing what Carter did at Camp David. Most would not even have tried, and Carter's capacity for hard work, mastery of detail, moral integrity and just plain stubbornness all came into play.”-"American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.

  12. Monetary and fiscal policies affect people’s choices • Carter saw that if the panama canals could help transport things faster and would make it cheaper. The ships wouldn’t have to use too much oil. • Carter helped out the middle east because he thought that he might need them in the future so that is why he decided to help them. • Carter did SALT II to help stop the arms race because it was too dangerous and it cost too much money to create the weapons.

  13. Government policies have benefits and costs

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