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Inquiry Strategies for the Information Society in the 21st Century (ISIS-21) Fifth International LINC Conference

Inquiry Strategies for the Information Society in the 21st Century (ISIS-21) Fifth International LINC Conference. ISIS-21 Team. Philip Abrami : Director, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance Anne Wade : Manager and Project Coordinator, ISIS-21

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Inquiry Strategies for the Information Society in the 21st Century (ISIS-21) Fifth International LINC Conference

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  1. Inquiry Strategies for the Information Society in the 21st Century (ISIS-21) Fifth International LINC Conference

  2. ISIS-21 Team • Philip Abrami: Director, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance • Anne Wade: Manager and Project Coordinator, ISIS-21 • Laurie Henry: Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky • Lesley Farmer: Professor and Librarianship Program Coordinator, California State University Long Beach • Vivek Venkatesh: Assistant Professor, Concordia University

  3. Instruction and design teams Literature review Implementation and evidence-gathering Research interest Publish Research Findings How Has the LTK Been Developed?

  4. SCONUL Seven Pillars Model for Info Literacy • From: Sayers, R. (2006). Principles of awareness raising for information literacy. Bangkok: UNESCO. Retrieved on Nov. 17, 2006 from http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=23312&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

  5. The Need • Our educational system needs a systematic approach to teaching the set of Information Literacy competencies. • Few school curricula specifically address the teaching of these competencies, in many cases because the teachers lack basic information literacy themselves. • Previous severe cutbacks in school library staff and teacher-librarian programs have also contributed to a gap in the teaching of information literacy. • This problem is amplified and exacerbated when students complete homework at home as parents also lack information literacyto help the children with effective research and information evaluation strategies.

  6. Our Project • Objective is to teach students (elementary through to secondary), basic information literacy competencies and to provide support as they move through the entire inquiry process. • Our entire projectwill consist of the design and development of the following bilingual, evidence- and web-based modules: • Phase 1 - Planning: How to Articulatea research question and Plan a search strategy, • Phase 2 - Searching: How to Searchfor and Evaluatethe information, • Phase 3 - Using: How to Use the information effectively and Communicate new knowledge

  7. Phase 1 (Planning) Learn Apply Reflect

  8. Phase Two (Searching) Mark sites

  9. Phase 3 (Using)

  10. Future Plans for ISIS-21 • Three year IES (US. Dept of Education) grant proposal of $1.5 million submitted that would fund; • Design and development of full version of ISIS-21 • Small research component: Information literacy, literacy, critical thinking, and self regulated learning skills • SSHRC grant proposal submitted that would fund a 3-yr. research project, looking at the impact of ISIS-21 on: • Information literacy skills • Critical thinking skills • Self regulated learning skills

  11. Further Resources • Visit our website under ICT Projects --> Learning Toolkit. • http://doe.concordia.ca/cslp/ • Check out the Resource pages for each of the tools • Student demo accounts: • http://grover.concordia.ca/epearl/demo/public/login/pages/user.php • UserId: vanitha • Password: 123 • Contact Anne - wada@education.concordia.ca

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