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Superficial Muscles of the Body – Anterior View

Superficial Muscles of the Body – Anterior View. Figure 11.7a. Superficial Muscles of the Body – Posterior View. Figure 11.7b. Muscles of the Head – Facial Expression. Figure 11.8. Muscles of Mastication and Tongue Movement. Figure 11.9a, b. Muscles of Mastication and Tongue Movement.

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Superficial Muscles of the Body – Anterior View

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Superficial Muscles of the Body – Anterior View

    2. Superficial Muscles of the Body – Posterior View

    3. Muscles of the Head – Facial Expression

    4. Muscles of Mastication and Tongue Movement

    5. Muscles of Mastication and Tongue Movement

    6. Muscles of the Anterior Neck and Throat – Swallowing

    7. Muscles of the Anterior Neck and Throat – Swallowing

    8. Muscles of the Neck and Vertebral Column Head movement Sternocleidomastoid Splenius capitis and splenius cervicis

    9. Muscles of the Neck and Vertebral Column

    10. Muscles of the Neck and Vertebral Column

    11. Deep Muscles of the Thorax – Breathing

    12. Deep Muscles of the Thorax – Breathing

    13. Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

    14. Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

    15. Muscles of the Pelvic Floor

    16. Muscles of the Perineum Inferior to the muscles of the pelvic floor Urogenital diaphragm formed from Sphincter urethrae and the deep transverse perineus

    17. Muscles of the Perineum

    18. Superficial Muscles of the Anterior Thorax

    19. Superficial Muscles of the Posterior Thorax

    20. Muscles Crossing the Shoulder Joint Movements of the arm Deltoid Pectoralis major

    21. Muscles Crossing the Shoulder Joint Movements of the arm Latissimus dorsi Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Teres major Coracobrachialis Subscapularis

    22. Muscles Crossing the Elbow Joint

    23. Superficial Anterior Muscles of the Forearm Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum superficialis

    24. Deep Anterior Muscles of the Forearm

    25. Superficial Posterior Muscles of the Forearm Brachioradialis – flexes forearm Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor carpi ulnaris

    26. Deep Posterior Muscles of the Forearm Supinator Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis brevis and longus Extensor indicus

    27. Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand

    28. Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand Midpalmar muscles Lumbricals Palmar interossei Dorsal interossei

    29. Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand

    30. Anterior and Medial Muscles

    31. Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the Thigh

    32. Posterior Muscles

    33. Muscles of the Posterior Compartment of the Thigh Hamstrings Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus

    34. Muscles of the Anterior Compartment Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Fibularis (peroneus) tertius Extensor hallucis longus

    35. Muscles of the Lateral Compartment Fibularis (peroneus) longus Fibularis (peroneus) brevis Flexor hallucis longus Extensor hallucis longus Fibularis tertius

    36. Muscles of the Lateral Compartment

    37. Muscles of the Posterior Compartment

    38. Muscles of the Posterior Compartment Deep muscles Popliteus Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus Tibialis posterior

    39. Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot Muscle on the dorsum of the foot Extensor digitorum brevis Muscles on the sole of the foot First layer Flexor digitorum brevis Abductor hallucis Abductor digiti minimi

    40. Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot Second layer Flexor accessorius Lumbricals

    41. Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot Third layer Flexor hallucis brevis Adductor hallucis Flexor digiti minimi brevis Fourth layer Plantar and dorsal interossei

    42. Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot

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