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Prevention of dental caries

Prevention of dental caries. Dental caries : Its process take place when the microbial biofilm “dental plaque” is allowed.

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Prevention of dental caries

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  1. Prevention of dental caries

  2. Dental caries : • Its process take place when the microbial biofilm “dental plaque” is allowed. • Biofilm contain more than 300 bacterial species and its always metabolically active causing dropping in oral PH by production of acid .lead to loss of tooth meniral”demenirazation”

  3. The metabolic activity of biofilm can not be prevented but dis progression can be controlled. • When the biofilm are disturbed by oral hygiene method that allowed the teeth to mineralize again .

  4. How bacterial biofilm cause tooth demineralization: • Bacteria fermenting dietary carbohydrate substrate “sucrose,glocose”to produce acid causing dropping in PH within 1-3 min, the buffering capacity of the saliva return the PH to normal in 30-60 min, because its saturated by Ca and phosphate ions.

  5. Plaque retentive site and factor: • Enamel pits and fissures “common in young age group” • Proximal enamel surface • Cervical on gingival margin spatially when there are recession “common in elderly” • Margin of restoration “least common”

  6. Preventive, non –operative ttt • Pts caries risk category ^. • Pts involvement: • Plaque control • Dietary modification • Fluoride usage • Salivary stimulation • Pts cooperation .

  7. Mechanical plaque control: • Tooth brushing ,fluoride tooth paste that will prevent and also arrest the lesion. • Improve tooth brushing technique. • Regular recall visit to dental clinic.

  8. Use of fluoride therapy: • Fluoride tooth past 22%-.o312%, 100g tooth past contain .076g-0.01g fluoride • Fluoride mouth rinse 0.05% sodium fluoride • Fluoride varnish 5%sodium fluoride easy in use ,acceptable to pt ,and adhere to tooth surface. • Gel and foam by using disposable try for 4min • Supplement tablet in schools, water fluoridation.

  9. Dietary advice: • Diet sheet • Control sugar intake • Salivary flow: • Xylitol chewing gum lead to salivary stimulation.

  10. Thank you. • Dr.tagwamarghani

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