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Wisdom Tooth Extraction

After surgery, most people experience little to no pain. Swelling and mild discomfort are likely to last about three days. It might take a few weeks for your mouth to heal completely.

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Wisdom Tooth Extraction

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  1. Wisdom Tooth Extraction During the wisdom tooth extraction, your oral surgeon or dentist: exposés the tooth and bone by cutting through the gums.

  2. Wisdom Tooth Extraction The day of your surgery Because wisdom teeth extraction is an outpatient procedure, you will be admitted to and discharged from the hospital on the same day. During surgery, if you receive local anesthesia or sedation, you will probably wake up in the dental chair. However, because it takes longer to awaken after receiving general anesthesia, you will be taken to a recovery room. It's possible that you have forgotten how you got from the dental chair to the recovery room. Find out from your dentist what kind of sedation will be used. For more information visit to Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Islamabad After surgery, you'll start to feel your mouth again slowly. Normal is some pain and swelling. You will also have some blood in your mouth on the first day of recovery. You can begin applying an ice pack to your face at any time. You will also be given instructions on when and how to take medications, whether they are over-the-counter or prescription painkillers. When you are ready when you wake up, you will be sent home. Even if you don't have to, it's a good idea to have someone else drive you home. If you get general anesthesia because you won't be able to drive for a long time, your dentist may insist on it.

  3. Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  4. Wisdom Tooth Extraction Typical cleaning guidelines include: using salt water to rinse the wound to keep it clean. When you rinse, don't spit out the water. Instead, place your mouth on top of the sink and let the water out. Apply gauze to the wound and gently dab it to absorb excess blood. After surgery, you should be able to resume your normal activities within a few days. For the next week, you need to be very careful not to remove your stitches or blood clot. The wound is protected and healed by the blood that is over your wisdom tooth hole, just like a scab. You will experience more pain and be at an increased risk of infection if the blot clot is disrupted. This condition is known as a dry socket. One or all of the wound holes can result in a dry socket. During your recovery, you should avoid the following: anything that could break your stitches or blood clot, such as smoking, spitting, or drinking from a straw. Pain management Ice and pain medication are the most common ways to manage pain and reduce swelling. Find out how often to use an ice pack on your face from your dentist. Ice can cause ice burn if you apply it directly to your face. Additionally, they will advise whether to take prescription or over-the-counter medications.

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