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I nuovi domini .eu: profili giuridici e prospettive per gli imprenditori

UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI  UDINE FACOLTA’ DI GIURISPRUDENZA DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE. I nuovi domini .eu: profili giuridici e prospettive per gli imprenditori. Il ccTLD .eu storia, stato e previsioni Franco Denoth Direttore IIT-CNR.

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I nuovi domini .eu: profili giuridici e prospettive per gli imprenditori

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  1. UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI  UDINEFACOLTA’ DI GIURISPRUDENZADIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE I nuovi domini .eu:profili giuridici e prospettive per gli imprenditori Il ccTLD .eu storia, stato e previsioni Franco Denoth Direttore IIT-CNR

  2. 6-Lug-00 Lettera da Erkki Likanen a Mike Roberts sul TLD.e Mr. Mike Roberts CEO and President ICANN 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite330 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Dear Mr. Roberts, I would like to thank you for your recent visit to Brussels and for the exchange of information that took place with the Commission services on that occasion. During your visit you were again informed about the strong interest in Europe for the creation of the new Internet Top Level Domain, .EU The European Commission has thoroughly studied this initiative with the European institutions, ISPs, industry and the local Internet community in Europe. Earlier this year we conducted a broad and open public consultation on the proposal, based on a consultation document that has been posted on the web. That consultation confirmed widespread support from major Internet interests in this proposal. Moreover, the setting up of the .EU Domain is now part of the eEurope Action Plan, endorsed at the recent Feira European Council and thus endorsed at the level of the Heads of State/Government of the 15 EU Member States. omissis

  3. 10-Ago-00: Risposta di Mike Roberts a Erkki Lijkanen sul TLD.eu August 10, 2000 Mr. Erkki Liikanen Member of the Commission European Commission Rue de la Roi 200 B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Dear Commissioner Liikanen - Thank you for your formal request of July 6 concerning the creation of an Internet top level domain for the European Union. At our recent meeting in Yokohama, a number of the ICANN Directors had an opportunity to discuss your letter and to begin to address the policy issues related to consideration of a .eu TLD registry. For many reasons, past and present, the delegation of top level domains having a geographic component to their definition is a sensitive matter. The Board strongly agrees with the views of Jon Postel, the creator of IANA, that it is not the IANA's role to determine what is a country. At the same time, the Board understands and supports the need for flexibility in adapting the Domain Name System to the needs of the Internet community. Since the .eu code does not currently appear in the ISO 3166-1 table which is referenced in the ICANN ICP-1 policy document on country code delegations, the creation of .eu would appear likely to require a policy action Omissis

  4. 25-Set-00: Il ccTLD.eu all’esame del BoD di ICANN • INTERNET CORPORATION FOR ASSIGNED NAMES AND NUMBERS • MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING • 25 September 2000 • DELEGATION OF ccTLDs • Mr. Roberts raised the need for interpretation of existing policies regarding the delegation of "country code" top-level domains (ccTLDs). There are two areas in which the Board should consider clarifying the manner in which ccTLD policies are to be implemented: • 1. ICP-1, which summarizes the current ccTLD policies, states that new ccTLD "codes are assigned from a table known as ISO-3166-1." On 6 July 2000, Erkki Liikanen, the European Commissioner for Enterprise & Information Society, wrote to Mr. Roberts regarding the possible establishment of an .eu TLD. Although the alpha-2 code "eu" is not directly included on the ISO 3166-1 list, the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency, as pointed out in Mr. Liikanan's letter, "has decided to extend the scope of the reservation of the code element EU to cover any application of ISO 3166-1 that needs a coded representation of the name European Union, including its being used as an Internet Top Level Domain." This gives it a status that seems practically equivalent to direct listing. The IANA staff seeks the Board's guidance as to whether codes not directly listed but having been granted an "any application" reservation on the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency's exceptional reservation list should be treated as subject to delegation under ICP-1.

  5. 25-Set-00: Risoluzione del BoD di ICANN sul ccTLD.eu Resolution: While the "eu" code does not appear on that list, the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency has designated the"eu" code as approved for "all uses." Confronted with this situation, the IANA staff asked the Board for guidance. The Board's answer was that the code should be regarded as available for delegation under existing policy, and furthermore that no new TLDs should be established without a completed registry agreement between ICANN and the registry operator.

  6. 22-Apr-02: Risoluzione del Parlamento Europeo Risoluzione del Parlamento Europeo sul regolamento per la messa in opera del dominio di primo livello geografico ccTLD.eu nella Comunità Europea (Gazzetta ufficiale L 113) REGOLAMENTO (CE) N. 733/2002 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 22 aprile 2002 relativo alla messa in opera del dominio di primo livello .eu 11) Il presente regolamento è inteso a stabilire le condizioni di messa in opera del dominio di primo livello .eu in maniera tale da designare un registro e determinare il quadro di politica generale entro cui il registro stesso dovrà operare. Il presente regolamento non disciplina i domini di primo livello geografici nazionali.

  7. 3-Set-02: Bando della Commissione Europea per il ccTLD.eu

  8. 8-Apr-03: Costituzione formale di EURid Omissis

  9. 20-May-03 La Commissione Europea designa EURid per la gestione del ccTLD.eu 22 May 2003 Brussels - Pisa - Stockholm, May 22nd 2003. Today, the Commission announced that it has chosen the EURid consortium to run the .eu TLD. EURid is a not for profit organisation that is built around the Belgian, Italian and Swedish registries. This decision is the latest step in the process of creating a new European Top Level Domain extension. EURid responded to the Call for Expression of Interest that was launched by the European Commission in August last year. A panel of independent experts then evaluated the bids and indicated EURid as the best choice to run the .eu registry. The three registries have very complementary competences: The Belgian registry (DNS BE) has gone through a successful liberalisation at the end of 2000, an experience that is similar to the creation of a new registry. DNS BE will make available its automated registry system that is considered as one of the most advanced in the market. The Italian registry (IIT-CNR), as a division of a well-known research institute, has developed tools for securing electronic transactions. Their security systems and the related know how, in combination with their experience of running a large registry will be a key factor in the success of the .eu registry. The Swedish registry (NIC-SE) has been involved in the creation of Internet standards and has a long standing tradition of interactive consultation with the local and international Internet Community. This experience will be crucial in the start up phase of .eu. Recently, .se has made the step to an open and unrestricted registry. Omissis

  10. 28-Set-04: L’attesa continua Dal sito EURID EURid still awaits to sign a contract with the European Commission but date expected soon.

  11. 12-Ott-04: La firma del contratto con la CE EURid press release 13 Oct 2004 At a small signing ceremony in Brussels yesterday, Fabio Colasanti, the Director General of the European Commission's Information Society DG, joined with EURid board members: Pierre Verbaeten (Chairman) Franco Denoth and Anders Janson to sign the Service Concession Contract to operate the .eu registry. With the contract now concluded, the Commission will formally notify ICANN of the selected registry operator allowing official negotiations to commence between EURid and ICANN to have .eu put in the root. Though preparations for the launch of .eu can now proceed with a little more certainty, EURid will be looking for a speedy conclusion to negotiations with ICANN in order to minimise delays in launching .eu. Omissis

  12. 3-Nov-04: Le “fantomatiche” preregistrazioni Comunicato di Registry Services We have received many enquiries about EU Registry Services and web sites registereu.com and europeanregistry.biz. EURid has no link with .eu Registry Services (registereu.com or europeanregistry.biz) and urges caution when receiving unsolicited (spam) emails offering .eu registrations or taking money for pre-registrations. At this time there are no accredited .eu registrars and it is not possible to register or reserve a .eu name with us. "Pre-registrations" are offered by some companies but sit only in their databases and have no official status with the .eu registry.

  13. 16-Nov-04: Richiesta di delegazione a ICANN Omissis Omissis

  14. 22-Dic-04: Lettera di risposta di Paul Twomey sul contratto EURid-ICANN Omissis Your letter is most helpful in outlining the history of the .eu recognition by the European Commission. Omissis I understand from my staff that we are in fact very close to concluding an agreement between ICANN and EURid, and that they have sent a suggested time frame for completion. Additionally, and in parallel, the IANA function will begin preparing the report that explains the process by which the .eu ccTLD is delegated, to put before the Board for approval and entering it into the rot DNS zone. I have asked my staff to complete the process on our side as expediently as possible. Omissis

  15. 21-Jan-05: Comunicato di EURid contro spam We have received a number of complaints from people who have received unsolicited (spam) emails in which the sender claims to have pre-registered their .eu domain name on their behalf. Please note that there are no accredited .eu registrars at this time and it is not possible to pre-register a .eu name with us. Such pre-registrations sit only in the database of the provider offering the service and have no official status with the .eu registry. Over the coming months, we will accredit a network of .eu registrars across Europe and publish a list on our web site. You will need to contact one of those registrars in order to obtain your .eu name.

  16. 21-Mar-05: Risoluzione del BoD di ICANN sul ccTLD.eu Special Meeting of the Board Minutes 21 March 2005 Delegation of .EU Omissis Whereas, at its meeting on 25 September 2000, the ICANN Board resolved (00.74) that “alpha-2 codes not on the ISO 3166-1 list are delegable as ccTLDs only in cases where the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency, on its exceptional reservation list, has issued a reservation of the code that covers any application of ISO 316-1 that needs a coded representation in the name of the country, territory, or area involved;” Whereas, the code "EU" has been reserved by the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency to cover any application of ISO 3166-1 that needs a coded representation for the name European Union, including the use as a TLD. Whereas, the European Commission has, following extensive consultations, issued a regulation laying down the public policy rules concerning the implementation and functions of the .EU TLD (including principles governing registration), and has designated EURid – the European Registry for Internet Domains – as the appropriate registry for the .EU TLD. Whereas, in a communication from EURid to the ICANN’s President and CEO, EURid indicated a willingness to enter into a framework of accountability with ICANN and formally requested the delegation of the .EU ccTLD. Resolved [05.__] the President and the General Counsel are authorized to enter into an agreement with EURid and to complete the delegation of .EU to EURid. This resolution was approved by the Board by a vote of 15-0, with no abstentions.

  17. Il BoD di ICANN approva l’accordo del 21-Mar-05 per l’inserimento del .eu nella radice EU Update 23 March 2005 Earlier this week, ICANN's Board took steps to authorize the delegation of .EU as a ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain), and for ICANN Staff to enter into an agreement with EURid and to complete the delegation of .EU. The technical teams of ICANN's IANA function and EURid are working together to complete the entry of .EU in the DNS root. The two-letter code for the European Union (.EU) appears on the ISO 3166-1 reserved list of alpha two-letter codes of country names. At the request of the European Commission, the ISO Maintenance Agency extended the scope of this reservation to cover any application of the two-letter code representing the name European Union, including its being used as a TLD. Following this step, the European Union commenced a process, in partnership with ICANN, to designate the .EU ccTLD. Delegation of a new top level domain requires the completion of a number of procedures. The key requirement is that for each domain there is a designated delegee for supervising that domain's name space. In the case of .EU, the European Commission identified EURid as the appropriate organization to manage .EU.

  18. 28-Apr-05: Il .eu apparenella radice di IANA

  19. 29-Apr-05 ore 18,58: Il primo dominio .eu

  20. 29-Apr-05: Le richieste L’attenzione al ccTLD.eu è altissima: in poche ore dalla visibilità in rete si raggiunge un flusso di 7 richieste/secondo

  21. 10-Mag-05: Il sole 24 Ore parla del .eu .eu: l’Euro dei nomi in internet L’Europa vale 215 milioni di navigatori Quanti italiani?

  22. 12-Mag-05: I registrar dell’Europa dei 25 che hanno dichiarato interesse al .eu Totale richieste 1569 (1044) per un totale di oltre un milione di nomi (850.000) Fra parentesi i dati a gennaio 2005

  23. FI SE EE LV DK IE LT NL UK BE PL DE LU CZ SK FR AT HU SI PT IT ES GR CY MT EURid: Organizzazione regionale • Ufficio principale: Brussels • Sviluppo principale: Brussels • Centri di competenza in altri Paesi • Gestioni regionali : • Nord : Sweden • Centro : Belgium • Sud : Italia • Est : Czech Republic

  24. Managing Director Technical Director Business Dev Manager Communications Manager Administration Manager (4) Human resources Legal Secretariat Invoicing/accounts (3) Web content Newsletters PR Surveys Registrar training Promotion campaigns Non-tech representation Tech Dev Manager Operations Manager (4) Software Development (4) Registry systems Name servers System admin Office support Tech help desk Central Regional Office 4 regional support officers Eastern Regional Office 4 regional support officers 1 office admin support Northern Regional Office 4 regional support officers 1 office admin support Southern Regional Office 4 regional support officers 1 office admin support Belgian office Swedish Office Italian Office Czech office Struttura organizzativa di EURid

  25. Annuncio del sunrise 1 Registrazione generale Fase Fase 2 Min. 2 mesi 2 mesi 2 mesi Validazione dei diritti prioritari da parte del validatore (PWC) La registrazione sotto il ccTLD.eu Chi registra? Persone fisiche e giuridiche che abbiano una residenza in uno degli stati della UE Per il “registrar” non ci sono restrizioni geografiche, ma devono sottostare alla legge di uno degli stati membri dell UE e conformarsi alla legge europea per la protezione dei dati Tempi Fase 1: Marchi registrati, indicazioni geografiche, nomi e acronimi di enti pubblici e organismi governativi Fase 2: Fase 1 + Nomi d’impresa, nomi propri di persona (in alcuni stati), marchi non registrati (in alcuni stati)

  26. UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI  UDINEFACOLTA’ DI GIURISPRUDENZADIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE Il ccTLD .eu storia, stato e previsioni Franco Denoth Direttore IIT-CNR franco.denoth@iit.cnr.it Grazie per l’attenzione Domande?

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