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Digital Logic Systems

Digital Logic Systems. Combinational Circuits. Basic Gates. & Truth Tables. Basic Gates. AND Gate. OR Gate. NOT Gate. More Gates. NAND Gate. NOR Gate. BUF Gate. More Gates. XOR Gate. XNOR Gate. 3-Input XOR Gate. 4-Input OR Gate. n-Input Gates. 5-Input NOR Gate. 5-Input AND Gate.

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Digital Logic Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Digital Logic Systems Combinational Circuits

  2. Basic Gates & Truth Tables

  3. Basic Gates AND Gate OR Gate NOT Gate

  4. More Gates NAND Gate NOR Gate BUF Gate

  5. More Gates XOR Gate XNOR Gate

  6. 3-Input XOR Gate 4-Input OR Gate n-Input Gates 5-Input NOR Gate 5-Input AND Gate

  7. Definitions It gives a logical output true only if all the inputs are true AND It gives a logical output true if any of the inputs is true OR It gives a logical output true only if an odd-number of inputs is true XOR It gives a logical output true if the input is false and vice versa NOT

  8. A truth table is a tabular procedure to express the relationship of the outputs to the inputs of a Logical System Truth Table

  9. NOT Operation AND Operation OR Operation Truth Tables for Gates AND Gate OR Gate NOT Gate

  10. BUF Operation NAND Operation NOR Operation Truth Tables for Gates NAND Gate NOR Gate BUF Gate

  11. XOROperation XNOR Operation Truth Tables for Gates XOR Gate XNOR Gate

  12. Bubbles A Bubble Implies a Logical Inversion Bubbles can be replaced by NOT Gates to get logically equivalent circuits

  13. Generate tables for all combinations of bubbles and a XOR gate

  14. Gate Equivalence = = =

  15. Gate Equivalence = ? =

  16. Gate Equivalence = =

  17. Switching Expressions

  18. Basic Switching Expressions f = a . b AND f = a + b OR f = a’ f = ā NOT

  19. Is there an expression for XOR operation?

  20. Switching Expressions

  21. Switching Expressions

  22. Switching Expressions f1 = a . b’ f2 = (a + b)’

  23. Switching Expressions

  24. Switching Expressions

  25. Switching Expressions f = ?

  26. Switching Expressions f = m + n m = a . b’ n = a’ . b

  27. Switching Expressions f = (a . b’) + (a’ . b) This is the equivalent circuit and equivalent expression for a XOR operation

  28. From Digital Design, 5th Edition by M. Morris Mano and Michael Ciletti

  29. Switching Expressions

  30. Switching Expressions

  31. Switching Expressions f1 = a . b f2 = a ^ b f2 = (a . b’) + (a’ . b)

  32. Switching Expressions

  33. s = s c = m + g

  34. s = p ^ z s = s m = p . z c = m + g g = g

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