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Learn how to remove hair permanently

There are sevaral ways to get rid of hair permanently. See how you can get it too.

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Learn how to remove hair permanently

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  1. Methods of hair removal There are several methods to get rid of unwanted hair and each is suited for different parts of the body and skin and hair types.

  2. Shaving • Apart from razor burns and nicks, shaving is a painless method of hair removal. • It doesn’t take a lot of time, and it can be included as part of your daily bath routine. • Unlike many of the other methods, shaving does not pluck out the hair from its root. Rather, • it simply cuts the protruding part of the hair. This is why when it grows back it seems thicker (but really, it’s not). Rather than having a tapered edge, the hair now has a flat, blunt edge. • It’s important to use a sharp blade and some shaving cream when you shave to lessen instances of razor burn. If you don’t have shaving cream, here are a few alternatives: • Soap or Body Wash • Hair Conditioner (I use this over shaving cream. It’s much cheaper and works just as well) • Shea Butter (Not as good as conditioner, but it moisturizes the skin) • Baby Oil • If you experience a whole lot of ingrown hairs and red bumps a few days after you shave, you’re not alone! Make it a habit to use a bath towel everytime you soap and moisturize after your bath. Exfoliating with a bath towel can help get rid of the skin that’s trapping your hair inside the pores. This isn’t going to solve the problem on your first bath (usually you won’t notice a difference the first time). Give it at least two weeks to a month. • If it doesn’t lessen the amount of ingrowns you have after a month, shaving might not be for you.

  3. Threading The way I would describe threading is similar to tweezing, only you’re pulling out multiple hairs at a time. It’s considered one of the more sanitary forms of hair removal because nothing touches your face but the thread itself. No hands, no chemicals. The time it takes to remove the hairs depends on the threader. Some can do eyebrows in 3 minutes, while it takes 5-10 minutes for some others. Make sure to look for an experienced professional to thread for you.

  4. Hair Removal Creams/Depilatories Before slathering on depilatories on your skin, it’s VERY IMPORTANT TO DO A TEST PATCH FIRST. The chemicals in the hair removal creams are strong and can really irritate your skin. In 5-15 minutes, the chemicals break down the hair follicle so that you can easily wipe it off with a towel, or with one of those plastic things shaped like a razor. Honestly, I’ve tried depilatories once and never went back again. It smells bad and the results are similar to shaving. Waxing is probably my favorite method of hair removal. You have to suffer through only a few seconds of pain for two weeks of hairlessness. The cost differs depending whether you want to have it professionally done or opt to do it at home. If you really want to remove hair on your face and getting them removed is either too expensive or too scary, this might be the hair removal method for you. The drawback of waxing is that you have to let the hair grow enough for the wax to pull it out. But the good thing is, it doesn’t grow back as stubble. It’ll have a tapered tip, making the hair growth less obvious than when you shave.

  5. Tweezing Tweezing is means of upkeep after having your eyebrows professionally threaded or shaped. It’s a little time consuming, but it’s the cheapest out of all the methods because all you really need are good tweezers and a good light source (like the sun!). Tweezers have different tip shapes, how do you know which tweezers to use? Pointed tips are very good for fine hairs and plucking out those nasty ingrown. Square tips are for the coarse, rough hairs. With these tweezers, you can pull out more than one hair at a time. Slanted tips are the best choice for beginners. If you’re going to invest in only one pair of tweezers, buy a good pair of slanted tip ones. They give you the best control when you pluck. 

  6. Laser Hair Removal Laser hair removal is only suggested for women with dark hair and light skin. It’s not as effective for those with light hair. It’s reported to remove about 80%, but it doesn’t always work for everyone. The thing about laser hair removal is that if you spend a lot of money removing hair using other hair removal methods, it might be a viable option for you. Think of it as a one-time-big-time splurge where you can get rid of most of your hair and save money in the long run. Another benefit is that if you constantly have ingrown hairs every time you wax or shave, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get them with this method. Don’t look for cheap deals. Look for professional clinics to do this method, because scarring and burning from the laser can happen if done wrong. In addition to the 4-8 sessions, touch-ups are recommended once a year.

  7. Electrolysis Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal. A tiny needle slides down the hair follicle and destroys the cell responsible for growth. A lot of treatments are needed but the duration of each treatment is very short. It’s said to hurt, but local anesthetic creams can help. Make sure to look for a professional when doing this. Done wrong, electrolysis is ineffective and can cause scarring. If you are looking for more information, check out http://www.hairremovalathome.net

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