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Automation Testing or Struggle for a Job

Texceed offers a comprehensive Software Testing Course with focus on Automation Testing. Apply now and boost your career.<br><br>To know more details you can visit here:<br>https://texceed.in/learn-automation-testing-or-struggle-for-job/

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Automation Testing or Struggle for a Job

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  1. Learn Automation Testing or Struggle for a Job

  2. Growth of Automation Testing Software testing is one of the critical domains in Information technology. The software Testing domain grew in the last two decades. Many independent software testing companies were incorporated and businesses flourished. Though the journey began with manual testing, in recent years situation has changed. Automation testing or test automation is becoming a very vital skill for companies and professionals.

  3. The automation testing market is expected to grow at 14.2% CAGR during the forecast period from 2021 to 2026. – mordointelligence.com

  4. With many years of experience, we know that manual testing is time-consuming and error-prone, and slow. As the customers are demanding faster development, the software industry has started adopting agile practices. Here, the amount of time available for the development, testing, and deployment of new releases is becoming shorter and shorter. And hence, automation of testing processes is inevitable.

  5. Software Testing Course with Automation Testing Many students believe that if they are not so good at programming, software testing is the field for them. In this field, they would easily survive without knowledge and practice of coding or writing programs. However, this is not true at all!

  6. Nowadays, most companies are using test automation frameworks and tools for faster testing. These frameworks and tools not only help to improve the productivity of the teams but also reduce the testing time considerably. Therefore, anyone who wants to become a software testing engineer must know about automation testing.

  7. What is Test Automation Tool? Selenium is one of the popular open-source tools in the test automation space. It helps you generate test cases automatically when you run the web application with a certain configuration as required by the tool. Automated test scripts are nothing but programs that one can execute. These programs can be fed with different data and run many times based on the need of the project.

  8. This is not all. Because it is a test script or code, it can be modified further by a developer to suit the requirements. In addition to this, the test automation tool can generate scripts in multiple languages. For example, Selenium can generate scripts in Java, C#, Ruby, PHP, and so on. Such features provide great flexibility.

  9. No need to learn Manual Testing? With all the buzz about automation testing, you may feel is manual testing has gone out of fashion? And no one needs to even look at it. Not really! Ignoring manual testing processes is silly because you will not be able to automate if do not know how to do it manually.

  10. How to choose a Software Testing Course? If you have decided that you want to pursue a career in software testing, good knowledge about it is a must. What one should focus upon? If it is possible for you to join a course, that would not only speed up the entire effort but make it easier. The course should contain the following key topics or aspects as shown in the diagram.

  11. Programming fundamentals are crucial and often ignored. Though you are not becoming a software developer, knowing a programming language well is a re-requisite. You may not be able to write code like a fluent software developer, but you should be able to read and understand the code. Studying any object-oriented programming language like Java is a must. Along with it, an introduction to Structure Query Language (SQL) is needed. This will help you generate good test data whenever required.

  12. The theory of software testing should cover different testing techniques, software development life cycle, software testing life cycle, test cases, defect management, etc. Though all these topics come under manual testing, they are important for you to understand the overall process.

  13. With a solid background in programming and manual testing processes, now you are ready to embark on your journey of test automation. Here, you would have exposure to different tools like Selenium. You learn the process of generating and executing test cases. Do not stop at that, Pick up any web application and create an entire testing project using the tool you want to learn.

  14. Automation Testing Course with Texceed We discussed the contents of a best software testing course. If you want to cover all these elements, Texceed provides a comprehensive course for it. Many students have joined the course to get into a great career in software testing.

  15. Conclusion Texceed offers a comprehensive Software Testing Course with focus on Automation Testing. Apply now and boost your career.


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