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Iran Tehran Saadabad Palace5

The Saadabad is a palace built by the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in the Shemiran area of Tehran. The complex was first inhabited by Qajar monarchs and royal family in the 19th century. After an expansion of the compounds, Reza Shah lived there in the 1920s. And his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi moved there in the 1970s.

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Iran Tehran Saadabad Palace5

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  1. TEHRAN Saadabad Palace Park

  2. The cultural and Historical Complex of Saadabad covers an area of 110 hectares and is located in the ever refreshing foothills of Tochal and Darband, enclosed from the north to the Alborz Mountains. During Qajar dynasty (1794-1925) this area was used as the summer palace of the Royal family and after the coup of 1921 by Pahlavi, it expanded to a greater area with the addition of new gardens and became the summer residence of the kings of Pahlavi dynasty (1925-1979), Reza Shah, Mohammad Reza Shah and their families. Complexul de palate Saadabad din cartierul Shemiran din Teheran a fost locuit de monarhii dinastiei Qajar şi familia regală în secolul XIX. După extinderea şi reamenajarea palatelor Reza Shah a trăit acolo din 1920. Şi fiul său, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi şi-a stabilit reşedinţa acolo în 1970. După revoluţia iraniană, complexul a devenit un muzeu. Palatul prezidenţial actual este situat adiacent acestui complex Tehran

  3. the 110-hectare ensemble of Saadabad

  4. Snowy Alborz Mountains, north of Tehran

  5. Later, in different occasions, numbers of palaces and mansions were added to this collection. In Pahlavi era eighteen small and large palaces were built in Saadabad which they exhibit Iranian art and architecture. Sine 1979 revolution, this complex was turned into museum. Two palaces namely Nation (white) palace and Green palace are open to the public as palace museums and other buildings with regards to their specialty have been allocated for different kinds of exhibition. In timpuldinastiei Pahlavi au fost construite 18 palate mai mari sau mai mici. După revoluţia islamică din anul 1979 acest complex a fost transformat în muzeu. Cele mai importante palate care se vizitează sunt Palatul Alb şi Palatul Verde

  6. The popularity and wide distribution of cultivated planes as ornamental or shade trees in Persia, especially in gardens and along city streets, are due to several features of the plane. It grows rapidly, especially when young, and may reach 30 m (and sometimes more) in height, with a spreading crown, large palmate leaves (compared by some Persian poets to spread human hands), and a lofty, usually upright and slightly tapering trunk the base of which, when advanced in years, develops abnormally into an enormous, often squat mass, which old age hollows out. Platanul, (Platanus Orientalis) a fost din cele mai vechi timpuri unul dintre cei mai importanţi copaci din Persia. Cunoscut sub denumirea de Chenar, asemeni chiparosului este arbore sacru. Platanul şi chiparosul, reprezintă longevitatea şi sunt simbolurile ideale pentru Amertat (imortalitate)

  7. Platanus, that so beautiful and precious tree, was so doted on by Xerxes, that AElian and other authors tell us, he made halt, and stopped his prodigious army of seventeen hundred thousand soldiers, which even covered the sea, exhausted rivers, and thrust mount Athos from the Continent, to admire the pulchritude and procerity of one of these goodly trees; and became so fond of it, that spoiling both himself, his concubines, and great persons of all their jewels, he covered it with gold, gems, neck-laces, scarfs and bracelets, and infinite riches: In sum, was so enamored of it, that for some days, neither the concernment of his Grand Expedition, nor interest of honor, nor the necessary motion of his portentous army, could persuade him from it: He styled it his mistress, his minion, his Goddess; and when he was forced to part from it, he caused the figure of it to be stamped in a medal of gold, which he continually wore about him.

  8. Platanul era important şi în religia lui Zoroastru, fiind una dintre esenţele de lemn din care se poate confecţiona Barsamul (simbolul puterii şi unităţii) . Mithra, Zeul Soarelui ţine în mână un Barsam ( Tagh-e Bostan, investitura regelui Ardashir II (379-383 ) Aria lui Xerxes (Largo de Haendel) Ombra mai fu este un cântec de dragoste a lui Xerxes pentru un platan căruia se spune că i-ar fi scris o odă, spre uluirea grecilor! (Dar cam tot peatunci sub alt faimosplatan Hippocrates predamedicina )

  9. Rosemary (Rosmarinusofficinalis L.) is a widely used culinary spice. Persian eklilkuhi mean crown of the mountain

  10. Text: Internet Pictures:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: Era - Classics - Haendel - Dark Wonders (Sarabande & Ombra Mai Fu) Plácido Domingo, Itzak Perlman - Xerxes Ombra mai fu - Haendel

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