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Streamline Your Task List in Four Steps with CRM technology

Scraps of paper with jotted notes scattered around the computer, last weeku2019s agendas strewn about the conference room table, and a white board that hasnu2019t been updated in months u2013 a scene thatu2019s all too familiar in businesses today.

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Streamline Your Task List in Four Steps with CRM technology

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  1. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Streamline Your Task List in Four Steps with CRM technology Scraps of paper with jotted notes scattered around the computer, last week’s agendas strewn about the conference room table, and a white board that hasn’t been updated in months – a scene that’s all too familiar in businesses today. These days, more and more employees become disorganized while attempting to tackle endlessly growing to-do lists. Workers employ handwritten notes, spreadsheets, shared computer folders, emails, and text messages to communicate what needs to be done, by whom, by when. Information gets stashed in various places until it becomes nearly impossible to track.Despite technological advances and decent interoffice communication, many businesses lack the resources to keep all their dealings in one, central location which leads to miscommunication, overlooked assignments, general inefficiency, and at worst, lost profit. To combat this, leaders need to manage tasks in a way that provides specific roles for team members with real-time notifications of progress. These four steps will enable leaders to accomplish just that: 1. Establish clear objectives. The role of the leader is to provide a vision of where an organization is going. For projects and daily work, the same stands true. Leaders must outline the specific objectives for any given task or operation. 2. Ensure all parties understand the objectives. Put the tasks in writing for all parties to reference at any given time to create accountability for your team.Tasks can be changed and updated as necessary. Some leaders prefer to share directions verbally,through conversations or meetings. However, ensuring the layout is in writing, in a central locationcuts down on miscommunication or wasted time. CRM RUNNER provides a place to maintain these lists 3. Breakdown the tasks into manageable pieces.Tasks should be as manageable for the supervisor creating it as they are for those carrying them out. Reshaping large endeavors into bitesize pieces allows for not only better tracking of tasks but also for a sense of accomplishment as each part is completed. A motivated and informed team will be more productive. 4. Review and assess the outcome.Ask all parties for real-time updates on the status of tasks. If a task is done at 1:00 pm, the team should be updated as such. From there, the team may make adjustments or continue to follow the planned course of action. Real-time updates, made possible by the latest CRM

  2. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com technology, allow for more efficiency, which means employees have more time to focus on other channels to support the business, like building relationships with prospective clients and partners. CRM RUNNER eliminates the runaround with task management functions, giving supervisors the power to create assignments and track progress with real-time notifications. With CRM software, managers can create a task and assign it to colleagues, employees, and contractors. However, the work does not stop once roles have been assigned. By setting parameters, metrics, and deadlines, workers break their projects into steps that are easy to tackle while communicating their progress as they move along. As efficiency improves, there is less time spent digging through notes and making phone calls to lock down specifics. Instead, the project can be viewed by everybody, at any time, with periodic revisions to keep the whole team up-to-date. Supervisors can take the progress updates a step further with access to real-time notifications by using CRM RUNNER. As the moving pieces come together, each counterpart can pose a question or mark the task as complete. With this, the manager will move forward, responding to issues or doling out the next assignment to keep the organization moving as planned.

  3. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com How to build a sales funnelusing the “attract and attack” method In sales, prospective clients (or leads) participate in the buying experience at different levels until exiting, with or without having made a purchase. Imagine it like this: 100 potential customers might visit your webpage; 15of whom load your product into the cart; and then six become committed customers and complete the purchase. This process can be depicted by the concept of the sales funnel: many potential buyers come in but the pipeline coming out is much smaller. Using CRM, businesses can increase their sales outcomes. Today’s technology allows businesses to target more clients and increase the number of committed customers using a sales funnel rooted in the success of CRM solutions.Although many experts on the topic can outline the details in several steps, the “attract and attack” method simplifies the concept in two steps. 1. Attract You must entice the public to consider your business and build a leads list from their interest. Take advantage of online PR. Attract users to you using social media posts (free) and advertisements (fee). Create a great webpage (landing page) or storefront experience.Create a captivating webpage, drawing on the power of social media or blogs to bring people to you. Your webpage should be compelling enough for visitors to consider your product. This can be accomplished by relevant content creation. Your website should provide details about products and services but also make the prospective buyer feel comfortable. Your website is like a lobby or a living room; you want the buyer to stick around. Consider a subscription requirement which allows you to create and maintain a potential customer database in exchange for promotions, newsletters, or other pertinent information. Perhaps your website offers a service for e-mail subscribers like a newsletter, new recipes, or updates about services or promotions. A storefront operation operates similarly. Once you collect contact information, you will generate new leads.

  4. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com CRM RUNNER keeps track of the leads so that communication remains open for the next step:The Attack. 2. Attack Once you have cast a net for potential customers, it is time to begin the focus on turning prospects into buyers via “the attack.”CRM technology maintains your lead list, and from there, you take the appropriate course of action. Apart from the direct sales approach, the business strategy may also include the follow techniques. Present a “front end offer.” This promotion gives a free or low-cost element, maybe a sample, which paves the way to future sales; a pre-sale to engage customers as they enter “the sales funnel.” Offer the upsell on the back end. In psychology, a theory exists known as the “foot in the door phenomenon” which explains that humans are more likely to say “yes” to a person if he has already said “yes” to a prior, smaller request. As thelead becomes more involved with the company, through relationship building, his trust in your brand will grow. This will position the client in such a way that he will be more likely to buy. Offer a downgrade. Sometimes the price tag prohibits purchase. But a lower-priced option may seem like an opportune bargain that’s just too good to miss. Rather than thinking “loss,” consider yourself helping customers find the “best fit” for their needs in retaining the product or service. The most key task to remember is to never give up on the sales funnel. It is a consistent and constant technique, not a one-time approach. Businesses need to follow up with the newly acquired contacts as well as past customers. Using the “attract and attack” model, your sales funnel will be able to churn out more paying customers. The advantage of CRM solutions is that sellers can track their potential customers using the various layers of the funnel and target their approach accordingly. CRM RUNNER, for example, allows managers to assign leads to staff. Once managers assign their leads to staff based on the staff’s salesmanship ability, more deals can be closed, which in turn builds a better bottom line.

  5. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com

  6. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Cancel your Outdated Inventory Methods Most professionals know the importance of maintaining up-to-date inventory. However, how to keep inventory is a hot topic amongst team members. Whereas some prefer old-fashioned methods such as paper and pen or spreadsheets, advances in CRM software has made keeping accurate inventory easier and more efficient. Inventory control is an important facet of many businesses, and customers are frustrated when a desired item is out of stock. We are all too familiar with the disappointment of heading to the store for a favorite snack and hearing “We’re fresh out!” You wonder what happened: Is the order delayed? Was there some kind of rush? Who is responsible for the planning? Distrust in the brand grows, and you remember the error the next time you decide where to purchase your favorite treat. Avoid letting customers down with accurate inventory. The old paper and pen method might work for very small businesses run by only one or two people. However, errors in mathematics, failure to keep the document up-to-date, or the loss of the information can lead to disaster. Spreadsheets can be created to maintain calculations but can be difficult to navigate and subject to mishandling or errors by the user. CRM technology maintains inventory in a database which can be accessed by users, showing it in real- time. By way of a database, many advantages come into play. 1.CRM RUNNERallows businesses to maintain inventory, even with products which use serial numbers, reducing risk of loss or theft. When dealing with expensive or rare products, serial numbers ensure that every item on inventory is trackable with a unique identification number. In a database, these numbers are maintained securely – ensuring that all product can be accounted for. If a product goes missing, it will be easier to work with authorities or insurance with the serial numbers on record, reducing overall risk. 2.The database can run reports, showing which products are in high or low demand based on recent sales. Customer service will improve as sales merchants will be able to confirm a product is in stock before recommending it to buyers. Moreover, as product is matched to customer

  7. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com orders – inventory is automatically updated as product moves. If a customer has any question about his order, the customer service team can track the order and product to remedy the situation with greater efficiency. 3.Managers can also set alerts. High or low inventory can indicate the need for a different strategy. Low inventory can indicate a need to order more product. High inventory may indicate the time for a price point adjustment or pending order cancellation. CRM technology allows for managers to set parameters that will issue alerts for these situations so that the appropriate course of action may be taken without delay. 4.The technology can be easily integrated with other aspects of your business to influence sales. It will behoove managers to utilize the tool so that product never goes wasted. Building excellent relationships with customers is an essential part of any business, and proper inventory tracking allows sales people to build trust and integrity in dealing with customers. The CRM technology also permits leaders to make better-informed business decisions based on past and predicted performance. With this technology, it may be better tocancel those notebooks and spreadsheets; they just can’t compete.

  8. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Use a Shared Calendar to save Time and Money Entrepreneurs and employees often stress over their workloads: “There just aren’t enough hours in the day!” However, time studies have shown that we often use time inefficiently, leading to stress over the work that gets left unfinished at quitting time. The best way to stay on top of everything from sales calls to product orders is by drafting a calendar that accurately reflects working hours. With so many ways to organize our time in 21st century, we have become accustomed to old habits. Some employees swear by their desk calendar. Others keep little notes in their car for the day’s appointments. Interns write their schedule on the back of their hands. Those who appreciate technology take advantage of schedule setting applications on their cell phones or computers. The problem with these methods, even if they are successful for the individual, is that they rarely work for the organization. Nobody knows what’s on the intern’s hand, in Sue’s planner, nor in Tom’s cellphone. The answer: Utilize a company database with CRM technology. All the calendars will sync to show when people are available and potentially what they are doing when they are not. Thanks to CRM technology, business can keep everyone on the same page thanks to the calendar components. Organize your time by focusing on several key tools. 1.Tasks – Organized professionals keep task lists for themselves and their employees. The best place to start is with a list of every task on the table, then assign tasks a priority level (high, normal, low, etc.). The tasks are assigned to staff and processed based on priority. Tracking of the completion gives managers and owners snapshots of the operations whenever they need. 2.Events – Meetings, expos, and conference calls interrupt daily workflow yet provide additional value to the business. By scheduling events in the calendar software, employees can better manage both their time and how they interact with coworkers and customers. 3.Reminders – Humans forget things, be they CEOs or interns. However, setting electronic reminders can keep us on track. Reminders can be set for one-time events or for tasks that occur on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. 4.Push Notifications – CRM RUNNER uses “push notifications” to send reminders in real-time. Some calendar formats require us to look at the application to see what’s forthcoming.

  9. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com However, with push notifications, users will see the information as it delivered directly to their devices. 5.Communication – All of these features enhance communication. When the team is left on their own to manage their time, communication diminishes. What’s in Tom’s phone calendar is not in Sue’s paper planner, at least not automatically. Keeping all communication within the same database, the very one that shows inventory updates and sales leads, means information is accessible to all, driving workplace efficiency. If we consider the adage “time is money,” then we know that not a minute can go to waste. CRM RUNNER’s calendar function reduces misused time. The same CRM technology calls upon the important business data to keep everyone on track by organizing tasks, events, and reminders. Using push notifications to inform users will improve communication so that the team can focus on what it does best, serve customers and makes sales.

  10. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com The Key to Sales: Communication & Employee Support Before we support our customers, we must engage our employees. A reason commonly stated by employees when asked about low performance is “lack of communication” or “lack of support.” Low performance means low results, which in turn yieldsless profit. Communication failures can collapse a sale - and at worst, a business. Low-response times can send customers to other sellers, frustrating the sales team just as much. Support your employees with open and quick communication. To best support the team, managers can call upon the help of CRM RUNNER’s chat application, integrated into the CRM software. This feature allows for faster, smoother communication, offering several benefits: Accessibility – Make everybody on the team equally accessible through the instant messaging feature of CRM technology. Fieldworkers, contractors, employees, and office administrators can remain in contact with each other throughout the day. Questions on inventory, approval on deals, and questions on location can be answered quickly, so that employees feel they are being supported in the work they do. With more support, morale stays high and more deals are closed as everybody capitalizes on the resources they need. Efficiency – Chat functions make a team more efficient as team members connect directly with those who have the answer they need. It is difficult to expect the same kind of instant response from an e-mail or a phone call. As employees understand the chat application is for rapid fire discussion, they will be less inclined to leave a message unanswered.Nothing beats the functionality of confirming stock, purchase orders, or meeting times between the home office and those out on the road. Record – Those involved in the chat can take more accurate records of conversations to reference details at a later point in time. Maintaining these conversations in a central location reduces stress on employees who might currently use various methods to communicate. Even employees who use a cellphone to chat via text messages or other chat-based applications will be more professional and organized using a singular way to communicate with his colleagues.

  11. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Privacy – Sometimes employees are forced to ask questions while out in the field they would rather a customer not hear. Perhaps if something is out of stock, the sales person can be better prepared to offer an alternative with the resources listed in the employee chat application; the customer does not need to hear that conversation happen over the phone. This element of discretion leaves the control of the exchange in the business’s hands rather than those of thecustomer. With chat features, as opposed to phone, questions can be resolved more quickly and with more privacy – no more customers listening in! The integrated ability to chat with members of the organization comes with surprising benefits. CRM RUNNER’s chat functions allow managers to keep tabs on employee activities, contractors, and fieldworkers. Managers can stay connected to their teams through the instant message platform. They can resolve issues with immediacy. Additionally, leaders can track employees to increase efficiency and productivity. As the old saying goes: A team that chats together, sells together!

  12. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Build a Call Center with VoIP Integration CRM systems allow businesses to retain client information, which lends itself to effective communication. Apart from integration features such as inventory, chat, and GPS tracking, CRM RUNNER offers VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) - in other words, phone service using wireless internet. VoIP is a recent technology that can help achieve better communication while reducing costs of traditional telephone services. Maintaining consistent contact with sales leads is made easier by CRM RUNNER, which can both store lead information and queue outbound communication. The platform includes options to use text messaging (SMS), chat, forward calls, and record voice messages. The integration of CRM solutions and VoIP systems offer several distinct advantages. Stronger Customer Relationships: The CRM database dials outcoming and receives incoming calls in conjunction with the software to provide seamless, easy integration. Team members will have outbound call lists with attached notes. From these notes, they will be able to review prior contact with the customer to know where the client stands in his interest in the product. Employees will also be able to update the notes after the call based on the conversation held with the customer. The next employee who makes contact with the call then has equal access to past conversations. As team members refer to and revise these notes, they can be sure to build a better relationship with the customer, leading to a high potential to close the sale. Facility of larger call volumes: As interest in your product grows, so does the number of phone calls and SMS messages to and from the company. VoIP will not leave you negotiating with a phone company for more lines as you can manage the webservices internally. As call volume increases, your software will be able to handle the distribution of calls amongst team members. Lower cost than phone service compared to traditional telephone plans: Internet calling is significantly more affordable than traditional service per line. VoIP cost less because it uses an existing internet connection instead of additional hardware. Phone services can cost $250-1000 per user, and CRM technology integration with VoIP can reduce that cost drastically.

  13. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com With CRM RUNNER’s VoIP technology, every member can have their own phone number, ensuring direct access to the right person at any time. This is a major benefit in regards to internal communication as well as for customers who are building a relationship with specific team members. Increased productivity:When call systems are separate from phone systems, employees lose time transitioning between the two. Some employees might even misplace information in the process. The reduction of time spent changing between services allows for more efficiency and accuracy. Not to mention the time employees save lining up calls and taking notes can be dedicated to securing and closingmore sales, increasing the bottom line. As customers come with a different set of needs, the CRM database gives access to what a customer has stated he wants, allowing for a customized experience every time the company makes contact. A stronger relationship will increase the potential for a closed sale.Being able to track where a customer stands in the sales funnel allows members to adjust their approach accordingly to keep clients moving smoothly through the pipeline until they make a sale. Follow-up is easier to track for both team members and managers, especially through the use of reports on the types of calls made and received. This improved customer communication will pave the way to a healthier business model.

  14. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Practice Better Risk Management using GPS Integration in your CRM Solution Sometimes locating your sales team feels like a challenge. Yet, you know that with today’s technology, it should be a snap. CRM solutions now allow for GPS Tracking to get real-time locations on your team members, contractors and clients. They also provide the capability to plan routes, get pinpoint locations, and take a look at the street view. As managers have more insight as to where and how both their team and products are moving, they can ensure that they are making the right moves, every time. A benefit of technology like CRM RUNNER is that it is user-friendly; managers and employees alike will find it easy to use during the day. As GPS Tracking is integrated with the CRM RUNNER software, it will feel like just another tool to build a more efficient workplace. GPS routing and street view functions allow employees to stay on target with schedules so that customer receive their product on time. Customers are not interested in hearing about construction delays, traffic jams, or how the driver got lost. GPS tracking in CRM RUNNER lessens the possibility of excuses, ensuring that product arrives on schedule to the happy customer. Apart from these concerns, managers need to make risk reduction a priority. GPS tracking helps reduce risk by knowing the whereabouts of staff, inventory, and equipment. Staff: Whereas most employees are responsible, a rogue employee might reconsider a detour or extended lunch break knowing that his movement is recorded for the management to see. Additionally, if an accident occurs in transit, you maybe able to use the data to build a case that protects your employee and your company. You might also use the data to discipline employees who take questionable routes or waste time. Inventory: Another risk to reduce is the loss of product. Lost inventory can cost a business a lot of money, so the tracking of product can help to reduce this risk. As managers track the location of product, they rest assured that everything operates as designed. Inventory is accurate, and orders are fulfilled on schedule. This pattern of efficiency leads to productive employees, happier customers, and increased profits.

  15. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Equipment:Employers also concern themselves over the whereabouts of their equipment. Businesses invest significant amounts of cash into cars, computers, and industry-specific tools; items they cannot afford to lose. By utilizing GPS tracking, managers know where their equipment is and with whom. Accounting for equipment in this way means more responsibility amongst employees, reducing the risk of loss. Overall, the GPS feature makes workdays easier. CRM RUNNERlets managers run reports on where, and for how long, something or somebody is. Perhaps employees are spending more time in a geographical area that represents an oversold market; managers can encourage sales to focus on another one, using data – not guesswork. Scheduling is another tool that keeps team members on track as they report their location throughout their shifts. The GPS records can even verify employee submitted expenses relating to parking, tolls, mileage, and fuel. All of these benefits spell out ways for the company to reduce risk and expenses with less effort, and that’s good news!

  16. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Use Data Reports to Motivate Your Employees Some managers swear natural intuition is the driving force behind the success of their business. Vision, experience, a “gut feeling” – they can all be guiding lights, but they can just as much steer a strategy in the wrong direction. When it comes to owners and investors, they look for data-informed decisions as much as they seek sharp instincts. A balance is sought and found in accurate metrics reporting. Reports provide snapshots of the business’s past and present, improving the chances of accurate forecasting. An accurate forecast can give insight to appropriate strategy so that maximum profits can be obtained. Generally, this fact is better followed by those working in finance as financial reports provide tracking of expenses and profits. However, reports based on operations can be equally informative – especially in sales. Customer Resource Management (CRM) technology provides reports of team member activities and team performance. Software like CRM RUNNER makes running such reports a simple process, offering reports that are easy to read. These reports facilitate decision making and planning. Managers can also use these reports to track efforts and motivate, and possibly incentivize, employees. Many business leaders prefer to keep numbers private, but sharing reports may be what the team needs to stay focused on earning potential. Employees are motivated by two factors, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Fundamentally, intrinsic motivation drives our inner forces. It occurs when we succeed for the sake of doing a good job, to be excellent because we desire it. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, provides an external reward for our efforts, like a paycheck, prestige, or recognition. For example, some students work hard for mastery; this is intrinsic motivation. Others work hard for an award or for parental and teacher praise – that’s extrinsic motivation. CRM RUNNER’s report functions provides printouts of the progress made both by the team and by its individual members. An intrinsically motivated group will push to beat past performance because they are competitive against themselves; they crave the satisfaction of “a job well done.” Extrinsically motivated employees will thrive when they know the results carry the weight of some payout on the horizon – a commission, a raise, a promotion, or a prize. Depending on the business culture of the

  17. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com organization, leaders can use the report tools to encourage employees to grow. Leaderboards can be easily updated in real-time, encouraging employees to keep a “always on” mindset as they sell, leading to higher sales. Sales reports can also be used to keep employees accountable. As managers set goals and expectations, employees will know where they stand. If an employee is not up to snuff, managers will be able to put employees back on track or dismiss them using these numbers. Managers will possess the quantitative support necessary to issue personnel decisions from hiring and promotionto layoffs and termination. As opposed to blind faith, data-driven decisions provide a better prediction of what’s to come, increasing the opportunities for growth for the business and its team. CRM RUNNER makes reviewing data a breeze via its report function. In a few clicks, managers have the information needed to motivate employees and make informed business decisions, ranging from financial forecasting to human resources strategy. Motivated employees produce more results. A team that knows thatits results direct the future of its success will work that much harder to ensure the company’s growth. Reduce Your Paperwork Now! Paperwork and fieldworkers can be a dangerous mix. The people you trust with sales are not necessarily the same ones you would hire as administrative assistants; they know salesmanship, not paperwork. To let them do what they do best, managers need to reduce the paperwork that’s taken out on the road or even what is circulating around the office. Team members are constantly dealing with quotes, proposals, invoices, and client follow-up. One lost document could jeopardize an entire sale: What will the client think of a late proposal or missing invoice? This worry is unnecessary considering today’s technological advances. CRM software reduces the need for such paperwork in a digital world. On-the-go devices can use CRM technology, like CRM RUNNER, to generate proposals, invoices, and client follow-up, even out in the field. For the tech-savvy worker, templates save time and provide uniformity as documents go to customers. The technology makes three types of documents easier than ever to generate, store, and send. 1.Proposals After sales team members make contact with clients, clients will need bids, quotations, and

  18. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com proposals. To create a professional appearance, quotations should be prompt and reflect the brand’s voice. Instead of each sales person using his own proposal format, the business can capitalize on the database’s ability to build a proposal using a common template. As clients can change hands through the sales process, this ensures a consistent and organized voice for the company. Likewise, all documents generated through CRM RUNNER will be stored for others to review, cutting down the time rehashing past conversations with the internal team and the client. For fieldworkers, using technology to generate proposals means a faster turnaround from conversation to signature. Perhaps without returning the office, the team member can forward the necessary details to the client so he can make his decision to buy. The proposal arrives electronically, or in print, ready for review. 2.Invoices Once the client accepts a proposal, the business sends the invoice to the customer. Gone are the days of relying on carbon copy receipt books. CRM technology can generate the invoice in a professional format that is easy to track for the sales team and managers. Administration can reference open invoices and share the information the accounting team as well. Those out on the field benefit again from the quick turnaround and the peace of mind that all invoices are monitored and stored within the CRM software. 3.Client follow-up Sales people must maintain contact with their customers to build healthy and profitable relationships. CRM RUNNER reduces the paperwork spent on correspondence with generated messages to customers that follow the intended voice and branding of the organization. Updated quotes, second invoices, upgrade information, and thank you notes are managed through the application. Efficiency and professionalism should be priorities for your sales team. The quick and easy accessto this type of follow-up will help.

  19. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com The field team often works in between realms – the office and the road. Reducing paperwork will help keep all parties more organized and consistent in their daily activities. Support your team by utilizing CRM technology to its fullest by organizing your paperwork, leading to happier customers, more efficient employees, and by effect, increased profitability.

  20. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Don’t Overlook CRM Technology’s Staff Scheduling Capabilities Those considering or already utilizing CRM technology often understand its most commonly referenced benefits. The powerful technology tracks sales progress, offers GPS tracking, opens the lines of communication through VoIP phone and chat integration, and seamlessly maintains invoices. The calendar and task components allow managers and employees to keep days onschedule. Yet, two features often go underutilized: staff schedules and payroll. Staff Schedules Making staff schedules can be burdensome as there are many questions to consider. The good news is that CRM solutions facilitate these considerations with a drag-and-drop interface that makes answering the following questions a lot easier: What is the demand for staff based on current and prospective operations? Perhaps sales are generally made in the morning. Managers need to schedule their staff accordingly, more in the morning, fewer in the afternoon. That is, until the manager determines that an increased afternoon staff may result in additional sales. CRM technology allows managers to consider those metrics and make changes in the staff schedule. What staff is available and when? Managers need to consider staff availability. It does little good to keep staff working hours when they are unavailable. What is the staff talent? You need to schedule staff in the way that makes most sense for your business. Perhaps newbies make sales pitches in the mornings and closers finish deals by the afternoon. Perhaps you as the manager take a late shift; you need to ensure a good leader is on site when you are unable to be in the morning. Who has rights based on personnel policies? Some employees may have earned vacation time or seniority rights; schedules need to be adjusted for that. CRM’s drag-and-drop capability makes those adjustments easier. As holidays and vacations come and go, the same technology makes scheduling easier to coordinate. Payroll

  21. Call Us: 877.590.0040 Address: 5000 SW 52ND STREET, BAY 513, DAVIE, FL, 33314 Website: https://crmrunner.com Apart from employee scheduling, CRM RUNNER can manage payroll functions to verify hours and workloads by operating as your organization’s timeclock. 1.The software manages your employees’ “clock in” and “clock out” times. Managers will be able to supervise employee time by observing who is punctual and who works complete shifts. 2.Once hours are calculated, managers can rely on CRM RUNNER to process time sheets for payroll, creating an efficient start-to-finish process contained in one database. The larger your team grows, the more challenging scheduling becomes. Differences in shift needs and staff availability can turn staff scheduling into a nightmare. Using CRM solutions like CRM RUNNER gives managers a break by allowing them to organize shifts and place staff into the schedule using drag-and- drop features. One click updates schedule in a way that is easy for managers to visualize, saving time and frustration. Once schedules are confirmed via the software’s timeclock, payroll can be quickly and effortlessly expedited. CRM technology is powerful, and offers many exciting features, so don’t miss out on these capabilities!

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